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Everything posted by Scufo

  1. Aw, man. Metaknight got a smash ball, but I guess he lost it because he waited too long. Or maybe he lost it because he was damaged. Either way that's lame cause I wanna see his FS.
  2. I can't even tell what happens. The screen goes dark and then...random explosions?
  3. Ahhh, no no no. There can't be any insta-kill/unavoidable attacks in Smash. For a single attack that covers such a large area, 40% is more than enough damage. Hell, the thing killed Mario when he was at 0% in the Gamespot demo. I'd imagine there would be no recovery if you're hit at like 30% or more damage.
  4. Eh, I'm thinking more about just playing with friends. You can't really have fun and mess around much if you can't communicate easily. But yeah that would be nice too. I just hope they have something planned to expand the online play beyond the bare-bones functionality that's been revealed thus far. I want voice chat more than anything, but it's probably not gonna happen.
  5. In regards to Brawl's online play, it NEEDS a lobby, and it NEEDS voice chat. I'm sure anyone who's played any good online game on Xbox/Xbox 360 will agree.
  6. Ugh. After they made the Dec. 3 date sound so certain, too. I wonder if Sakurai is gonna say anything or just quietly put the new date up.
  7. I'm working on Halloween so I guess I'll take a bunch of empty boxes and be awesome-o or something.
  8. It is a good anime, but [Last Episode Spoliers] The ending sucked. I thought it was really lame that Clare didn't kill Priscilla, since that's precisely what did in Teresa. Sure it goes with the whole retaining Clare's humanity thing, but really, if the whole point of the anime is to kill Priscilla, I want to see her dead. Sure she was kind of insane, didn't know she was a Yoma and whatnot, but that's no reason to have sympathy for her. Besides that the ending was just really inconclusive. Priscilla's still alive, Easly's still alive, the two other Dwellers are still alive, and there's just tons of unanswered questions regarding the organization and the people within it. But I guess that's what happens when a manga is adapted to an anime. [/spoilers]
  9. Agh, I have to stop reading these updates. With nine new characters already, there can't be too many more...
  10. I name my harddrives after elements. Currently I have Cobalt, Sulfur, Iridium, and Tungsten.
  11. Great game, etc etc, but am I the only one who's really, REALLY annoyed with how cumbersome it is to switch to your scan visor? I just want to press a button, not hold down - and move it over to the thing on top and then let go of - because by that time THE STUPID FUCKING BATS HAVE ALREADY KAMIKAZE ATTACKED ME. Also I want my scan icons from Prime 1 back.
  12. Heh, funny how people were complaining that the updates just tell us useless crap/crap we already know in the beginning, and now they're telling us so much that we don't want to hear any more.
  13. Huh. Can't say I'm thrilled that Shiek is back.
  14. That's what the little "character" icon in the top-right is for. Plus he's added to the list of characters, so I don't think there'd be any confusion in that aspect. Regardless, it would be terrible if they revealed unlockable characters before the game is released.
  15. You sure about that? Notice Sakurai says you fall through if you get hit by the pitfall. The way he says it infers that this is an effect unique to hitting someone directly with the item. If you walk into a planted one, I think you get stuck no matter where you are. Then again, I guess we can't be sure since DK is on solid ground in the first three screenshots.
  16. I'm pretty sure SSBM's music wasn't orchestrated. I may be wrong of course, but I remember that being one of the very few aspects of the game that people would complain about.
  17. To be fair, TP was definitely a step in the right direction in terms of difficulty. Both the puzzles and enemies were much harder than in WW (by the way, don't get me wrong, WW is one of my favorite games). Plus Zelda bosses have never been particularly difficult, which I don't have a huge problem with. The final bosses, though, were just too damn easy. Wind Waker's were harder, which is really saying something.
  18. [TP spoilers] I'd say all the final bosses in Legend of Zelda: TP were pretty underwhelming, or at least, they were as far as difficulty goes. Zelda, in particular, was way too easy. If I'm not mistaken, this was the first time you had to fight an enemy with 2 parts of the Triforce, yet she was no problem to take down. Also, the "Chance" command that you get in the dual with Ganondorf was fucking lame. Let's revert to the "stand there until it tells you to press A" combat strategy from WW. Nice going, guys. [/TP spoilers]
  19. What's all this talk about tourney players complaining about the stages? You guys do know that this is the first stage revealed that doesn't look tournament neutral, right?
  20. Eh. tencharactersahhhhh
  21. Atma, remember that besides revealing all the known characters, they have to reveal all their moves. Yeah this is gonna be a while.
  22. This I like. Final Smashes that don't stop the action. gj nintendo
  23. It seems they're just renaming a lot of the old units. Is the Tempest going to be any different than the Carrier? Is the Twilight Archon any different than the Archon? I hope so. Also, I agree that the colors are too bright. It's not just that, though. Everything looks much more cartoon-ey than the original. Compare the new Terran unit portraits to the old ones and you'll see what I mean. Take a look at the lava and stuff here: Ew. Way to make Warcraft in space, guys.
  24. Well, so much for Fox always having his pistol out. I'm thinking his moveset is will be largely the same as before.
  25. At first the music was kinda like what? But listening to it again it kinda grew on me. It does Yoshi's Story justice.
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