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Everything posted by Cecilff2

  1. Pod People's Trumpy is one of my favorite things
  2. Dyne was sexier.
  3. This thread are sick.
  4. Been here a while and haven't ever requested anything, but I noticed we have a severe lacking of a great old NES game. In 1991 Konami released an obscure licensed game of The Lone Ranger. Despite not being well known, the game had some great gameplay for its time and is one of the few licensed games that doesn't suck. It also had a great score going for it. Was hoping someone could take a look into remixing it.(I couldn't even find examples on youtube so I had to upload some) Here's some examples I have no idea what the actual song titles are as I haven't found an official listing of them anywhere. There's more if you go to my uploaded videos(Town themes, overworld, etc)
  5. Can't wait for soldiers to run around hitting demomen with the crop over and over. Yeah this is going to go over well.
  6. Does it spin down just as fast? Because I can see this being really hilarious.
  7. Disneyland Adventures 2011 Game of the Year. No contest.
  8. I hear Sony slit his momma's throat for a nickel.
  9. Yeah but then it punishes bad but not necessarily dickish players. The ones stuck on the trounced teams.
  10. I play L4D2 now and then. Do you know how often one team will ragequit because the other team outclasses them completely? And the better players will lose voicechat because of it? How does that make any sense?
  11. Don't think it's a good idea. ability to neg/pos rep people online. Loser neg reps opposing team. Troll neg reps everyone. Only ability to pos rep. Steam groups dedicated to pos rep. System becomes meaningless.
  12. Erm you know that if something costs more to make than you sell it at means they didn't make money on selling the console at all right?
  13. Yes. Definitely in my top 3 games of all time. And yes. Check out Heart of Darkness(Made by the same guy) for the PSX. The most graphic death scenes I have ever seen in an E rated game.
  14. Actually says 9-9-9-9-9.....9-9-9-9-9 days(Found the audio file) So either it's extremely far in the future(If the repeat wasn't a glitch)...or it's around 270 years. 9,999,999,999 days is an extremely long time though and the facility would be in a much MUCH worse state
  15. Given that 200 years have passed since the first portal, the war with the combine has probably been over for some time. Given that aperture is using a salt mine for their facilities, there probably wasn't anything of significance to the combine nearby, hence the relatively unscarred land. So yeah.
  16. I wish cave's lemons rant was on youtube already. Oh and all of Rick's dialogue. Rick was hilarious. Edit: Oh wait found the lemon one. That's one down. Edit 2: Looks like someone uploaded Rick last night. Awesome.
  17. Hey guys, apparently valve changed the complete pack reward to allow any duplicates to be giftable now too.
  18. Notice anything extra in your games list? I know I did. I was pretty ok with that.
  19. The Cheetahmen II C.H.E.E.T.A.H. mix is appropriately bouncy.
  20. Also the background now says nine test subjects, not zero.
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