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Everything posted by anosou

  1. that's soviet russia, nice try. we do this: "In Sweden we don't have yard sales, we have beautiful women and a working political system instead"
  2. That's only in the states In Sweden we have no yardsales! I'm trying to find old classmates with no clue, but it's hard
  3. *hugs linkspast* now if only I didn't live in PAL territory much love tho
  4. Hah! This guy's funny and young! do you honestly celebrate drinking btw?
  5. You probably do have a point, but since this is a forum I REFUSE TO ACCEPT IT! EDIT: ALSO! I WILL GIVE NO REASON TO WHY I'M RIGHT AND YOU'RE NOT. NOT EVEN DISCUSSING IT! YEAH!
  6. That's pretty cool. I'm too young to be an old-school gamer though. I'm in love with PS2
  7. Can I be your good friend? so you NEVER sold anything? you must have an awful lot of games man
  8. God yes! I've sold so many games that I then realized I loved more than anything. Nowadays selling is just out of the question. I remember selling Crash Team Racing.. still can't find a good copy of that, bah. so, in essence, what Brycepops said
  9. I don't like you, at all. Also, I'll definitely go see it when it's out. Or download. One of the two. Will Smith will probably do a good job if he can keep typical crappy punchlines for great justice out of the picture.
  10. Later then original poster! Also, buy many games, probably right now.
  11. One holding the lightbulb and a team of 100 to pull the house around?
  12. Wicked. Really, this was a really nice beat! Now just keep the rest of the song up to par I'll check the .rns out soon man
  13. PS3 ain't fun. In Japan the online services hasn't really started correctly either so.. Also. all you need is PS2. Ever.
  14. As you said, someone DIED. People die every day, in a year thousands of people die but nobody cares. Most of us cared about Reuben's death only because we knew him through his exceptional music and because he shared our interest in VGM arrangements, otherwise we would never had heard of him and probably wouldn't even know a young man died. That's also what most of us will remember with him, his music. And honestly, I think he'd like it that way because that was, after all what he was here for.
  15. Hahahaha, I approve! Way to make it your own
  16. It's not like I never get out, even though one might easily get that impression
  17. Woo! Hot Chicks from Sweden! I wonder how I could've missed 'em O.o After all I'm a HUUUUUUUGE Alice in Chains fan. I better go see 'em live sometime.
  18. Pretty cool updates. Are you planning to adapt the "customize profile" for judges and remixers or something like that?
  19. This can only mean one thing... MANLY GAYSEX! ..ok sorry
  20. Your son will be dearly missed as a friend, a great artist and a wonderful person. Best wishes in this time of sorrow.
  21. *humps bummerdudes leg, asks him to sign my ass and other fanboi-stuff* yeah.. you ain't never getting rid of me
  22. Baten Kaitos had everything EXCEPT good battle themes. Sakuraba is just no fun when he does his progrock shit
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