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Everything posted by anosou

  1. YAY NOT ILLEGAL! This is developing in to an interesting topic ;P
  2. yeah, but I'm scared of DC++ and I see nothing bad with closed torrent communities as long as it's possible to somehow get an invite, and honestly it's not hard. anyway, this discussion is highly illegal isn't it?
  3. Then let me be the first to say: Welcome Back, the world missed you! We should contact Björk. Really. BJÖRK!!! DAMN YOU! DON'T TELL THEM!? ;* also, finally, as long as the panel are open minded to non-conventional music and audio art I'm fine with it. If it's an arrangement, good and interesting enough to pass I see no point to follow the guidelines like a fanatic. I look forward to hearing the first Electro-Acoustic remix on OCR and some serious glitchtronica too
  4. Anna Kournikova's smash court tennis is one of the finest multiplayer experience on the Playstation! I played it constantly with my friend. I mean, you can play as Yoshimitsu or PAC-MAN and have loads of stupid tools to hit the ball with. and it's probably less than $7 I've yet to own a current-gen console so this downloading thing ain't my cup of tea yet. Though I REALLY look forward to virtual console. Since I'm born in 89 I kinda missed out on many many good games. I feel like I'll have to start a website for real and do a column on obscure games..
  5. I like private trackers. Mostly because that's the only way to make sure uploaded stuff is actually seeded. when I search pirate bay all the obscure stuff has NO SEEDERS. sure if I want that crappy simpsons movie I have five sources, but I don't.
  6. You should've been here when there was a thread about how you'd like to change the submission standards but I agree with you, there are some style choices that get left behind with this policy. Sadly it's the same as the chiptune issue. The answer is probably the same: If the arrangement and creativity weighs up the other part, it can still pass.
  7. I like you. I try to do that, too bad Final Fantasy is a great series of game. Otherwise I would diss it. Actually nowadays I'm trying to find all the obscure-but-good titles for the PS 1 & PS2. Slow progress but I'm getting there: http://soundscape.escariot.net/games/
  8. It would send the prices skyrocketing though. so yeah, one platform is suckage
  9. Rest in peace. I still believe OiNK made people buy albums.
  10. -Also he's a Ninja! sorry couldn't resist, been watching too much family guy
  11. Sweet, very sweet! I'm so glad this happened: "Do not tag or name your file with "OC ReMix", "www.ocremix.org", etc.; we will do this ourselves if your submission is accepted." keep up the good work, OCR is getting sweeter by the minute.
  12. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Console: N64 Publisher: Nintendo Developer: Nintendo Release: Nov 23, 1998 YES - Really. Come on people! Final Fantasy Anthology Console: Playstation Publisher: SquareSoft Developer: SquareSoft Release: Sept 30, 1999 YES - I'm going to YES this because it's probably the easiest legal way to get two great games. FFVI is still the greatest FF imho and FFV is a gem. They've aged very well Diablo II Console: PC Publisher: Blizzard Entertainment Developer: Blizzard North Release: June 29, 2000 YES - Still the best Hack'n'Slash game online. Also it has a wicked story. Damn Blizzard, always doin' quality games! Anyway, sill alive and kicking and doing it well. ***** Round Twenty-One: ***** Worms Armageddon Console: PC Publisher: Atari Developer: Team 17 Release: May 31, 1999 YES - The best Worms game IMHO. Loads of customization, massive ammounts of missions and levels and a kick-ass online AND OFFLINE multiplayer game. Did I mention it's super-cheap too? ******************
  13. <3!!!!!!!!!!!!! Total quotage!
  14. *hugs CHIPP Damage*
  15. Woo! I'm so pimping this at my local gamestores (they all know me I'm there too much) and see if I can achieve some similar result.
  16. HEY! That's MY thing ((((
  17. +1 for remix album but one thing, the video show some graphical errors. When the character is moving through the worlds the creen is kind of skipping O.o I hope this is fixed for the release, really
  18. ****** Round Seventeen: ****** Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap Console: GBA Publisher: Nintendo Developer: Flagship Release: Jan 10, 2005 YES, Incredibly well done Zelda game. Capturing what made A Link to the Past so good but updating both the system and visual style this is a keeper. Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal Console: GBA Publisher: Nintendo Developer: Game Freak Release: Oct 14, 2000 YES, One of the most engaging handheld games ever. This title defined handheld multiplayer with battling AND trading. And it's 50+ hours for any gamer wanting to explore it all. Go get this, NOW! **************************
  19. Woo Stockholm! Woo Sweden! they love us, they do
  20. Supported! But honestly, this looks sweet and indie developers need more support. Otherwise we're missing out on some serious gaming action.
  21. Jag håller med! But it's kind of charming to me hahaha
  22. you both have very valid points and no, I haven't seen his mom
  23. We shall? You didn't tell me! XD no rly, we shall.
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