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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. In order to better distinguish ReMixes as standalone works, mixes aren't allowed to have the same name as the source tune. In this case, Josh threw in the extra syllable for OCR to slightly change the title up, yet keep it similar.
  2. I can has announcement. (Congrats, guys! Welcome to hell!)
  3. Yeah, I saw that. S'ok though; we hope to have a chance to clarify that. We definitely appreciate the pimps today: http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/878/878636p1.html http://www.gamesradar.com/ps3/super-street-fighter-ii-turbo-hd-remix-ps3-network/preview/super-street-fighter-ii-turbo-hd-remix-updated-hands-on/a-20080603144342348084/g-200712031411394098 http://www.console-arcade.com/2008/06/03/street-fighter-ii-turbo-hd-captivate08-images/
  4. Appleseed and Ninja Scroll are movies, so those are easy answers. Street Fighter II V is a cheesy series, but it's not a big time investment, and I generally enjoyed it for what it was.
  5. http://tzone.org/~llin/psf/packs2/Chrono_Cross_psf.rar - 104 "Time's Grasslands - Home World" http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=ct - "Memories of Green" (ct-105.spc) Well, you seem to already know you were gonna encounter that criticism. The piece is cool, but yeah, structurally and instrumentally it's too similar. You tell as soon as it gets started with "Time's Grasslands". The mechanical sequencing sounds cribbed straight from the original. I thought the area around 2:53 needed something else added into the picture to fill out the track more. The textures felt too thin, but picked up later at 3:09. From about 4:09-onward, the overall volume felt too loud and there was a muddiness to the whole piece with the different elements fighting for space, like Palpable pointed out. Definitely re-EQ things to give them more space in the soundscape. I liked the idea of meshing the two sources together with the intro of "Memories of Green" at 3:50, but it was more of the same issues with the overall structure and instrumentation of "Memories of Green" being too similar. This is a cool combo of the two themes, but the renditions of both aren't interpretive enough compared to the originals. Combining them together fairly effectively (well, not the mixing/levels) doesn't really change the lack of substantial interpretation. There's some instrumental changes and personalization here, but as you already sensed, we're looking for more. If you can take it to the next level, and really add your own flavor to this, I'd love to hear a resub. NO
  6. Well, if it's all created specifically for the Halo series and used in-game, then sure. But yeah, we're gonna need more smoking-gun evidence as to the nature of the song's creation.
  7. Say whaaaaa? EDIT: Ohgnoz, you killed off the original video link.
  8. Dayum, son. That dude can JET. Hopefully he's not on something.
  9. Hey, sorry, Dan, didn't mean to wrongly infer what you were saying. I love you.
  10. Fixed the thread title, but that's a good idea the GSO should steal.
  11. Threw a lil' attention dealie in the thread title. If you've got some skills, try to win some free swag from the GSO.
  12. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=1175 Most rejections aren't posted at R:TS or VGMix. Best bet is emailing the artist or Googling the song/artist info from the decision thread to track 'em down.
  13. Understandable, sure, but it'd still be a bad decision to drop out. I'd wager most of the older material still holds up well.
  14. Links to song download: Dedicated web-page: Straight to zipped mp3: Contact Information: ReMixer name: SkyMarshall Arts Real name: Eirik Blodøks Hafskjold E-Mail: skymarshall@whinerz.com Website: http://www.skymarshallarts.com UserID: 23430 Submission Information: Arranged Game: Turrican 2 Arranged Song: Freedom Additional: Original composer is Chris Huelsbeck Original: Comments: This remix is 4 years old now, but I still like it. It is made 70% in FLStudio, 20% in Cubase SX3 and 10% in Adobe Audition 1.5. Turrican has, along with Monkey Island, the soundtrack I identify the most with during my time on my Amiga 500 way back. "Freedom" is the most memorable track, and the one that stuck to my brain all these years. So I had to do a remix. The vocals are actually by one of my speech-synthesizers, heavily edited with various effects in Cubase and Audition. I got so nostalgic making this piece, that I just had to incorporate some of my thoughts through vocals as well. Also, the "Welcome to Turrican"-sample in the beginning is from the actual game, ripped through a Rolands UA-4FX using an emulator. Anyway, other than that it is a pretty straight-forward dance-tune. I really tried to keep the feeling of it all as "close" to the original as possible. I have added several original melodies/leads and backing-pads to it all, but it is mostly the same all over. Anyway, I hope you like it ... or accept it. I still get misty around the eyes when this comes on in my playlist.
  15. When it's released on OCR, that's the release. And the project being released later will actually end up helping it provided it coincides with the release of the new Tales games for the Wii. The judges don't judge projects. We do take a quick look at album projects just to make sure there's a certain level of quality, but so many have happened since the concept started that people know to bring it. The lineup already looks good; there's certainly no question about that. I'd suggest ANYONE that wants to tweak their stuff should if they think it'll be an improvement if Kyle thinks it's cool. I saw Usa and V say they were considering dropping out, but I wouldn't drop out at all. We're prepared to give a major promotional push on this one.
  16. Your ReMixer Name: XenoCross Your Real Name: Alexander Choeng Your email address: choengalex@yahoo.com Name of game(s) arranged: Xenosaga Name of individual song(s) arranged: Pain (Files are attached) I can't believe it's already been 6 years since my last submission! I have always wanted to do remixes on the 2 vocal songs from xenosaga and here is my first attempt at a non-piano arrangement. I hope you guys like it. Lyrics: Kindness is something I don't want or need The sunshine would just dissolve me into light Give me a pain as pleasing as your sigh So I can feel you all the day and night And keep me from fading away First we touch, and we hurt each other Then we tear our hearts apart We are too close and I can feel the pain Fill my empty heart Is this pain too much for me Can I stay the same When this pain consumes my heart Will I be able to hold on to my soul When this pain consumes my heart Then we tear our hearts apart Kindness is something I don't want or need The sunshine would just dissolve me into light Give me a pain as pleasing as your sigh So I can feel you all the day and night And keep me from fading away Even when we behold each other Somehow our eyes do not meet And when you hold me in your strong embrace Still I feel no heat But it gives me such delight To feel you closer now I know I am true to myself Though it cuts deep into my heart somehow When this pain consumes my heart Will I be able to hold on to my soul When this pain consumes my heart Then we tear our hearts apart ---------------------------------------------------------------- Man, that source tune is absolute cheese. Xenosaga Original Soundtrack - (218) "Pain" Can't say I'm feeling the direct sampling of the original vocals. In that sense, it borrows way too extensively from the original game audio. IMO, that right there is a NO. Unfortunately, the synth design was lackluster and generic sounding. The music was too loud and poorly mixed/balanced with the vocals, and didn't have any flow or synergy with the vocals. Also, the instrumental here was seemingly arranging "Pain" (according to DarkeSword, it "kind of follows the chords with all those arpeggiators"), but it didn't have any of the melodiousness of the instrumentation in the original, and ultimately ended up sounding pretty scattershot/directionless. It's good to see you still checking out the community, Alex. I wouldn't be discouraged by this, since it was a misunderstanding on what fits with the guidelines in terms of the amount of sampling you could use. But maybe you can make a new, more cohesive instrumental while also getting a talented female singer to provide the vocals and give a new spin on Joanne Hogg's style. Or you can focus on arranging and entirely new piece. But either way, I'd love to see you submit something again. I liked some of the tricks you pulled off in Sorcerian "Cursed Piano" and hope we hear something new from you.
  17. Congrats on the official debut, Shaun! I really enjoyed this one! Very unique, very chill.
  18. That's an excellent idea, actually. I think SoS would get more residual attention due to the hype from Dawn, plus some more tracks could be tweaked/completed. You might even be able to throw in a bonus arrangement (or several) from Dawn, since it releases on June 26th in Japan. Footage of the soundtrack would no doubt be available to check out soon after it's July 9th release date. With that kind of lead time and promotional crossover, it really could be win-win here.
  19. No link to your website or music in the video description when it looks like the video is blowing up?!? Dan...you're failing me here. EDIT: No outro mention of your website or music in the video?!? Dan...you're totally failing me here.
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