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Everything posted by zylance

  1. Except that he wanted a preamp.
  2. Hey, it's about talent, man. It'll be a while. Compy: I got my foam off of http://foambymail.com/. I think we paid somewhere around 900 us dollars at about 1.20 cents a square foot for the brown 3 inch pyramid foam. (we paid more to have it brown).
  3. More updates / pics: The foam came in! We haven't finished putting it up yet, so that will come later. My current library. All that is new is Stormdrum, my new favorite toy. That is my dad. He is 6'4". 'Nuff said. And to top it off... These are the sweetest sounding speakers I have ever heard. And they arent even in a decent position! Also, the controller keyboard came in, but I didn't get any decent pics. That leaves the desk and computer to come in, which will be another week or two. Then we will get to buying the rest of the software and mics. Until then...!
  4. Wasn't it Cakewalk Pro Audio? Or was that later?
  5. It is not just breathing. It's mouth muscle strength, IE chops. Building and controlling those are what takes the time.
  6. FYI: You WON'T sound good enough to record with the sax until a year or too. Getting some decent chops takes time; don't rush it.
  7. Damn, that's a long post. I have a couple of things to add: 1. Try to find someone in your area who is selling a sax; go used if you can. You will shave 100's of dollars (euros) off your purchase, and if you get lucky, you might find a real classic someone is selling as junk. Be sure to go play it first, though. 2. Don't forget the possibility of a bari sax! I don't have one (only an alto), but I play it in my school's jazz band and it is a blast. Expect to pay quite a bit more for one, though. I will emphasise on renting one first, especially if this is your first reeded instrument. Sometimes, it comes naturally, sometimes not. Don't worry too much on getting the best sax in the world for your first; remember, it has more to do with your mouthpiece and reed. Happy saxing!
  8. And where is Leviathan? I personally don't have any problems with my hoodie and black tee; they fit well and are comfortable, with no trouble shipping.
  9. I actually take pride in my low post count. Case in point, I plan to resign from the panel on the day I hit 1000. Less posting, more judgeing, then.
  10. Alright, finally got around to buying some stuff! Here is an updated list in Excel format, and for you who don't have it, here it is in html. It got a little messed up from the conversion (colors don't work right) but it is fine. Some things to note are the great deal I got for buying the computer with the firepod and Komplete 3 all together, as well as my dad being crazy and ordering 2 24 inch (!) LCD monitors. We can only hope this stays on topic this time.
  11. How bout we keep the rule, and let the mixer choose whatever the hell he wants to encode it with. The mix has to pass the judges anyways, so it has to sound decent.
  12. I've had some luck with manually distorting clean samples, but you really should see if you can recruit a player for your mix. (or learn yourself)
  13. Besides, my mixes usually are dramatic, as in the complexity changes much. I like VBR because it can really bump up the sound in the complicated parts while keeping the size low.
  14. With the advent of electric keyboards, I would say that piano is a more versatile instrument. That being said, the two are very fundamentally different instruments, so play what you like best. (me = piano)
  15. Well, that depends if you want to learn protools.
  16. Can't help you with your problem, but I will say the regular tee shirt is awesome here, so don't worry.
  17. Not to mention the money is given to the developer for them to make more wonderful products.
  18. I helped....
  19. Wait... you're just looping it around... if you're suggesting to record audio from the keyboard then why not just keyboard audio out to computer line in? Because it seemed like she wanted it in midi for some reason.. for quantizing? I don't know. You are right, why bother with midi if you want live piano?
  20. Why doesn't she just record the part onto finale, then send it back to the piano, then audio out to the computer for audio? So... 1. Midi out from piano to computer midi in(finale) 2. Record in finale 3. Midi out from computer to keyboard midi in 4. Keyboard audio out into computer line in 5. Record audio with program of choice
  21. Not yet... We don't need another Arg.
  22. And that's saying something. -points down-
  23. If you have the cash, go with this instead. http://www.zzounds.com/item--EMU1616 It's pricey, but a wonderful card. Direct sound is usually the worst thing to use for latency, and it ca cause problems with programs. The aforementioned card uses ASIO solely. As for speakers, since you are running a laptop, I would recommend a nice pair of headphones first. Check out this thread.
  24. That's totally cool. I almost bought one a while ago, if I find a cheap one I'll go for it (I also got $50 bucks)
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