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Everything posted by zylance

  1. Really? First time I've read about this, on all of the tech forums I frequent. I'll take your word for it. It's a popular myth . Most sites just take it from others without doing any actual research, and quite a few people who follow those guides tend to be convinced by the idea of 1FPS more(Even if they don't achieve it, or don't even consider seeing what the difference is) More fun myths: http://mywebpages.comcast.net/SupportCD/XPMyths.html EDIT: Oh hey here's the actual benchmarks: http://forums.anandtech.com/messageview.aspx?catid=34&threadid=1678445&enterthread=y&arctab=y That guy doesnt like Firefox? And he advocates for IE! I'm not sure I would trust him...
  2. Just got my Wii.... It's awesome, but you already know that. I haven't heard anyone talk about Trauma Center yet, do you like it on the Wii? I did not get to play it on the DS, but it's freaking great on the Wii.
  3. Wii Zelda Trauma Center 8 pack of harmonicas + song book Couple shirts Drum kit from hell (needed this!) and finally.... A Dreamcast with a shit load of games Yeah, my sister is awesome.
  4. Has anyone picked up Komplete 3 yet? I'm thinking about that kore thing... Sounds interesting, but I need some more feedback on it first. How is FM8 different then FM7, Yoozer? Uh, recently I got about 8 new mics (2 SM57s, 3 58s, an audio techinica condenser, and 2 small condensers), a nice stereo preamp and a handful of stands.
  5. My sister and I made this parody of a bunch of 80's tunes (namely "I wanna be a cowboy") so I made this loop for it. It's pretty fun, and fast. http://files.filefront.com/150bpmmp3/;6257430;;/fileinfo.html
  6. Heh, I used to have a Yamaha PSR-6. I almost wish I didn't sell it. With presets like "Dog Piano" you can't go wrong! I still have mine. I'd take duck, comet, and baby doll over dog pianist any day. Ooh, and how can I forget ghost? Great stuff. I should make an OLR with it.
  7. I'm actually looking for something like this (a ridiculously loud master) but I don't have reason. Anything else I can use?
  8. Hey, some of us here were the ones to transcribe those midis in the first place...
  9. IE Relics of the Chozo?
  10. I didn't know about it, thank you for the info.Now I can play Doom again You know, I never got doom to work on dosbox. Always ran too slow.
  11. Well, you can of course go with the workstation synths, like Yammaha Motif, Korg Triton, Roland Fantom, although you are gonna be paying some big bucks for those.
  12. I feel exactly the same as zircon. Of course, I only sorta know what I'm doing, and I don't nearly have as much experience as he.
  13. http://www.presonus.com/firebox.html? I have its big brother.
  14. Alright, Dave, you better be happy. I just spent $1500 at zzounds today. Thats what, like $70 for you? Sheesh.
  15. The funny thing is that "Yo" in spanish is just "I".
  16. I've been using EWQLSO Silver for a while, and really the only thing I can write with those strings is lil poppy / disco strings. But really, the sample set is realllllly nice, well worth the money. I just can't do the orchestral.
  17. Haha! My remix on this site was originally too quiet, so they asked me to up the volume. So I did, and it's on here. I would'nt worry too much about it; consintarate more on the way the piece sounds at any volume.
  18. My sister loves they might be giants, and I heard this cover of 'puttin on the ritz' they made. Its a neat song, but I can't figure out what the synth is at the beginning is, I know I've heard it before. Any help? Here's a clip: http://rapidshare.de/files/25421417/synth.mp3.html
  19. Don't forget cubase, though. I use it, its cheap (SE or SL) and effective, and very comparable to Logic. I would suggest getting a trial of both and see which interface you like best.
  20. Look, I don't know if it's legal or not, but I have the midi sound set for FF7 (Yamaha XG) that I can send you If you desperately need descent midi sounds.
  21. Just to note, the first cable is called a stereo mini-plug to RCA, and the adapter - remember you need two - is called a RCA to quarter inch plug.
  22. Naturally you put the most expensive option in your sig...!
  23. A.) Online, or Radio Shack if you have em. B.) Depending on the length and brand, around $15 - $20. C.) It should say "Mic" or "Line in". If not, it's the mini-plug port that you don't plug your headphones in.
  24. I'm here to complain. Need more people on #ocrwip.
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