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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. The original song was 19 seconds, so I don't have an issue with a 2:13-long mix as long as the development is there, which it obviously was. There were lots of good arrangement variations in there, including the section at :55. 1:36-on was unrelated wank though. The mixing was a little rougher than I remembered it being, but not a big deal. Why it was a dealbreaker for Vinnie, I'm not getting, even if wasn't ideal. The overall execution was on point and the production didn't push this toward being a close call at all. OK, so it's a joke mix, so what? It does that while also satisfying everything else we're looking for. That ain't a problem, Grandpa Viggie. Go listen to your quiet, humorless music with no Lil' Wolfie and drink your Ensure. The rest of us say \m/. YES
  2. Hello my name is Aaron Moody this is my (second) submission kinda got lazy so i just took the old email tweeked it so it fits this song: Remixer name: Moody ca Jones Real name: Aaron Moody email adress: aaronnmmoody@yahoo.com website(this is my myspace if you guys don't put like putting myspaces up please email me back ill try and make my own page): http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=58238970 Forum name: Moody ca Jones About the song Song name: Sed Rock Kingdom Hearts: Dearly Beloved Chrono Trigger: Leaving the Body, Time's Scar Zelda: Main theme(dont know the name of the song) Talk about the song: Second shot, Sometime ago i sent in a song from a school project this is that song ( i think) i just took some of the same games and fashioned them into a new style of song but instead of use'n a schools equipment i used my own hope you like it Ps. kidna hammerd right now -------------------------------------------------------------- Interesting stuff, though the sequenced electric guitar at :29 sounded pretty rough, which dragged this down. The Kingdom Hearts and Zelda and "Time's Scar" usage sounded pretty obvious while "Leaving the Body" was harder for me to make out. It's not as catchy a theme to me. I like the overall concept, and the arrangement was built out in a way where the transitions were decent. Definitely unorthodox dynamics and textures (with some goofy SFX usage here and there [e.g. Mario power-up, SEGA, PlayStation]). Others may not be down, because some of the SFX is gimmicky and arguably breaks the flow of the track, but they serve as transition signals. I can basically look past that and don't think that needs to be a big issue. After several listens just to make sure it wasn't a kneejerk reaction, I'd like to get behind this, but there's something about the way the various parts constantly interplay at nearly the same volume that makes the track come off as having too little cohesion and direction. Maybe all this needs is a better sense of space with some elements being decreased in volume so the track doesn't seem so cluttered and difficult to focus on. I could be wrong, so I'm willing to take more looks at this, but that issue seemed to be the main one holding this back to me. On the mixing side, seems like some levels would just need to be tweaked, but I have a feeling other Js may feel there are other issues. This was quirky and creative though, so I'd like to see it posted in some form. See if you can tweak some things Aaron, for a more streamlined track. You wouldn't have to drop/change parts, IMO, but once the song hit 1:01, things got very busy at the expense of sounding fully focused. NO (resubmit)
  3. Final Fantasy X OST - Hurry! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6KrLQKMMESE Someone prove him wrong. If someone makes a passable mix of this, I will fast track it.
  4. The levels were way too quiet once the track kicked in and the textures were flimsy. The drums were basically the only thing filling out the back, so the track sounded empty. Unfortunately, the bridge at :36 was clearly dissonant, and the saw lead at 1:28 was extremely generic. After the breakdown around 3 1/2 minutes in, the textures were better with the jazzier instrumentation paired with the synths. Good cymbal writing brought better energy to the piece and filled things out nicely. Going back to the empty drums and older ideas around 4:22 just went back to the issues from earlier on in the track. Like Deia mentioned, the melodic interpretation was low, so do more to personalize that aspect of the arrangement. That said, you did at least present some ideas with the supporting writing to help it sound different. This would need a lot of work all around to get it to something passable, but definitely see what you can learn via our ReMixing and WIP forums. Keep at it, Casey, you have potential. NO
  5. Wanted to co-sign on this before it got posted. Also, points for the remix's intro and outro which referenced the ambient intro of the source. Not everyone will be able to make out that connection. As for the meat of the arrangement, it was great stuff, and a great example of using using relatively sparse sounds, but producing it to have a very full sound. Nice groove, and nice dynamics. I enjoyed listening to it in the car, it's pretty good driving music. While this was relatively conservative, there was definitely meaningful interpretation beyond the genre adaptation. Props for taking this theme and skillfully adapting it to an electronic sound, Mike, this is a strong debut. Keep 'em coming! YES
  6. Hate to copy that verbatim, but OA summarized it well. Like Vinnie also said, this is an interesting arrangement, but, as OA said, the sequencing is brutal and your sound balance makes zero sense. Your supporting drumwork is nearly buried, and the overall levels are too quiet. Yet the bass is super phat. You drastically need to address those issues just to make this properly listenable. On the plus side, your arrangement was interesting, so you seem to have that part clicking pretty well. Now you need to get the production and execution up to snuff to better realize the potential of your arrangement ideas. Keep at it, Asa. NO
  7. The arrangement was pretty conservative for the first few verses. Any melodic variation in the first few verses would really help this out. That said, it was expansive, so it generally gets the job done. The generic sounding synths at :53, 1:19 and 2:29 dragged this down as far as the sound quality. Those were really thin, dry, exposed, vanilla leads. Just changing those to something more polished sounding would really take this to the next level. 2:36-2:48 sounded pretty messy as well, with a slightly off beat and mostly dry sounds. Then ending was too abrupt and should have gone for maybe 2 more bars, or at least have something where the ending doesn't feel like a WIP suddenly stopped. I didn't mind the dynamic curve. Vinnie mentioned that the elements subtly changed throughout, which I also noticed, so I was cool with that. Really, I think you just need to polish up some of these sounds, follow the production crits of the other Js and get a solid ending in place to get this above the bar. Good stuff so far, John. Don't call this one a done deal, we're digging it so far. NO (resubmit)
  8. Yeah, the intro was awful in terms of the rigid sequencing. Beyond the genre adaptation, the arrangement was indeed pretty conservative, but the soloing over the theme was pretty cool. The drums also sounded too soft with a weak tone and not enough snap on 'em. This sounds like something a young Sixto could have put together. The mixing could be cleaned up a bit, and you need to get more interpretive with the melodic arrangement, but this is on track to be something really cool. Keep working on it, and definitely try to resub this after some improvements. We could use more Hang On! NO (resubmit)
  9. You said it was cool for me to PM this to you so here goes: Still sequenced Protodome deserves credit for helping me with velocity and slight timing changes for humanisation. I then took the midi off him, messed with getting a good piano sound, messed with tempo changes to try and make it less mechanical and remastered the track. And there you have it. Enjoy. ------------------------------------------------------------- http://ocremix.org/chip/2473 - Ending Theme http://ocremix.org/chip/2387 - Angel Island Zone: Act 1 Not gonna bother saying much, as this was definitely a significant improvement. There were parts that sounded a bit rigidly sequenced, but the overall flow was much smoother and more human. Nice assist from Blake to help Will get this where it needed to be. This is so much more in line with realizing the potential of this arrangement. YES
  10. Remixer Name: cK Name: Calvin Lieu Id: 31173 Game: Kingdom Hearts Song: Dearly Beloved Song is created with FL studios. My goal was to keep the relaxed feeling of the original and eventually build it into a more up tempo beat. I wanted to keep the melody true to the original song but also incorporate some originality. My favorite part of the song begins at 3:10 where it starts building up to the climax. -------------------------------------------------------------- Kingdom Hearts - "Dearly Beloved" Doesn't sound bad. The sequencing and (to a lesser extent) tone of the piano sounded mechanical, but the effects gave a lot more body to the sound. The gated saw first brought in at 1:22 sounded extremely dry and was generically written. The synth work around 1:51 was also very dry not a comfortable pairing with the piano. From 2:18-2:44, the original piano writing ornamenting the source melody wasn't a bad concept, but had an awkward lack of flow and synergy with the source melody. Better stuff at 3:12 when you went into some liberal variation on the source tune theme over the source's chords. Basically after that, it was a lot of the same ideas and textures changing around a bit. Not a bad concept. The original piano writing could use some tightening up, the synth work needs a lot more creative effects and processing for a sound that's less generic and more complementary to the rest of the track. Also, see what you can do to give some more meat to the drum beats in the background, which sounded pretty flimsy. The arrangement wasn't the most melodically interpretive, but did do enough overall to stand apart from the original, IMO. As long as you improve the sonic execution here and iron out some of the additive writing so it's a more comfortable fit, you could have a legit chance of getting something passed. Good start on this, Calvin, keep it up! NO (resubmit)
  11. Your ReMixer name: DJ Unkn0wn3 Your real name: JC Your website: None Your userid: 31092 Name of game(s) arranged: Parasite Eve Original Song Name: Consensus Remix Name: Mitochondrial Conspiracy Mitochondrial Conspiracy is a remix of the song Consensus found on Disc 2 of the Square game Parasite Eve, Written by Yoko Shimomura. I have taken general feel of the song and slowed it down, replaced the upbeat sounds with a low bass-line, trance style synths and a more heavy beat. The remix works because the sounds interact well, the trance synth lines cut through the bass-line and piano perks add depth. Sounds fab on a sub woofer Notes: Original and remix are attatchments. Thanks very much DJ Unkn0wn3 -------------------------------------------------------------- Before I even get into the rest of the vote, keep in mind, your levels were way too quiet. Boost 'em up. Paneled it because we don't get enough Parasite Eve, and this is a decent minimalist take. If there was more melodic interpretation here, and more creativity with the synth design and effects, this would have a better shot. As is, the arrangement was pretty straightforward. Beyond the fairly straightforward melody and all the parts using gating-style effects, there wasn't much else. You have a decent groove going, now expand the arrangement. You don't need to abandon the minimalist textures, but gimme more creativity, personalization and substance. NO
  12. * ReMixer name : G. M. Vinster * Real name : Galvin Martin Patrick * Email address : gmvinster@live.com * Your website : Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=home#/gmvinster?ref=profile * Your userid : 30775 Submission Information (refer attachment) * Name of game arranged : Silent Hill * Name of individual song arranged : Silent Hill (Crazy Nurse Remix) * composer : Akira Yamaoka * system : Sony Playstation * Publisher : Konami * Year : 1999 * Download link to song : Comments about the mix I was wondering if there would be a dance team from Silent Hill: The Nurses of Alchemilla Hospital!!! I remixed and rearranged the Silent Hill Original Theme to a modern day pop dance song. I wish somebody would like to create a CGI video of the nurses dance into this particular remix, inspired by Michael Jackson's Thriller video. Therefore, the music was composed/rearranged just to fit into today's pop music genre which is more to electronic dance. Silent Hill is one my all time favorite! I will try and do another remix, perhaps from Silent Hill 2... coming soon. G. M. Vinster P.S. This is my first remix. Do send comments regarding the remix if my remix is not selected. Thank You. -------------------------------------------------------------- Silent Hill Original Soundtracks - "Silent Hill" Interesting take. The drum machine hits were a little weak sounding, as well as the synth lead. Texturally, there were interesting things going on, even if the end result was generally too sparse sounding, IMO. Strange changeup at 2:37. What part of the theme (or other theme) is that at 2:53, guys? Sounds more like the Morrowind theme than anything I heard in the source, but it's a harder one for me to make out. That section definitely dragged out until 4:06; the minor mutations happening with the supporting instrumentation weren't enough to keep things interesting, and I wouldn't have gone back to that for the ending. Develop the second half more, and flesh out the textures, and this would have a better shot. Solid start so far, Galvin! NO (resubmit)
  13. Submission Title: INVASION! General Info: Remixer Name: Beckett007 Real Name: Rich Douglas Website: http://www.richdouglas.net USERID: 7038 Submission Info: Game: Rush N' Attack Original Composer(s): Hevimeta Satoe, Iku Mizutani, Masanori Adachi, Shinya Sakamoto Systems: NES Song Arranged / Remixed: Intro and Level 1 Link to Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8Qb1ErRZRQ Additional Info: Like all of my other mixes, this one is done in an orchestral / cinematic style and would be very fitting for a Rush N' Attack film. I was honestly very suprised to see that there's only ONE remix done for this game... the themes are insanely catchy and really truly lend themselves to an epic vibe... as you'll hear. This piece is basically a very straight forward reversion / remix of two of the themes heard in the NES classic... reorchestrated, and slightly re-arranged to make it fit OCR standards. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Loving it in principle. The arrangement is expansionist and strong overall. But at :57-1:11, the supporting strings sounded off-key with the lead instrumentation. And again and again ang again from 1:25-1:32, 1:40-1:54, 2:08-2:16 & 2:23-2:37. I'd much rather be DPing this, but that supporting string writing definitely gives me pause. Am I the only one that thinks the writing there sounds completely jacked up? Sorry, Rich. If the other Js & djp have no issue, I'll leave it alone, but I can't sign off on it as is. If the supporting strings were tweaked to have synergy with the rest of the track, I'd be down. As is, they sound off-key and cut-and-pasted, constantly breaking the flow of the song. NO (refine/resubmit)
  14. Song name: Sunlit Library ReMixer name: Lastair Forums ID: 892 Game: 東方紅魔郷 (aka "Touhou Koumakyou", aka "Embodiment of Scarlet Devil") Another game in the doujin shmup Touhou series along with Perfect Cherry Blossom, which seems to be the only one with a remix up so far. Original song: ラクトガール ~ 少女密室 (aka "Locked Girl ~ Girl's Secret Room") Theme song for Patchouli Knowledge, the 4th level boss in the game. I can't find the whole soundtrack to link to, but here's the original song on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4Q5Oq-cBn4 Additional information can be found on the Touhou wiki. http://touhou.wikia.com/wiki/Embodiment_of_Scarlet_Devil http://touhou.wikia.com/wiki/Patchouli_Knowledge Comments: I really enjoy doing these minor-to-major and dramatic-to-silly switches and vice versa. Here I aimed for a stylistic subversion of Patchouli's brooding, anemic and hermit-like character - turning the song upbeat and simple to the point of heartwarming naivete. Recorders have a reputation of being children's instruments, and here I purposefully emphasize that aspect. To me being slightly out of tune is part of the charm!
  15. Jesse's post was worth it just to see him use a .
  16. Hi, My name's Al. I'm an OCRemix noobie. This is my first ever submission to OCR. Contact Info Artist Name: Ardent Al Real Name: Al Swettenham Email: alswettenham@hotmail.co.uk User ID: 31026 Website: I don't really have a website as such but you can check out my music on Facebook Submission Info Name of game: Super Mario World Name of original song: Castle BGM Remix Title: Bowser Prevails The style of this remix was heavily influenced by the Justice but also by Wendy Carlos and 70s prog rock keyboard parts. It was made using Ableton Live and Reason. -------------------------------------------------------------- This was a pretty cool expansionist take on the original, but the overall structure was too close to the original, including many sounds from the original. But let's be clear, the sound upgrade and overall genre adaptation is hot. I'm definitely gonna be playing this one in my car, and I love listening to it. But structurally it's just not an interpretive enough treatment by a long shot. If you could add more melodic, rhythmic and/or structural interpretation here, something to not treat the theme in such a straightforward manner, this would be an easy pass for me. If you want to keep it as is, that's cool. I'm definitely not implying it's a bad piece of music. This is good music, it just, IMO, falls outside the level of interpretation we're looking for. Cool sound, Al. Keep at it, and I hope we hear more from you! NO (resubmit)
  17. "Disturbance" * BlackPanther * Rashad Hill * rashad_hill@yahoo.com * http://www.myspace.com/dablackpantha * 17238 * Final Fantasy VII * Cosmo Canyon * * When I decided to remix this song, I wanted to go for a calm, relaxing feel that had some business added along with it which I think I did a good job of. Actually I started on this song back in 07 sometime in April, waaayyy before my Goldeneye remix so I'm sure you can only imagine what it sounded like back then. Got some good help during that time which was when Brian started to help me out a whole lot and he told me I should put this song away and come back to it when I've learned some more about music production. So here you go with a polished version of what I thought was one of the best tunes from the VII game, hope you all enjoy. -------------------------------------------------------------- The opening strings were too muddy, but not awful. Beat came in at :32 arranging the source tune. Some of the melodic string writing didn't quite sound right; same at 2:15 with the woodwind writing. Changed up into the source melody with more driving beats at :58, even though the main drum pattern there sounded too flimsy. Luckily the kit changed at 1:25 to some synth wank on top of the source tune's countermelody/foundation. Back to the weak drums at 2:27, then some other synth wank paired with the strings that didn't have much flow to it. I would have definitely pulled back on the synth wank. There was no synergy there, IMO, and the synth wank didn't click with the rest of the instrumentation. Along with the very awkward resolution at 3:45, this track just lacked the proper polish. Tighten up the execution of these ideas Rashad, and you'd have a winner. The arrangement concept is decent, and definitely interpretive in the right way, but there's too many sounds that don't gel together correctly. Tweak the sections with the weak drums with stronger percussion, make sure the there are fewer odd notes, and tweak the synth writing & positioning. It's a strong candidate for a resub though. NO (resubmit)
  18. Original Decision: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=25690 Remixer names: GSlicer and The Scarborough Joker (collab) Remix Title: Water Warped GSlicer Forum User ID: 6482 Name of the Game: Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble! Song Remixed: Water World Now with 10% more source! From the intro, we can hear the main melody in the background. At :22, we get some ascending synth, taken from a bit in the source (:06). At :29, we get the first real lead, playing variations on the main motif. When it's played here, it has a quite different timing to when it's played elsewhere in the track. At :59, we hear another synth part, this being based on a riff that plays through the source. This starts at :31 in the original. At 1:09, no explanation needed. 1:29, we hear the first lead again, playing mostly the same melody as at 1:09, but with a different second half. At 2:11, we hear the same synth part as at :22. 2:28, no explanation need again. Enjoy! ---------------------------------------
  19. A couple years late, but it'll do. Caked!
  20. Hahaha, I can definitely attest to Gray not being an alter ego for another judge or staffer. The conspiracy isn't THAT sexy. If he were reading this, he'd probably be amused.
  21. Just letting y'all know I can definitely upload the best videos to the OCR YouTube channel (with proper credits, of course), so keep me in the loop once these videos are out after the 7th.
  22. What are you talking about, I never did that. A long time ago, someone probably asked me how long I imagined I'd stay on the panel. Back then, judges never stayed that long. But I've never actually had a countdown to when I'd leave. Now you have a lot of oldbies like Vigilante, DarkeSword and myself.
  23. YouTube announcement! The lucky winner: Joachim "Torzelan" Sandberg (of Sweden)! http://youtube.com/Torzelan GOLD Ski Free Sonic performs a spectacular spin attack in mid-air, cutting the snowboard in half - turning it into a pair of skis! SILVER Nukem Forever Sonic sits around at the bottom of the slope telling everybody how awesome this trick is going to be when he finally does it Overclocholy Since there are so many OVERclocked Remixes that take an OVERly melancholic RPG ballad and make it even sadder, this trick way, way, OVERdoes the "Melancholy" snowboard trick. A woman hums in the distance. Dead leaves are falling off the trees. You throw away your sword and grab your board to bring its nose forward and up. The video game decals you then see on the front of your board remind you of all your past adventures, and you have a memory flashback that relives all those emo endings. Since you're a macho snowboarder now with no feelings, you yearn to cry for those days gone by but can't. Then the board comes back down and you regain your self control, boarding into the orange sunset like an unsung hero. It then snows. Brothers from Different Mothers In mid air Knuckles drops his board and is caught in mid air by Tails (ala Sonic 2) who perform a series or aerial tricks (spins and flips). A successful landing means Tails drops Knuckles on his board, a bad landing means the two miss the board and wipe out in the snow. With a Side of Wing Cap Mario is on his board, and as he is gaining speed, he does a triple jump. As he reaches the top of his 3rd jump, he does a few front flips while he puts on his special wing cap (as seen in Super Mario 64). He holds on to his board as he flies and continues to complete flips and 360's. He then makes a solid landing with his board as the wing cap power wears off. Have-A-Rotten-Day 360 Wario does a 360 rotation while letting out a loud, stinking fart that will make anyone in his vincinity dizzy. BRONZE Cleveland Rock Sonic attempts a front flip but fails miserably and crashes on his face. Other characters point and laugh, at which point sonic grumbles and complains while walking off into the distance, with people pointing and laughing at him the whole way. The Egg-Whip If alongside another competitor whilst in mid air, Dr. Eggman steals his opponent's board and turns his now pair of boards into skis. MARIO Disruptor! Mario does a huge arching backflip, kicking the snowboard out from underneath and sending it flying like a boomerang toward nearby rivals and knocking them over or interrupting their trick midair! After striking its target, the snowboard returns to Mario's feet right as he completes the high arching backflip. Make sure you have enough air to perform this trick though! If you land without a board on your feet, Mario will crash for sure! It's a risky trick, but the reward is great! Propeller Suit Propeller The board appears to spin wildly out of control from underneath Mario, as he begins to imitate jumping from platform to platform in mid-air. Each time he "lands" a jump, the board happens to be in a position underneath his feet. In the final jump, rather than the board position itself underneath Mario, it appears to land on his head. It acts as the Propeller Suit from New Super Mario Brothers, pulling Mario to an incredible height then spinning back underneath his feet to allow the player to take advantage of this massive air. Retro-Mayhem The trick starts out when you reach a certain speed and height, then launch the trick in mid-air. A hole will be made where you fall, when you land you will be in an 8-bit retro version of the slope, along with 8-bit versions of all the other players. You will be the only one that is not retro, allowing you to move faster due to their frame-rate. xD OC ReMix music will play also while you are there, music depending on the character. You will then warp out of the hole and keep sledding on, but in the lead! This trick only last for around 5 seconds, but is a really cool thing to see. Solar Flare The trick starts off with Sonic hitting a jump and getting some intense air time. He then starts to do his Dash Spin and gains momentum. He starts spinning so fast that he creates his own little gravitational orbit and his board starts spinning around him. Then the camera pans to the ground where Mario and Luigi are waiting for the right time. They start throwing fireballs at Sonic when they see the board orbiting. The Fireballs get caught in the force and start to form together, creating a fire shield that engulfs the board. Sonic then slows his spin and hooks back into the now flaming board while pulling of a 1080 Tail grab. When he lands, the snow puts out the fire as Tails flies by and gives Sonic a high five. The Koopa Karry Bowser gets his minions to carry the snowboard for him while he relaxes. The No Vote Hit a tree, call it a trick, and throw insults at the judges. Wa-Hoo! Mario hits a ramp to gain air, grabs the board and flies through the sky, Super Mario Galaxy style, before landing with style. Wario War After getting good air, and doing any other move (this move being a follow up) Wario lands creating a shockwave and turning himself into a snowball hurtling downwards at high speed- knocking over any in his path The Banana Bunch Donkey Kong claps in the air, causing the Kong family [Diddy, Dixie, Chunky and Funky] to turn up and create a pyramid formation on the board, retaining the pose when going off a slope or ramp. Shell Flip'n'Spin Mario has to be Shell Mario (New Super Mario Bros.'s Blue Koopa Troopa Shell item) and a snowboard. He does flips all the way down until 9/10 to the end. Then he jumps off his snowboard and spins on his shell side down. Finally, he flips rightside up to land on his snowboard to finish.
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