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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. The game attribution for a ReMix is based on the specific game the source track is from, not where the original version of the song was first used. The version of MotC this mix was based on was the "A-spec mix" version, per checking with Stevo. Another example was http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01036/ - it was specifically based on the Super Turbo version of Boxer's theme, not the World Warrior version.
  2. No, that would be wrong. http://www.google.com/search?&ie=UTF-8&q="Into+the+Golden+Sunset"+Zelda The official soundtrack for A Link to the Past is here http://vgmdb.net/album/885 - Susie's arrangement arranges the staff roll portion of "Ending". It's a conservative but interpretive & personalized arrangement for piano. Susie included a MIDI on her site, and 3 others have performed covers of her arrangement, thus why you can find other YouTube performances of "Into the Golden Sun."
  3. Well, the rumor mill on another popular VGM account is apparently that Go Ichinose issued takedowns for the Pokémon Black/White music. No idea how valid that is, including if SilvaGunner had posted that music, but AFAIK it wasn't a takedown issued by Nintendo. Again, speculation at this point.
  4. Since I started this first response and threadsplit, I wanna clarify that we can argue about rap itself forever. We're a music community, so that's fine. Aaron or anyone else can say that, and he shouldn't be encouraged NOT to say that. It's personally needling Joe Cam and the Crackaz at every turn that's not cool. I remember years ago the diss track "<3 Jesus" I played on VG Frequency, so their fighting actually goes way back. But Aaron, you still can't come here and keep jabbing Joe Cam when the discussion somehow involves rap. He obviously couldn't do the same to you. I also don't mind about the review thread being clogged up with non-sequitur discussion on the current state of rap; that's why the mods can split threads, it took me a couple seconds to do and move over to Community discussion where it belongs, and it's not a big deal. He's saying Joe Cam should take a cue from the clean lyrics of the MM4 mix.
  5. I e-<3 u for these lyrics. Thanks!
  6. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=716666&postcount=35
  7. I don't actually care why you don't like Joe Cam or his music, because it doesn't matter what the reason is for you trolling Joe Cam. Stop bringing up Joe Cam in every thread tangentially related to rap music. If you did a Christian rap to a Kirby beat about life's preciousness and spirituality, and someone complained it was too squeaky clean & syrupy, and constantly trolled YOU about not representing rap the proper way, the response would be the same. You can't do that here. Artistic expression is valued here. It's one thing to say you prefer clean/classic rap to gangsta/vulgar rap. It's another to then ALWAYS BRING UP JOE CAM and proceed to remind everyone that you don't like his music and that if he just listened to YOU on what kind of music he should make, then he would be much better and you would be much happier. If you can't show up in a rap thread and just say your piece without prodding Joe Cam, then just don't say anything.
  8. This whole discussion is based on the assumption that a game company or several game companies issued the YouTube copyright takedowns. That would be fine to argue about, except that's not what happened, as I pointed out earlier. It's a moot point. FYI: Game companies did not issue the copyright takedowns that got SilvaGunner's channel YouTube suspended.
  9. You're not gonna get banned, but you really need to just leave it be re: Joe Cam and vulgar rappers who cuss. You don't like it. We get it. People will still cuss and be vulgar. You'll be alright.
  10. No, that's not him. That channel's by some weirdo. His alternate channel is http://youtube.com/SilvaGunner2 and he won't be uploading content to it. Just to clarify, SilvaGunner never made money from the videos or had partner status. He got 1 strike from Viacom having a Team America clip, which he had uploaded back before he dedicated his channel to VGM. The 2nd came from the Record Industry Association of Japan for "Hikari" from Kingdom Hearts. Don't know what the 3rd strike was for yet. AFAIK, game companies weren't responsible for the takedown.
  11. Hahaha, I'm very glad we didn't keep it, but I loved that song too. That's why I'm OCR's bad cop. But there was one fan, man, he pleaded and pleaded with us in the "Ocarina Boogie" review thread to keep it, and I just wasn't having it. Obvious removal candidate is obvious.
  12. Just wanted to quickly co-sign on this great mix. This had cool, fun lyrics, but what really grabbed me (and will catch the ear of a lot of others), was the beat that immediately opened things up. You're mileage on the repetitiveness of the chorus may vary, but the different drop-ins right before "get a weapon weapon" and behind "ride so high" threw in some variation to not let things get stale. I always love hearing the latest mix that sounds nothing like any other mix. Awesome stuff, and hopefully not the last submission we hear from Sean & Dave. YES
  13. As long as the tags aren't altered, and the proper credit is there (which is the case here), we WANT OC ReMixes to be redistributed. We encourage it. That said, I can't wait until we re-release the individual mixes. The updated tags are so much better!
  14. MOAR Lossless OC ReMixes, plz. Lemme know if you gotz 'em, artists!
  15. At this stage, I'm all good, but will definitely post if anything comes up.
  16. djp has a lot on his plate. When he thinks it's a good time for it and has time for it, we'll get it done. We want to make sure to do it right.
  17. Agreed with Vinnie that it's case-by-case, but re: Haunted Hell, removing that mix had less to do with the outside sampling, and more to do with using the original game audio, as opposed to re-arranging it. The Fight Club music sampling didn't help either. Basically direct audio sampling of any kind needs to be sparing, but SFX and spoken word stuff is generally fine. When direct audio sampling of VGM or outside music becomes a foundation of the track, then it becomes problematic.
  18. Got fixed soon after you posted, so I appreciate the lookout!
  19. We have general album art by djpretzel, but it's still not 100% final, so I won't be giving it out. But eventually, it'll be out there.
  20. I probably just transcribed it incorrectly. That fix will be live relatively soon. I'll catch up on older posts this weekend as well. So I've bothered Starla like 4 times about lyrics for "8-bit Eighties", and she LOL'ed it off saying there were only like 2 lines. But there are SO MUCH MORE LINEZ, DON"T LIE, GIRL! So we're going to either decipher her lyrics OR pester her into providing the actual lyrics! First stab with bootleg complementary airline headphones while juggling work! M-M-M-Mario He's the man Ooh, ooh Baby, touch and go [?] Go, Mario Ooh, ooh [?] Who you are [?] I love my mario He's such a good guy Mario! He's a sweetie too He's such a ? ? Mario... Will you marry me? Ohh, hey Mario, you're so fine You're so fine you blow my mind Hey, Mario Yeah yeah, hey, Mario M-M-M-Mario He's the man Ooh, ooh Baby, touch and go [?] Go, Mario Ooh, ooh [?] Who you are [?] So, Mario He's a ladies' man And a great dancer With a moustache Ohhh, Mario You're so cool So-so-so-so righteous He doesn't even break a sweat
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