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Everything posted by zylance

  1. Ugh, it's already gonna be as bad as FL presets. Automatic NO from us. At least QL Brass sounds good.
  2. Thank you for your order! You ordered: TITLE QTY PRICE ----- --- ----- Percussive Adventures AKAI S1/2/3000 1 $19.95 ProSamples Vol 31 Rare Ethnic Instruments 1 $19.95 Quantum Leap Brass Akai S5000 1 $19.95 Ultimate Piano Collection AKAI 1 $19.95 -------- Subtotal $79.80 Tax $0.00 Shipping $15.75 -------- Total $95.55 Bingo! I saved over $1000 on that stuff. Thank you zircon!
  3. For CD quality mixes, does it really matter if its 16 or 24?
  4. Does this happy program convert to something Kontakt could use, because those brass samples look very attractive.
  5. Odd jobs, time, parents... EDIT: http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=83381
  6. So who does the producing? Audio producers?
  7. Doesn't Guitar Rig run stand alone as well as VST?
  8. Oh man, I'd kill for a Kong in Concert 2. Sign me up when that one comes around.
  9. made midis at 13, submitted mix at 14, accepted into ocr at 15. ...judge at 16????
  10. That's some slick gear there, myth. I'm hoping I can score some stuff soon too, cause a studio near me is going out of business. Yeah, it looks like you need some kind of mixer for all of that. I'm keeping the majority of my studio digital so I don't have to run into all of these routing issues, but I can imagine I will eventually.
  11. Cubase users, Unite! oh.... wait... no one is out there.
  12. Holy shit.
  13. When I was using the 1212 I too used a cheap Behringer mixer. I really wish that thing had a damn headphone port.
  14. Just don't tell that to compy. Not that I agree with you, I use cubase and love it. Why do you think it sucks? (other than the dongle)
  15. indistinguishable to what? CD quality? Quality doesn't stop at CDs That's why we have DVD-A and Hi-Def CDs and SCDs and all that. That said, I think a partial mirror site of sorts that hosts FLAC and/or other lossless formats would be a good idea. I know a few people [not a lot, though] that prefer flac encoding over mp3 because hard drive space isn't so limiting anymore. True, but even on cable it takes some time to download a 16 meg file vs 3 meg.
  16. I have the Argosy 90-V2R http://www.argosyconsole.com/vseries.htm But its out of your price range.
  17. Being 15 doesn't mean anything other then low income (I'm 15). Either make due with what you have, or save up the dough.
  18. All I know is Take Five, which of course is in 5/4.
  19. Yeah, this needs to be updated. If you want a midi composer... http://www.5star-shareware.com/Windows/Music/MIDIPlayersandUtilities/jazz-midi.html JAZZ++ Yeah, I know it looks pretty ghetto (written in 98!), but if all you want to do is midi, you can't go wrong. I pretty much learned everything I do about midi from this pup, and if you look there are tons of advanced features hidden in there.
  20. The boss is "mother brain". Metroids are the little dudes flying around in the last area, you defeat them by freezing it then firing missiles.
  21. I actually have the installer file for both the sxg-50 and 100, but I think it would be illegal for me to host them. Anyone know for sure about that? EDIT: Yes, 100 is XP compatible.
  22. That might be because you set your hardware to play at 44000. Audio that isn't synced often sounds like its encoded at a lower quality.
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