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Everything posted by anosou

  1. Okay, I make god kill kittens! BUT I have a request. If anyone's going to MAGFest and need a badge (i.e. pre-registration) please talk to me. I've already registered and since I'm not coming I can sell my badge to any one of you, maybe even take a few bucks off the price. PM me, and please hav paypal
  2. GRATTIS PÅ FÖDELSEDAGEN Nu, gör lite fler Remixar tack
  3. on the + side: I feel all popular on the - side: ... still not going to MAGFest <3 you anyway
  4. Maybe incorporating an icon or such in the "header-thingy" when you write in the forum too? A little blog sign next to your user name probably couldn't hurt. But don't make it next to all the wiinumber, xboxlive and so on stuff. It should be easy to notice. hmm. I probably have other ideas but I'm tired and I'm going to bed I'll be back
  5. ****** Round Sixteen: ****** Chrono Cross Console: Playstation Publisher: SquareSoft Developer: SquareSoft Release: Aug 15, 2000 YES - What Sephfire said
  6. I agree, especially with the non-registered users thingy.
  7. footer ads plz The after-first-post annoys me but footer or side is all right MORE MONEY TO OCR
  8. And it also makes your e-penis a couple of inches larger
  9. blergh, come to Sweden instead ((((((((( at least I get to hang out with AeroZ when he get home and watch pictures?
  10. ****** Round Fourteen: ****** The Sims Console: PC Publisher: Maxis Developer: Maxis Release: Jan 31, 2000 - a big fat YES. Will Wright created a monster. And a monster everyone can love and play. With incredible gameplay depth (really! It's a life damnit) and a horribly addicting system, this is a keeper.
  11. Sorry people, can't make it. I just can't afford this AND part-time classes. Part-time classes is kind of important for university. Sorry I really wanted to be there.. Next year? ...EUROPE MEET-UP!?
  12. You're more than welcome. It was a highly enjoyable remix
  13. BEARDED MEN, UNITE! I knew you had that avatar for some reason
  14. Okay, I searched the thread and I'm surprised you missed these. It's even OCR-related. Sam 'Shnabubula' Ascher-Weiss has released many albums of original music in mp3 format over at his webspace ArnoldAscher.com. Here you can find over 7 original albums, some chiptunes and piano performances. A true goldmine. Sam's work is highly enjoyable even though it's at times very spastic. Creative digital signal processing should be his second name together with jazz. Go get this now! If you're stupid and want to try something out before downloading it all I recommend "She's a grammar god" and "Community Knowledge". Great short albums.
  15. I'm not so sure about that ._____________. got serious money issues atm.
  16. Oh, this is one kick-ass thread! Why did I miss it? *kicks self in the head* for some quality club electro, visit Boeoes Kaelstigen's MySpace and scroll down to the MP3 section. Here they offer 3 live sets from different gigs for download, totalling at almost 2 hours of club music for free. This is not missable. I will be back with more! MUCH MORE! EDIT: Also, I love you for your supreme taste in music and love for netlabels OverCoat, let's have manbabies ^^
  17. Super Mario World, no doubt in my mind. Mainly because the added possibilties in movement didn't make the response any worse IMHO. And man the possibilities in movement!
  18. Wow.. This is just.. How can you do that? Now I'm sad in the eye.
  19. A very very happy birthday fellow member of the OCR European Bureau. Have a good one mate
  20. A remix over 6 minutes can many times be very interesting and for orchestral pieces and electro madness it's not a bad idea. I understand the file-size limit but I feel it's sad that longer pieces has to be 128kbps or lower.
  21. heathen! anyway, sent you all I got
  22. Nobody likes you and your silly boomtiss, go home!
  23. you are now officially icon-spammed remember to accept only the ones you actually want since you have a limited ammount of tokens EDIT: LOL, is it just me or did IconBuffet just go down? XD EDIT2: Nevermind, it was really short
  24. Anso, just sent you some icons and befriended you ;P good icons also! Video Game and Audio! That's all you need, right?
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