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Everything posted by anosou

  1. I'm almost done with my Cheetahmen 2 remix
  2. OH SHIT YES you just made my day Mr. Oji
  3. The man has a point.. I consider myself pwnt, yet again
  4. then you failed utterly
  5. I feel pwnt. It feels good.
  6. thank you very much for the kind words This is what makes me want to remix more, to know other people out there appreciate this as much as I do
  7. iTunes, mainly because it intergrates nicely in my other mac-software. for ogg and flac I use Cog, just because it can.
  8. Psychonauts Console: PC/XBOX/PS2 - don't forget the other formats man Publisher: Majesco Games Developer: Double Fine Productions Release: Apr 2005 BIG FAT YES - I'm actually playing this atm. One of the best games I've played in a looooong time. Tim Schafer for president!
  9. Happy Birthday Mr. Rolemodel! Have a good one Mazedude
  10. Thanks for all your wonderful comments this is what keeps me going
  11. fun fact: this is what makes vintage analog gear desireable. the way they color the sound. grow up people first you want perfect analog copies and then you want to listen to it in pristine, cold digital quality? EDIT: thank you
  12. I like how many says this, no matter the level of experience they have. It's becoming something that makes you sound like you know much. The fun thing is, not many can tell that something's from Reason if they didn't knew it before, at least if it's well done. Also, I think people sometime will have to realize they're silly. The sound that can be produced inside of Reason only sounds "low quality" to people used with the sounds of specific expensive synths. It's not because those are better, it's just a sound that the modern music scene has gotten used to. If we all just realized that everything that sounds good is good, we'd be a lot happier. Now everyone is going on and on about perfect-analog-clones and "warm" sounds. I can't believe we base our opinions about software, hardware and electronic music on the sounds created by old machines that sounded special because their limitations and circuitry. Electronic music is becoming as snobbish as classical music. If you do anything new with an Orchestra, they'll laugh at you. All instruments that ain't from the classical era are bullshit. And electronics sucks and can never be as good as the masters of the past! jeez, can't people just make good music and stop caring about what the masses think about something instead? okay, enough ranting. What did you want to say with this Hy Bound? now you got me all wound up ;P oh btw, gratz on the praise you got on the VotL special of In to the Score. You def deserved it! http://www.intothescore.com/
  13. ***** Round Twenty-Two: ***** Final Fantasy Tactics Console: Playstation Publisher: SCEA Developer: SquareSoft Release: Jan 1998 YES - SUPERB gameplay, great story and a great gaming experience. With the PSP port this is also easier to come by.
  14. Sad but true. But I think Hellgate could really work on mac. Partially because more and more people are buying macs and that mac-users love blizzard and diablo. so there's a market
  15. Yeah because it's so much harder to port a game to a platform that uses the same processor.. O.o that reason actually promotes porting
  16. I hate Flagship for not doing it for Mac too. Especially since they have a history in Blizzard and Diablo, that actually was for mac too.. DAMN YOU I HAVE NO MONEY FOR A DESKTOP ((
  17. but it would make more serious persons NOT want to beat it
  18. Most importantly, no Even though it's pure genius, no
  19. I really hope this will make developers of re-issued games and such take the remix scene in account. Especially with the improving standards of OCR this seems more and more possible. all I can say is this: AWESOME! EDIT: Hi, Score! (Ranking Display) please! Somehow this is the track on BotA that appeals to me the most except Flying Heaven. It just screams "GAAAAME".
  20. you're almost as nice as Jesus Christ. all hail Drack
  21. May I ask who you're talking to? I think that person would be happy to know you're offering a ride
  22. THE ADVANTAGE!? kill u You know one of the members in the advantage (the drummer I believe) is the guitarist in Hella. That's sick. Because Hella is the best most technical band ever. ever. ever. EVER! too bad Game Over couldn't make it btw
  23. I started making music with a computer christmas -06
  24. beta-testers? go get the demo instdead, it's out damnit
  25. Super-Saw sense, tingling! Be sure to drop by PHeads feature request forum to tell them what you didn't like. especially the shortcut things could be fixed in the next minor update. and yes, Thor is sex. So much sex it's insane.
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