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Everything posted by anosou

  1. my external drive is dead so I can't watch it, but it's when the president gives orders to attack zack I believe
  2. Well, I do because I made the remix ;P sooo, from the anime Final Fantasy 7: Last Order
  3. I think you missed the point completely. He said, several times, what he disliked about the piece. I can agree on some of his criticism but I would probably have tried to sound nicer about it. He might be doing it in a way that makes him look like he thinks he's better than everyone, which I REALLY dislike. But I don't believe that's what he means, as he explained in his last post. At least I hope so. now let's go back to reviewing the remix instead.
  4. I know! it's sick I want stats on where in the world it was downloaded.. plz?
  5. my fellow Swede check the front page, scroll down to torrents. there's the torrent transfer. The stats for the mirrors is probably Dave or Zircon's area.
  6. good point. He's after a whole song anyway, I think in one way it's good that he gives chipmusic some airtime in modern popular music
  7. Hmmm.. I'll probably keep playing Tekken Tag on arcade machine
  8. You compared Steve Reich to Timbaland Now I'm going to listen to 'Drumming' and cry EDIT: Though when I read your statement you make a good point. The thing about the Timbaland-stealing is that he hardly even changed the sounds and built the whole song around it. Even though it's "ok" in the music business (just look at hung-up by Madonna) I still find it both boring and sad.
  9. This is an amazing effort. I'm glad somebody else than me realized how much inpsiration Uematsu got from J.S. Bach, the king of fuga, especially during FFVI. Now I actually have some minor criticism I felt I wanted to share. The triangle is extremely loud compared to every other instrument. This is just a bit strange to me and doesn't make sense, but as I said it's a minor thing. While I also agree it's a bit cluttered production-wise it gives the piece more of a live feel which helps the choir to seem less fake. Also, the final chord dissolves in to something that does not feel like it's finished. Although that might be my personal opinion I could bet my right arm that many would agree. I felt that the first half of the song was very close to the original but I think it's a good thing when doing an arrangement of this size. Now that I got that out of my system, this is one incredible track. You give OCR new life with your amazing collaborations and if anyone needs proof that the VGM arrangement scene is serious business this will make them drop their jaw.
  10. This is like the only reason I'd get a PS3 atm. Is it sweet or laggy?
  11. I've pimped your webspace a lot and listened to a lot of your music (see http://www.last.fm/user/ErrfTheCricket/ for proof at the top artists section ;P). Needless to say, I like your music. Too bad you're not around OCR much these days, it would be nice to have a chat or something. Preferably a non-musical chat, I find it boring to talk too much about just music ;P Much love
  12. ohshit, stalker! also, I feel it should've been said in the write-up that this was my first finished work in Reason ever. I had never worked with synths or computers before. But I still feel it's quite a funny song, I'm not as proud as with other remixes but as my first I like it.
  13. so you can't do a post like that mostly
  14. they try to keep it in that order yes, at least as far as I know. some are direct posts and aren't listed on the "to be posted" page on the panel and djp posts them as he sees fitting I believe
  15. probably not soon enough. there's many submissions before this, I just got one posted right about.. NOW. I've one left to be posted, and THEN it's cheetahmen. soooo... poor you
  16. Fun fact: exactly 0% of the staff is from Sweden. Scientists agree that it will never change.
  17. if you do that, that will be the best compliment I've gotten. EVER
  18. this list is so not what OCR thinks but it's cool, it's still love
  19. now who's a good judge? who's a good judge? you are? yes you are, yes you are! *gives treat*
  20. Yay judges! Yay faster judging! Yay vast ammounts of the letters N and O! I'm glad we finally got even moar judges, this will hopefully make life easier for everyone. Congratulations guys, you'll be seeing a LOT of submissions from me >
  21. lol, why would I joke about something that serious!
  22. *gets his fix of OCR boards* AAAaaAAaaahhhhh...... yeah.
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