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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. Starting out, the guitar sounded pretty rough and exposed, and the balance seems meh; there's a lack of clarity with the parts. Once it picks up at 1:22, the guitar sounds a bit meatier. Not by much, but better. Doubling it at 1:33 wasn't a bad idea. 2:08, what was going on? The soundscape became too cluttered; it didn't sound like it was clipping, but almost sounded compressed or hard limited, it was strange. The string sequencing was enough behind the beat at 2:27 that it stuck out as awkward; not the most realistic articulations either. The strings were also serving as the main melody when in play and shouldn't have been buried behind the rock elements At 3:30, the already cramped soundscape sounded too compressed and cluttered again. For example, when the strings returned at 3:39, you could BARELY hear them. Everything was just smooshed together. 4:01 with the machine-gun style stuff sounded brutally mixed. Arrangement-wise, I'm generally feeling it, because it has some good energy and it's definitely a fleshed-out, personalized take on the source tune. But the production's another thing. As I said in #judges while listening, "still have a minute left, so something else could go wrong." It did. I was definitely feeling the dropoff though at 4:25, but the poorly processed 8-bit sounds and AWFUL exposed snare drum brought in at 4:49 completely ruined that. When the last two thoughts about the finish were "Why'd he have to do that?" and "What a silly way to end it," it just doesn't look optimistic. The soundscape needs to be cleaned up and properly balanced, and the final section needs to be fleshed out. I see how it's going for mimimalism, but the drum shots were too exposed, sounded stapled on top of the soundscape and weren't the right tone/sound to work with the 8-bit stuff. If you can clean all that stuff up to some extent, and fix the timing & articulation issues with the strings, this would be clicking much better. This doesn't need EVERY issue to be fixed to have a chance, but I think this still needs some more polishing to fully realize the potential of the arrangement. Fixing at least some of those issues would help that along. Good luck on this, Michael, I hope we hear more from you whether or not this sub makes it. NO (resubmit)
  2. Dave still hasn't fixed the artist links there yet either. Will nag him some more. Hopefully it's nothing complicated.
  3. Anyone dissing the McRib can suck it! "It" being the delicious BBQ sauce lathered on the even more delicious McRib. Kidd Cabbage is a hero among men for being smart like me and realizing the hallowed greatness that is the McRib! Jon is also considering changing his ReMixer name to Kidd McRibb! DO IT! (OK, don't do it.) McRIB!
  4. For the visual artists here, cool opportunity to win the game. UDON frequently makes art books including top fan art, so it's a good potential opportunity there as well. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.capcom-unity.com/jaycbaby/blog/2010/11/04/marvel_vs_capcom_3_fan-art_contest:_paint_with_greatness! Calling all artists and fans! Capcom is giving you the opportunity to illustrate your own vision of Marvel vs. Capcom 3 to millions of fans! Today, we're officially launching the 2010 Marvel vs Capcom 3 Fan-Art Contest: Paint with Greatness! Come tell everyone a story using nothing but your imagination and art style. How do you intepret Marvel vs Capcom 3, with the greatest cast of celebrated super-heroes, legendary characters, and epic super-villians ever assembled- completely at your disposal? Do you choose to open the floodgates to a colossal free-for-all battle? Or do you focus on a deeper story between a few characters? Do you choose to pit classic blockbuster heroes such as Spider-Man and Ryu against each other? Or do they fight side-by-side against the evil Dr. Doom and Albert Wesker? The scenarios are limited by only your imagination. So draw to represent the community. Illustrate an epic battle. Paint with Greatness. The best four pieces of artwork will be selected to be showcased in the official Marvel vs Capcom 3 campaign. The four artists will also walk away with a copy of Marvel vs Capcom 3 on launch day. One grand-prize winner will be selected to recieve a Marvel vs Capcom Fightstick, along with the game! Requirements for submitting an entry: -Art must be 11” x 17” at 300DPI -Must contain equal number of Marvel and Capcom charactersContain at least 6 total characters and they must be in their standard costumes as depicted at the official Marvel vs Capcom 3 website: marvelvscapcom3.com/us/characters. -Entries must be sent in JPG or PSD format. -Low-res version must not be over 10 MB -Must be your own original work and cannot have been selected as a winner in any other contest -To submit, send a low-res version of your entry to "jgonzo" on Capcom-Unity via private message with the subject MARVEL VS CAPCOM 3 ART CONTEST.” -For Europe residents, please visit the Capcom Europe blog to submit your entry. -Entries accepted until November 22, 2010 11:59pm PST Click here for the entire set of contest rules.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5SNOAcD3ak (for anyone that somehow hasn't seen this one yet)
  6. You haters all have weak constitutions. McRIB!
  7. Noting that I also need spoken word lyrics for http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR00719/
  8. Part 7 of the submission agreement applies only to submitting artists doing other distribution or licensing. Section B of terms of use applies those who are not the submitting artist that want to use the music for other purposes.
  9. The story of K.B.'s life is not noticing my hard work.
  10. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/11/02/mcdonalds-mcrib-sandwich_n_777786.html http://www.kleincast.com/maps/mcrib.php Hooray! It's back for another 6 weeks. Damn straight. It's also the return of my favorite OCR thread title ever. Gonna go buy one after work & after voting (for LIBS). I'm sold, son. McRIB!
  11. Done. Not a big deal. In the case of both, the site will update in a few hours. On the database side, it's fixed.
  12. ReMix with this title, do want. Game doesn't matter as long as it has at least 1 of the 3.
  13. Just clarifying that I'm listening to the latest version. The guitar synth isn't a terrible one. Obviously, we've heard Mazedude use it to great effect. But I agreed it wasn't used well enough here; it really needed more body to it, it was too loud compared to the other quiet instrumentation, and the articulations sounded awkward. Again, no hate on the sound itself, but I've heard that instrument used well, so I know it can sound much better. 1:49-2:24 sounded dissonant and didn't sound cohesive. The low pad was off-key and threw everything off. Otherwise, I thought the orchestration and other subtle instrumentation was generally well handled. With the electronic/synthy stuff, there ended up being a huge quality disparity. The other NOs were right in where this needs to be tightened up, with your weakest sounds less exposed, and better dynamic contrast through proper production, EQing & balance. Don't get discouraged though. You definitely have the potential to get something passed at this rate, so keep at it. NO (resubmit)
  14. I'm not super hot on the overall textures. I thought the breakbeats were pretty basic and repetitive. The beats of the intro were repetitive, but at least there were different filter and effects changes to try to morph the sound a bit. The worse offender was the beatwork at 1:28, which sounded pasted underneath the track and generally bland. The more progressive stutters & breaks (e.g. 2:10-2:13) added a bit of spice to the beats. That kind of crazy stuff should have been used more without going overboard. If there was a way to tweak the mixing so the beats didn't sound so separate in the soundscape from everything else, they wouldn't have seemed so out of place. The voice also brought in at 1:28 was just kind of...there. I realize it was a stylistic choice to place it off-beat, but it was another element that just seemed awkwardly placed. That said, was an element that helped fill out the texture a bit. Not sure what the complaints about arrangement & source usage are. The main bell motif was there throughout almost the first 90 seconds, the verses sprinkled the chorus melody there, and the sax used the chorus as well. The most conservative source usage I can break down is: :00-1:26, 1:30-1:33, 1:35-1:38, 1:41-1:44, 1:46-1:49, 1:52-1:55, 1:58-2:01, 2:03-2:06, 2:09-2:12, 2:14-2:23, 2:26-2:30, 2:38-2:52, 2:57-3:41 That's 181 seconds or 69.62%. It's not "close to 50%," it's significantly over 50%. It used the source material in a pretty straightforward, overt way basically until 3:41. Even factoring in concerns about placement and prominence, I don't see how this doesn't pass that sniff test. Pretty competent, even if it wasn't my cup of tea. I thought there was potential here that wasn't fully unlocked, but what was in place gets by. It was more a matter of the beats being bland and the elements not fully locking together that made this a touch sell, not the arrangement concepts. YES (borderline)
  15. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=2360 http://ocremix.org/info/Frequently_Asked_Questions#Why_aren.27t_the_ReMixes_ranked_by_popularity_or_numerical_ratings.3F Whatever you like best, post in each song's review thread and give some props there. But we don't aggregate favorites or do favorites/list discussions, sorry.
  16. Since the time I took over tagging the mixes, which I THINK was around #1800 or so, the full submission comments have been included in the comments tag of the MP3, which you've obviously never looked at. Ever. When we eventually re-release the mixes with better tags, everything I could find submissions comments for are included in the comments field, so at least a few older tracks will have that information.
  17. I wouldn't say "they" with a broad brushstroke, but some people there did, yeah.
  18. Happy Belated! Keep ticklin' those ivories & sinewaves.
  19. No, that wasn't it, though you could say the same thing. To me, that was basically a fun joke track and didn't affect the decision.
  20. It wasn't consistently high quality. Besides the 3 completed tracks subbed to OCR (yours, Shariq's, Rozo's), the other tracks generally were rough WIPs that weren't fleshed out or polished. I also recall 1 track being too liberal.
  21. http://soundcloud.com/groups/ocremix - We have an official group. You might as well bahleet your group, since it's not official.
  22. http://www.sonicstadium.org/news/2010/10/sega-removing-poor-and-average-sonic-titles-from-retail/ I have to say, this was an interesting announcement. Any thoughts on what should stay on store shelves?
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