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Everything posted by zylance

  1. Or be like all the 'popular' recording artists (haha) and put a hard limiter at 0 DB on your master track.
  2. WTF? Host of what? It's an audio editing tool! And I foresee a fun meeting with the mods soon.
  3. Make sure you adjust the volume of both the program (like winamp) and the computer (like the little windows sound controlling thing). If there still isn't enough sound, you might have to buy a headphone amp, like this one.
  4. So what exactly are you using to record here? As far as I know, the Yamaha S90 has no internal sequencer. Are you using a program like FL Studio, Sonar / Cubase, or Noteworthy Composer for your mix? The problem may lie with your audio setting not being set correctly.
  5. There is your problem. The speakers probably have poor connections for the little headphone port, which will cause you the static. Try plugging them in directly into the headphone port of your sound card; if it's any decent, they should sound wonderful. Edit: Also, the static with the scroll wheel and cursor are a product of the sound card being too close to the hard drive, or it being unshielded. I'm guessing you have an integrated card, so you may have to go out and buy a new one.
  6. Two excellent programs I would highly recommend. I can't say much about FL Studio, for I do not use it. I'm more of a Cubase guy. However, I can say any program that supports VST wides your options to enormous values. There is TONS of stuff out there, free to extraordinary expensive. Once you move to a VST supporting sequencer, you've moved into the big leagues.
  7. See, this is why democracy doesn't work.
  8. Wow, this mix needs more love. It really is one of the best on OCR.
  9. German looks funny. I should learn.
  10. I've been messing with Cubase LE on my laptop since it came with my firepod, and it actually seems very nice. Only 8 vst slots, but if you are willing to work around that, its a cheap alternative ($100 if I remember correctly).
  11. That easteregg isn't funny!!! It doesn't show up in Firefox (1.07 and latest edition), neither in IE. I had to search the source code(!) to find it. BTW, that however only works in IE, as the page says "OMG Firefox can't display frames" and the CSS code deactivates the block. Like I said... no funny easter egg, there's no hint to that either. If only a couple of people know about that "hidden track", nobody - and by that I mean nobody - will ever search the source code of the HTML page or ever think of looking, cause the people think "there is no bonus track". Maybe it was a cool idea, but not well pulled off. And yeah, bitch at me for telling you where to find the track. EDIT: And if you hide it, then at least insert a "working" mirror. Come on, people! *sigh* Best track of the project.
  12. SL claims it has notation, but whenever I open it it just gives me cryptic notes rather then real notation, but I think that's a problem on my side. And why not SX? It's the one with the good notation editor.
  13. http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01475/ The best of the bunch. Yet another case of the holy-crap-you-can-make-good-mixes-from-free-stuff handed out from Darkesword. Gotta tell you, though, it takes talent, though. I can't make crap from all the stuff I have.
  14. Alright, I finished listening through once, and I am thoroughly pleased. Keep in mind that I have only played the game once or twice, so I don't have any idea what these songs sounded like originally. I thought the first half of the album was awesome. Some great mixing, especially Malcos stuff. And of course, Zircon's track really came through to me. I'll admit I was at first a bit skeptical with the choice of genre here, but after listening I really have grown o enjoy it. The vocal tracks were interesting. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed both, and thought they were well done, ablit a bit out of place. I like the rap ones better. The second half of the project started slowing down on me. Perhaps I got burned out on listening, but they just wern't as interesting as the first half. Over all, this project rocks. Not my favorite, but it's definitely making a place with my collection of OCR project cds. (Now I need album art! Please?)
  15. Hot guacamole, that's the fastest I've ever seen a torrent move! (500 kbs!) I'll get some comments up in a moment.
  16. You can opt to do some of the things virtually, like the drums and bass (electric). Samples of those two can be so great I cant really tell the difference.
  17. I still have mine! I personally like "machine gun".
  18. http://www.synthmania.com/rapman.htm No idea where you would find one though.
  19. Take the back panel off a guitar with a floating tremolo bridge and hit the springs with various objects while your guitar is amped and run through some delay. -steve Open a piano and mess with the strings.
  20. Not sure what that means, or if it even has anything to do with me... Could be virtual quotes? AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHH CLASSIC. While I don't feel the comment deserves so many capital letters... yes, this place has quite a history Elysianhero. Virt was a regular member and remixer here, but due to a dispute with DJP, he left, and ventured out to create www.vgmix.com (which is down by the way). So, for some reason, people take him to be OCR's adversary Umm... I don't know if you wanted to even know all that, but just ignore Gung Fu Chicklet and keep on with your musical prowess He's also a crazy good mixer.
  21. I personally think the QL Rare Instruments is of poor quality, but I may be tainted by my surrounding of good samples. I love the QL Brass, Ultimate Piano and Percussion Adventures, though.
  22. http://engramstudio.com/craptracker/tracker.pl?eNq9Ue0OgjAMXJM-APcIPoGJBAh_MfuBCaKEL9__Rew6Kooa_7klu2a93tobJkrIOXQCCWEi3DRaN5QhuFKKp3TIeKP2ETyhtKuLBe1W1yhO1m4fF0bLniOM8f2Xwg8cv-VUFpwiHN-6XIR0LM3pQziEozF11Xk0NxNmFoNwY-SEnEUKPSMjZCxC6DjM7hkpIeWFXxNqxkAYWJxD8V0h8lvxisUdlL9qZ_2NVs8ytB6YTfhCaT4oV2G86I84YHNQJfvq_gZ3tkM7wg** How the heck do you get the thing an octave down? this is too high.
  23. Cubase? Sonar? Look for some "traditional" sequencers rather then the arguably specialilized fruityloops and finale. Cue fl studio / others debate
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