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Everything posted by anosou

  1. Wow, that video made me all happy I'm glad there are others like me out there. I will try to remix the main theme soon, it's one of my all-time favorite songs, but I'm very caught up in other projects and school at the moment. Anyway, thanks a lot for your support! Expect new remixes by me soon enough
  2. I never said that you did anything wrong. I just thought you were a bit negative and didn't really be very specific about what you disliked about the idea of OCR blogs for forum users or remixers. Your argument was simply 'I think all blogs sucks because I don't care'. I found that negative and not really bringing anything to the discussion. Also it's kinda hard for a remixer to get the word out about new projects in your way. That would create millions of forum-posts saying "check out all my new stuff" much too often. Or mass-PMs. Hence it's a good idea for remixers to have a way to reach out to the community and an audience that might be interested in them.
  3. Beyond Good and Evil Console: PC Publisher: Ubisoft Developer: Ubisoft Release: Nov 2003 YES - Michel Ancel! Woo! This is a masterpiece. Short, but a masterpiece. The Secret of Monkey Island Console: PC Publisher: LucasArts Developer: LucasArts Release: 1990 YES - Humor. Loads of it. And all in a great game! This is one of the best adventure games out there. If you have a PC or Mac you NEED this.
  4. You're such a lovely and positive person. Much love. I still stand by the point that no one would want to read what you are thinking anyway. It's mostly for remixers. burn.
  5. I recently tried to download an torrent with 8-bit okami material, these pages where some of them. The torrent was sadly not well seeded and I forgot all about it. While your images are VERY small I bet this will be great news to some crazy Okami-fan. Now the question remains, what song is it?
  6. This thread is interesting! *lurks* Amon Amarth? That's my classmate's cousin So she has like all their CD's signed and some unreleased demos and whatnot. Didn't know they were big outside of Sweden? Hell, I didn't know they were big in Sweden XD
  7. Wooo! Progress! Soon I'll reach the next level >: )
  8. Hiya ;P I recently got an e-mail from http://ff-xiii.net asking if they could use my song from Voices of the Lifestream, Too Much Fighting in their first episode of their podcast. Here's their story: I said "hell yeah"! So, tune in this Sunday on their site for the FFXII.net podcast featuring some of me. Avaliable on itunes at November 5th. Hopefully they'll contact some more OCRemixers to share their FF love. thanks for listenin'
  9. Wait WHAT!? I thought it said FFXI.. Final Fantasy IX - YUP YUP End PS1 with a bang. Man Square was like Blizzard at that time. Everything they did was great. This is no exception. With more heart and love than previous games and more fantsy this is a great play. Also the system is sweet-ass. Even though it's easy
  10. The 2-5-1 was a stupid example I admit, and I think I tried to explain that. But the Amen break is still a good example. Because that preset isn't really THAT overused when coupled with the voice and voice fx.
  11. I'm so glad Psychonauts got love. MAZEDUDE LOVE! THE GREATEST LOVE THERE IS! nice one
  12. yeah you suck man, booo so you haven't actually been stealing the lady? because I've always found that pretty offensive ;P almost as offensive as the larry-undressing-picture
  13. Yes, Bootcamp is the way to go if you still want to play this. I'm just waiting to get Leopard until it's compatible with all my apps.
  14. Tomba! Console: Playstation Publisher: SCEA Developer: Whoopee Camp Release: June 1998 BORDERLINE YES: This is one of the most charming platformers on the PSX and everyone interested in a freaky platformer must have this. The problem is, there aren't many interested in that. Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction Console: PC Publisher: Blizzard Entertainment Developer: Blizzard North Release: June 2001 HELL YES - Blizzard just can't fail. Diablo 2: LoD is still one of the most played online games with a very active community. It's also great for what it is, a feature packed expansion to one of the best hack'n'slash games ever.
  15. You need to move out of your box It wasn't always better in the past
  16. Sadly, Windows only. I've been grieving this a lot since it's the Diablo 2 guys. I guess you can't have it all.
  17. Happy birthday man! Ahead On Our Rave is the only song that can make me actually get up and shake it. Have a good one
  18. I bet he's got Live Lite if he's ever purchased a piece of music hardware / software ever haha
  19. I actually didn't realize that the preset was a loop, I just reacted to your statement about the preset in general. I can understand that it's another matter when it comes to a vital part being a preset, melodic loop. Though I still can't really see what's wrong with it if it sounds good. It's like banning the use of Hot Pants or Amen just because it's a preset loop that's the main support in drum'n'bass. You can't critisize the arrangement of a song for using Amen as the main drum loop, can you? You could even compare it to using a 2-5-1 in Jazz-arrangements. I realize the two things I mention are standards in that particular genre of music, but doesn't that make them even more taboo and "preset"? The Amen loop is then violating the standards as much as a chiptune arrangement but I'm certain no one should object to a well-arranged song using the Amen being posted. Okay, now I kind of lost the focus on the original remix.. I still agree that the song in question shouldn't pass if it was submitted at this time, even though it's a very minimalist source and the use of voice effects is superb. But it's not the preset melody-loop that should keep it from the site, I stand by that.
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