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Everything posted by Maco70

  1. The first 25 minutes of the movie documented: http://www.watchmencomicmovie.com/100708-watchmen-movie-footage.php
  2. I don't think I have ever even seen a sig that big. I have no problems.
  3. This is better than that list from G4. I think the number one on that list GTA.
  4. Oh yeah, I had a gamegear at one point too. But I sold it because it was the worst handheld ever.
  5. What he said. Sologamer is a quality poster.
  6. Good, but where did you read this? I wasn't able to find it.
  7. You're really excited for avatars? I think they're kinda tacky, and I hope they're optional.
  8. I just realized that nobody has mentioned the new "xbox 360 experience". I got an e-mail today informing me I lack insufficient space (I don't have an xbox) for the new experience (all 128mb of it) therefore I will be unable to access xbox live. Bull!!!!
  9. Don't buy this. But I've seen similar, and they are awesome. http://www.amazon.com/Dual-Station-System-Nintendo-Genesis/dp/B00117GOWE/ref=pd_bbs_1?ie=UTF8&s=miscellaneous&qid=1223864970&sr=8-1 And, I think I heard about this game coming out on the retronauts podcast. =D
  10. This is a very large statement you just made. ]Are you sticking with it?
  11. I saw the intro part of the game. It looked exciting at least.
  12. They've released DLC for it, is that interest or desperation?
  13. Less opinion, more evidence plz.
  14. I thougght I mentioned this earlier. But yes, it's better than trying to make it into the film and confuse the hell out of the audience. I haven't heard anything about the suit if that's what you're talking about. But something tells me Paramount will pay whatever it takes to get a big budget film like this out.
  15. Get Ikagura, or Marble Blast Ultra. It really depends on what you're looking for. I have gotten more than 10 hours out of both of these games and am still playing them. This makes me feel justified in buying them. And don't forget free titles. Yaris isn't decent, but Aegis Wing is actually awesome. Edit: Add me on XBL btw.
  16. The tech department at this college is more likely not to know what a torrent is. I have little faith in this college as it is, since the net is so shaky. A little slow down is understandable, but when the internet goes down on campus for days at a time, it's just stupid.
  17. Damn, now I'll have to wait. Thanks for the heads up.
  18. A torrent doesn't count as p2p right? This campus is very strict about that...
  19. Sad that it's still out of my price range. At this rate; I'll get one once the next xbox comes out.
  20. http://gizmodo.com/5058736/dealzmodo-50-off-new-xbox-360-free-shipping Soon. Also; I played the viva pinata demo yesterday... ...for about an hour. Worth getting?
  21. Probably not; But more interested as to whether or not he is acting his age.
  22. I thought the demo was atrocious. Is the actual game any better? Recently got my hands on Boom Boom Rocket, which was very good, contrasted by the demo, so I wouldn't be surprised if gripshift was decent.
  23. Exactly. Ten character tyranny.
  24. With a name like "Purple Cow", you're just asking for it. But seriously, get a blog.
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