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Everything posted by Salluz

  1. You're talking to the right guy, man. I'm pretty liberal in my craft, and yeah, I'll go for J-Rap. I don't care for all of that pimp/hoes/bitches/thugs/trappin/greed stuff; I'm more in the realms of Lupe Fiasco. You know, conscious rap.
  2. Kodak's straight... that's what I used for the above. If you want pro photography, there are better choices, like Pentax, Canon...
  3. I've taken better pictures, but these are what I have for now. I don't mind helpful critique, even though I believe I know what I could do better. The rearview mirror closer to the photographer's perspective was an accident, but if you notice, it's adjacent to the other driver's rearview mirror. I coulda' got a cleaner shot. It was pretty cold that day.
  4. ^Ultimate win! GAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Finally, another black icon who isn't utterly stupid. Yes! Frequently, I ask myself, "Doesn't it feel good?" Black, educated, not a fool nor a pussy and proud of it.
  5. I wonder if there are any heroines... you know, good-looking ones...
  6. Simple question: how much? Price range or specific? PM me if you'd like.
  7. Joyzilla, that's the best stamp of approval anyone can give.
  8. Heh, I just submitted one around a week ago, which had been worked on for... months. IT BETTER GET ACCEPTED!
  9. I want to get signed this year. You know, be up there with Kanye West and Lupe Fiasco, be a real rapper unlike Soulja Boy, make lots of money.
  10. Right. Although Nintendo did pick a battle, regardless, here's my motto: it if aintchos, don't touch it.
  11. Whoa snap! I love to hear an electronic beat with groove! The beat has that basic sound, but the notes and instrumentation around it shuffle, making a vibe that's beautiful because of the reciprocation. Oh, the beatdrop, killin' it. Ah, gotta' love it. Keep murdering us with badass music.
  12. I'll think about drawing or music. I can write as well, but since you need more of everyone else, I'll decline on that end. If there are deadlines and I don't meet them or have anything to show, I'm not in it.
  13. I'll hear what Reuben left for us. Man, that's sad. I never knew him, but God bless the family.
  14. Ooooooooooh...K. NO THANKS. I was kidding anyway, lol, he knows I'm not serious.
  15. Another Mortal Kombat movie? Put Keanu Reeves in it? Perhaps Toby McGuire? Result:
  16. Hey Geoff, hook me up with one of those floor routine girls. Quit playin', man, I know you're online, lol!
  17. After hearing this good news, I'm going to go on a quest: to hear your remixes because I never heard your series (perhaps one or two).
  18. Oh, who's that? Oh, never mind, there's always google.
  19. Now, what if you lost? Hahahahahahaha! He'd probably make a song about how you got you @$$ beat on Xbox live. In fact, he might even submit a remix of Halo 3 to OCR with sound effects of your character getting shot as he screams "UUUUUUU!". It would surely result in a Cheeri-No, but heh, the idea of it is hilarious. Don't worry, Screwattack, I do want you to win. In fact, make a deal with him. If you win, he has to enunciate while not saying "UUUUUUU" for a month.
  20. The balls are inert. Thus we can assume that he has capacity.He'd wipe me clean on Halo 3 (I'm not good at it), but... I should be getting a Wii next college semester. I should see if he's any good at Brawl. ;D
  21. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! WAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I just said it because it sounded funny. I've never seen it although I do know the plot. I never had the chance, but I'll check it out. I give him mad props for his acting. I'm not going to be there to watch such abominable blasphemy.
  22. I'll cast my two cents: it doesn't look horrible (edit: okay, yes it does), but because we're spoiled by: Action movies in general The recycling of Matrix-like effects The uniqueness and style of the Dragon Ball series The fact that Goku being a white kid is logically kin to Tom Cruise being the Last Samurai. ...this ain't gonna' work. As aforementioned, it's not racist to dislike the idea. Simply put, a white guy having this much status amongst Asians is unlikely. The reason why anime characters tend to look American is because they're geared to American viewers.It isn't bad that asians sought a warrior regardless of his attributes, but it is outright hilarious to witness a white kid named "Goku", already unusual as a name amongst the Japanese. Goku's destiny was slightly predetermined by his ancestry. Not to say that they chose his fate, but to respect the truth that he was born a Saiyan, specifically as a descendant of Bardock, who fell victim to Frieza the badass. I'm not being nostalgic or "fanboyish" here (not even my style); rather, I'm being realistic. I did like Spiderman 3, but listen: this is Hollywood's biggest fuck-up since Spiderman 3's Eddie Brock, a scrawny loser with insecurity problems who lost his NY job and went insane. The movie does not have to be the carbon copy of the original, but it shouldn't take the elements of the original, roll it into a fat blunt, smoke it, and use the exhaled vapors as the remains of what we call ideas for a movie.
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