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Everything posted by anosou

  1. Okay, seriously. Potential jam-candidates? preferably a song that many recognizes, isn't that har to follow and has a lot of room for soloing and such. The one that pops in to my mind is "You're not alone" from FFIX atm. It's cliché but the good kind. It begs for screaming guitar, cool chords, solo section and percussion
  2. looking forward to it quite the handsome site btw
  3. this will make all the AMV fanbois/fangrrls wet in their pants. This rocks good luck all!
  4. ...okay now you're just an evil evil man.
  5. In the words of Monty Python: YEAH, GET ON WITH IT!
  6. We're still figuring this out mate, but it sure as hell looks like it. ...Busted
  7. not you too ((( And you're MALCOS X( I'll see what I can do
  8. SnappleMan pretty much nailed it. Also, everyone should know that the deciding factor when buying a DAW is not the audio quality. It's what you're planning to use it for, what environment you work in, what gear you have and many other factors. Just find a combination that suits you. ..that was lame. but hell, it's true
  9. *hugs Dhsu* You rule and you know it!
  10. This is going to result in chaos and millions of brats without knowledge lining up to play games. They'd also buy any game from a developer that gives 'em a freebie. Disaster ..I might be wrong. Let's hope so. EDIT: Also, this might be a chance for smaller developers to reach an audience directly instead of fighting for the critics attention. So ehm... this is good AND bad
  11. Thanks for the links mate! Going to check 'em out when I get home from school. I've been thinking of this also: http://www.soundpropulsion.com/SP%20FX%20%20scand%20roots%20vol1.htm for that swedish flavour. There's a demo coming with Reason 3 so I know I like what I've heard. check out the audio demos
  12. !!! Now you make ME hate him
  13. Okay, I'm totally gay for Folk music. Really. Right now I'm working at my original EP that's leaning against a Folk/Chip sound. Now, I'm using some not-so-good instrument samples in Reason. What I'd really want is some sweet multisampled instruments (preferably in NN-XT format, but it could be wavs that I could map myself). Ideas? I especially like Celtic and Nordic folk music btw. (free ones is okay too ;P) Cheers!
  14. I felt like posting a new list, here's my gear mofos: Hardware: Apple MacBook Pro 17" (first edition, 2GB RAM, 2.33GHz Dual Core) Digidesign M-Box 2 Pro Beyerdynamic DT 440 headphones (no monitors yet) M-Audio Oxygen 49 Korg padKontrol Yamaha Pacific guitar (It's kinda.. worn out ) Yamaha RBX 6-string bass Yamaha Motif ES-8 Yamaha Stage Custom drum set Hohner Melodica C-Blues Harmonica (don't know the brand atm, the one with the fish) Steinway & Sons Right-up piano Unlimited ammount of brass instruments (my dad makes and repairs 'em) A pretty kick-ass Cello (dad's wife is a grammy-awarded cellist ;P) A real life operasinger (Mom ftw) Software (legal, mind you): MAC OS X Reason 4 ProTools LE 7.3 with an amazing plug-set gleetchlab 2.2 THERE! Now if I would only bother to record something. I've never used any of my real instruments in a remix and I'm so making my parents join up for a super cool remix.. sometime.. maybe.. *yawn*
  15. THANK YOU! It had to be done. Also, Reason rulz. ... ...
  16. Just as a note, KILL U! anyway, I think it's genious. They know that releasing a CD will only result in it being spread like anthrax around the globe while releasing a free mp3 download (that people feel bad about and will pay) together with the optional super-pack is a smart move. Since you can't really torrent the LPs, the artwork or the super cool box they know that many fans will buy that. Giving the CD cheap to everyone else will just make the box-buyers more exclusive. Hence, more buyers. Also, I like when people give away stuff cheap. much love.
  17. We don't accept anything else, do we?
  18. NOW who's the man-whore!
  19. OCRemix.org level-up! Actually, all that makes perfect sense and should be implemented as soon as possible just don't forget to post remixes hahaha
  20. Sweet, very sweet
  21. You do have a point there! But we'll have to talk with OA ofc. Want me to PM? (if he's not lurking in this thread)
  22. *points at Fishy's quote* also, I WOULD like that.. but I booked my-self in with avaris, OA and prophet O.o WTF! STOP TURNING MY WORLD UPSIDE DOWN AeroZ: Now we have many potential places, time to book tickets?
  23. FISHY! MAGFEST! WOO! also, AeroZ desperately needs a room, so I guess he'll room with ToN. Though, I can't decide for him
  24. Ska is always incredibly fun to play, I'm def up for that. I can do percussion, keys, bass or something- also hemos arrangement would be interesting, though I'm not much of a big-band player I'm def up for any kind of percussion.
  25. Thank you I love working with limited pieces of VGM. The challenge of evolving something short but sweet with creativity is really what I love the most. Like short NES tunes or like Fanfare. Again, thanks for doing this review
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