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Everything posted by anosou

  1. you're an RPG-whore, but that's ok too
  2. SOOOOOO MANY! Jade Cocoon is underrated in every essence of the word. The Ar Tonelico soundtracks didn't get nearly the boom they deserved. Crash Twinsanity is an amazing new kind of Video Game Soundtrack done entirely acapella with beatboxing. And it's free. Google it! ESPGaluda's got some of the best J-trance around. Everything done for Skullmonkeys is excellent. The small ammount of tracks that was the Vib Ribbon soundtrack was also pure enjoyment. I'm a HUGE Shoji Meguro fan, so everything for Persona or Digital Devil Saga is amazing. Especially DDS1&2. The mecha XBOX game Phantom Crash had some really unique tracks by Kimitaka Matsumae (who did Jade Cocoon) and some instrumentalists. Get the gamerip if you can. The soundtrack for Voodoo Vince is also one of the best soundtracks around with it's amazing blues/jazz soundtrack. And lastly, everything by Kou Hayashi and Daisuke Nagata. Especially Chaosfield and Radirgy.
  3. I say you all should play Toribash and start posting your wicked replays
  4. Yeah, wtf people?
  5. Black-what-now?
  6. You Americans and your eating-turkey-day. Nevertheless, Have a good one!
  7. Now they just have to post AT LEAST one remix a day.. Daaaa-aaave?
  8. http://smjustice.com/blog/ We got sum more lovin'
  9. Congratulations BGC, you just surpassed Mazedude in the eyes of a fan
  10. hehehehehehehehehehehe True, so true. I remember when I was lurking here. UnMod made me take a two year break XD
  11. scared me there ;P
  12. OMG YOU DISSIN' TECHNO!? OUT! Okay seriously, yeah. Do it already Dave. You need the money.
  13. Just hang around the WIP forums and read tutorials and you'll be on your way welcome
  14. Dude, The Unarchiver! Your best friend (and mine)
  15. or like synth... or like techno... or like ETHNICJAZZFUSION
  16. This might be fun, I'm not used to traditional remixing though, just arranging O.o We'll see about this, but thanks for making this an opportunity
  17. I'm so happy DJP brought back the punchlines into the write-up! It's not "rock to the crazy Joe Musashi Beat!!" but it's something. Now the remix. Nice electronic soundscape, the chime sounds works well with the gated synths and really gives the melody some room. Nice LFO controlled breakdown before it all kicks in too During the track there's a lot of creative processing and filtering which I enjoy. Though the actual arrangement is pretty static during the first half, the processing mentioned keeps it interesting. Nonetheless, the chord changes at about half the song is really a welcome and needed twist. The ending is also pretty cool and changes the sound one last time before it all ends. All in all, great remix.
  18. you can download it on the flOw page? the offline version
  19. It's a matter of getting used to it, also I don't sequence a lot I mostly record so for me it isn't a problem. Anyway in the Reason 4.0.1 beta there's some improvements to clip-handling, amongst other it's easier to get in to the clips. I'll keep you posted on other changes.
  20. I'm so happy Snow Bros. gets love! Underrated games need all the appreciation they can get. While I'm not terribly keen on some of the synthetic sounds (they seem to be out of tune with the guitar too) and the way they are sequenced, the track is still great with a solid arrangement and a very retro mood. Nice
  21. This is actually rather funky! Thanks man! I'm looking forward to getting the whole thing, will you release the sounds you used too? I'm always looking for new interesting ways to make music and this sure seems like one
  22. I'll post that link on the first page, thanks
  23. Darwinia! Woo! EDIT: I'm so happy many of these games are for mac too. I'm getting both flOw and Toribash and eventually I'm buying Darwinia and not just hyping it from a distance.
  24. I'd like a wallpaper too. I used a two-colored pic of the logo I got from "the official OCR cover art something something" thread a while back.. More wallpaper love! Also, thanks SoloGamer, the OCR-tan ones are cute. and... YAY MACBOOK PRO :D
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