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Everything posted by anosou

  1. It works fine for me, if we're talking about Quick Search. Firefox, Mac OS X. Also, it looks amazing Great work Dave. If I (or anyone else) finds titles that are not avaliable in Japanese and then finds the translation, where do we post this information? EDIT: It seems like there aren't many games with japanese titles avaliable. Not even Chrono Trigger. Is this intentional or a bug?
  2. Hmm, this looks like my kind of game. If possible, I would like to compose at least a few tracks for this project. I don't know if you're looking for one composer for the whole thing or many composers working together, but in any case I'm definitely interested. I can compose in most genres but I have an affinity for Electronic music incorporating real instruments. Even though my earlier works tend to fall in the slower part of electronic music I'm no stranger to pumping beats. For some audio examples of my earlier work you can check out: http://ocremix.dreamhosters.com/songs/ff7/MP3/1-06%20Another%20Soundscape%20-%20Too%20Much%20Fighting%20(Fanfare).mp3 http://djpretzel.web.aplus.net/songs/Jade_Cocoon_People_Made_of_Stone_OC_ReMix.mp3 http://anso.arnoldascher.com/A%20Dancefloor%20Full%20of%20Idiots%20and%20One%20Girl.mp3 (This one's very simple, it's just about the melody really. Just thought I'd put it out there ) If you're interested I can also prepare an example track based on your preferences in some time. Contact me at: anothersoundscape@gmail.com via AIM: ASoundscape or via PM /Mattias
  3. I've seen it ripped and uploaded with front cover. Just wondered if I should take a listen and hey, maybe I should
  4. Wait.. what? This remix doesn't have more reviews? This is one of my favorite OCRemixes ever. Not kidding. since I'm an FF fanboy I listened to the FF-remixes first and this one just jumped at me. Great resonant bass, sweet lead and nice synths all around. I like how the flute lead fits in such an electronic track. The breakdown with the really high lead adds some dynamic to the track structure too. Awesome.
  5. I want to hear this one with expensive samples and I want it now! I've always loved Qu's Marsh and this arrangement is pretty decent, too bad with the GM.
  6. How did I not hear this track? Crunchy beats, lush pads and a pretty funky synth bass. The monoglide lead solo is kinda buried and some of the modulation is so-so but otherwise this track is a good listen.
  7. You can't go wrong with Oedo. Ever. One of the best sources made! Classic pretzel when mixing a jumpy and crunchy beat with pads and some instruments that maybe shouldn't be there Then, enter the synths and be happy. Nicely done here!
  8. Transition to main part is jumpy but not horrible. The synths sound great. The flute-ish sound, not so much. The soloing lifts this track up high with some nice playing and fancy modulation. Sounds like something that could've come from a SNES/PSX game. In a good way.
  9. I can't believe I didn't review this before. I listen to it a lot, both because I'm a fan of Ecco and because it's a great remix. The EP is both played well and has a sweet sound. As OA pointed out it's a little on the dry side, but I tend to like that. The only thing bothering me is that this is NOT dub Otherwise, give it a listen, it will not dissapoint.
  10. I love Lau. Ever since I heard his 7/8 jazz adaption of the fighting themes from FF7/8 (hehe). This track's got some solid EP preformance. It's still very muddy but the arrangement kinda makes up for that. The drums sounds like loops and that's too bad. When the original melody comes in I always get happy. A great arrangement with so-so production. still worth a listen!
  11. This is one of my absolute favorite originals in the history of VGM ever! You're keeping it pretty much like the original for the bigger part of the song, but hey it's a good source. If this was today it would not get accepted, but I'm glad it did because I need happy-trips sometimes
  12. Now THIS I like. It's very trippy, utilizing some unorthodox effects. The beat is quite solid but it's the atmosphere that's great. Nice tweaking!
  13. Un-tss un-tss un-tss un-tss! Energetic and happy. Would do well on Japanese dancefloors I'm not too keen on the synths, they're a bit muddy. Still, this is solid fun
  14. A djp mix on the bottom of the review list? That's no good! The guitars are obviously fake but it still kinda works. The lead is one sweet lead and it's not THAT bad that it's really loud. Nice arpeggios. It's not changing much but what's here is good. Nice.
  15. oh, it's a phat beat This is very general synth music but it's still highly enjoyable. Nice energy and bass, even though the filtering is a bit too much.
  16. While the samples are so-so this is still a great arrangement. It really sets a mood. I also like the low-passing of the choir near the ending. Nicely done!
  17. Very interesting take on this one. The ethnic percussion goes well with the more general breakbeat. Nice atmosphere too! I still feel the melody could be a little more developed and not as repeating. Also the ending is well.. not that fun. All in all, interesting remix.
  18. I support this idea and/or event! Also I'm free from school today and I'm bored
  19. Skrypnyk certainly knows what he's doing and in the same time he's bringing some originality to OCR. Great use of something that sounds like a pretty generic hip-hop loop, soft synths that are pleasing to the ear and some funky sampling. It doesn't really matter that it's not changing that much as the song goes, it's interesting enough already. Awesome.
  20. And then set them free in the ocean!
  21. I KNOW! Buuuuut you do realize it was pretty close? They're talking about a winnipeg meetup, I was about to say something like "Winnipeg is a dogshit dildo", commenting on how lame winnipeg is or such. also, I liek u .)
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