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Everything posted by anosou

  1. I'm in. Even though I don't really get it, I like icons EDIT: Okay, I kinda get it. But it's still a very strange idea O.o
  2. A problem here is that you can't here anything of Kefka for the first half of the song. When the organ enters you can here some similarities, but it's not until waaaay after that when the piano enters you can hear it, and then it's really quiet. I like the ideas of the backing track, but don't drag it out man The drums are super-dull. After the 1-2-3-4 hi-hat count in you really expect something way more epic. spice it up with some more action! Hi-hat patterns, flams on the snare, ghost notes, a crash here and there. Don't go all on-tss on-tss Listen to rock drummers The choices of sounds are not the most interesting, but they still work quite well. If you could only do something that makes them move! Since most are playing the same pattern over and over again, it wouldn't hurt to get some additional movement in there. and yes, it's very very repetitive. Try doing some chord changes, maybe small melodic changes. Since you aren't really doing anything else than these same patterns until the piano enters you must make it more interesting or change the arrangement structure completely. Hope I'm not sounding to harsh but this is just constructive criticism Keep working and really listen to it, it's the small things that does it but before that you need to fix the big things
  3. Mmmmm, Blaaaaakey Sounds very sweet. Although a little bit muddy, mix-wise, but I don't really know how to make orchestra sound better on the plus side, it sounds like a live recording MOAR PLZ
  4. Monobrow? pfft! GAY! also, wip review. sure. I sadly couldn't play the SPC so I'll base this only on what I hear. Interesting bass sound, lots of character. But the ringing noise gets annoying for a while when it plays the same bassline over and over again Nice glitchy little percussive elements. coming in at 00.16 The main lead sound that comes in at the same time is very generic and slightly out of tune. though I like the out of tune thing, you could easily find a cooler sound that appeals more to a listener. When you drop the drum-loop (is it a loop!?) at 00:34 you could really use some change in the bass. Some minor things, maybe some octaves. The piano sounds good though. Nice mood. The strings also sounds sweet. some more power in the transition at 00.50, like a drum fill, wouldn't hurt. This part is pretty nice, though you could make the drums a tiny bit more varied. Same basspattern comes back yet again It's a cool pattern but you could def do something more with it at times. at 2:00 the bass really takes over. Maybe it shouldn't be that loud really sweet at 2:08, really nice. Kicks many RPG soundtrack's ass. IMO though, it could be a bit longer, maybe building it up with those strings and THEN the fill. Now it feels a lot like you're just pasting together some short parts without giving much thought to the transition. Also, nice crisp sound just lower the volume of the bass and balance things a tiny bit more. It sounds great. Overall, pretty damn nice mix there Monobrow. Sorry if I'm sounding overly harsh but wip boards is for constructive criticism
  5. covers ain't remixes but I'm glad you find joy in playing!
  6. Okay, I'm here now, you can calm down let's see listening to the original. Funny tune O.o ..and nooow, your remix. Cool intro, caught me off-guard in a good way. The bass is hard panned right, not a good idea. It makes the mix sound less consistent. Especially in a genre such as hip-hop you want a bass with a lot of low end in the middle of the mix. The guitar-thing that's in the left speaker is interesting, but it is very lo-fi in it's character. As tweek pointed out, a more squelchy mono synth would probably sound way cooler. As for production, it's very much hi-mid and high frequencies. not much bass at all. Try EQing them drums. I like how you use panning as a weapon, but don't overdo it. Bass to the middle please, and don't pan stuff super-hard, gives a very shattered impression.. though I AM on headphones.. The strings are not that bad for what they are. Does the work quite well, but are you using some kind of distortion on them? scream 4? still it's not that bad but some EQing and less reverb/delay or whatever it is could make them sweeter. Heh, when you go back to listen to the source you get all happy XD nice ideas. keep working now knives!
  7. Stop making me cry for not playing pc games ,_,
  8. The bastard! I'm glad I don't like other Valve stuff that much then. Mainly because I never played it lol
  9. Your greatest musical achievement is my girlfriend? NOT COOL!
  10. You did!? GRATZ! my best musical achievement? ._. urgh. Remixing wise it was when zircon invited me to the FFVII project as a fresh remixer. Otherwise I think it was when I performed a piano solo piece I composed at a school concert and everyone actually stood up to applaud it. I was 15 at the time.
  11. YES, If you demand a reason I'll kill you
  12. Then I guess I'll eventually get a PS3 though. Xbox ain't my thang thanks for the info donut my friend
  13. Make a mac version already! or at least a console one! I hate to admit it but this game looks sweet. Really sweet. and I'm one of those "I-don't-like-valve-or-FPSs"guys.. GET ON WITH IT! THIS IS SO INNOVATIVE YOU HAVE TO GIVE IT TO US ALL!
  14. Expect more Jade Cocoon remixes from me eventually
  15. I change my mind, I don't care
  16. haha no love for the end! TBH though, I suck at endings, most of my songs are fade-outs or real abrupt ;P now you know my dirty secret
  17. Dude, internet.
  18. I'll keep you posted
  19. What he said! (I'm doing this too soon, I'm just terribly busy with uni preparations.. even half a year before uni lol)
  20. I'm trying, so far I've got 1000Kr from my mom. Still not enough but I'm on it. Also, Dulles ride? I don't know how many people avaris can handle really since it's possibly me and AeroZ, but if I'm out or if he can take more people I bet you're welcome
  21. What Sephfire said. also, even if it's only 10 people paying for the bloggs, it'll be worth it so go for it Dave
  22. I like Taucer's idea the most
  23. AWWWWWWWWWWW! :3 *sympathy hugs*
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