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Everything posted by Scufo

  1. Not very much anymore. I downloaded most of my collection within the first couple months of discovering the site, so by now I'm pretty much sick of them. Every now and then I'll download a new mix if I like the source tune, but that's not nearly often enough for ocremixes to constitute a significant part of my playlist. So rarely.
  2. Uh, go play Cave Story? I don't see how this is any different from any other side-scrolling shooter. Is it just Mario + Halo = awesome for you? I don't get it.
  3. What is this, Sakurai? I thought the spontaneous misfire was taken out.
  4. Not sure why they said Boston in the beginning when it's actually Worcester. But that's still pretty close to where I am! I just might go.
  5. It's a lot more prominent in Brawl. Both damage and knockback are decreased significantly with repeated use of every attack. In Melee only damage was decreased for A moves, while some B moves also suffered from decreased knockback. In Brawl, you actually have to "recharge" your moves which have been worn out by landing blows from other moves (not attacking thin air). The weaker a move gets, the easier it is to recharge. It could become important in competitive smash. Unfortunately it looks like half my moves can't be Lightning Kick anymore D:
  6. http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=142247
  7. Brawl isn't Melee though. I don't see why Bowser should have to rely on a tactic that made him good in Melee for him to be good in Brawl, especially when no one else can do it either. What of his increased range and generally increased attack speed? From what I've read pretty much only his up B was nerfed while just about everything else was buffed.
  8. Haha, no offense but I really don't think you can say that yet. The Melee tactics are gone but new ones will be discovered. I'm sure we'll see the tiers, once they're established, shift around quite a bit before finally settling like Melee's did.
  9. cock-sticking lololol
  10. What I'm thinking is that a lot of Bowsers will just try to get a one stock lead and then koopa claw koopa claw koopa claw koopa claw etc. Though I guess it could only work on small stages.
  11. Apparently Bowser's new suplex thing (Koopa Claw initiates it) is impossible to escape from once grabbed, making for pretty ridiculous suicide attacks. He does it 3 times to Lucas here, and it ends in sudden death.
  12. I didn't like it at first either, but then I found out that dodging no longer puts you into a "helpless" state. You can attack and do your midair jump after air dodging now. I guess it's one of the ways they're trying to encourage midair battles this time around. Pretty cool, I think. Should make for more fluid midair fighting.
  13. Awesome to see Zelda's been de-nerfed. She's always been my main, despite her low-tier status. Din's Fire really looks awesome now. I've heard Nayru's Love now makes her temporarily invincible, too. This game is really testing my patience. I've never anticipated a game to a level even close to this one. And the huge wealth of videos out there certainly doesn't help.
  14. Oh, of course the Giants played better. Otherwise they wouldn't have won. I just think the Patriots have already proved themselves to be a better team than what we saw tonight. Yes, a lot of it was just the Giants shutting them down, but there were points when plays should have been made and simply weren't. Like I said, I'm by no means a football guru. I can't argue the finer points of the game at a level even close to yours. But I still think the Pats had the skill to take this thing all the way.
  15. Wow, no love for the Pats at OCR, huh? I'm not real into football but I'll be damned if the Patriots didn't deserve this win. Well, shit happens.
  16. Ahhhhh Ganondorf even takes out his sword as an idle animation. THEY'RE MOCKING ME I SWEAR. Also you should be able to control him after he uses his FS, like Bowser. Also also I lol'd at Ness's and Lucas's useless FS.
  17. I wasn't saying there were no third party characters. I meant it's stupid to actually expect a given third party character to be included. You can hope and pray for it all you want, but don't act shocked and dismayed when the character you want isn't included when there was never much of a chance of it happening anyway. As Dhsu said, Snake and Sonic are special cases.
  18. There ARE 40 characters. Samus and Zelda are two in one, and Pokemon trainer is 3 in one. That's up from 26. And they dropped some. And they have to balance and refine each and every one. There are only 3 clones (Toon Link, Ganondorf, probably Falco). How anyone can look at this roster and not be satisfied is baffling. Did you really expect them to include Megaman? Yeah I guess it would have been cool, but so would have a zillion other characters. He's third party...you really can't set your hopes that high.
  19. Can't please everyone I guess. But the new characters (16 of them, 2 more than were added in Melee and only 1 of which is a clone, compared to 6 in Melee) really do cover the gamut. It's pretty hard to be a video game fan and not be (extremely) excited about at least a few of the characters. ROB is basically the Brawl equivalent of Game & Watch. Just a throwback to classic Nintendo.
  20. F-Zero stage.EDIT: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ht_Ss9vHhSk Electroplankton stage, Multi-man Brawl, other crap.
  21. You can send stages to each other, but you just can't use custom stages in online play.
  22. Ok ok, spoiler tags ahoy. [character/stage spoilers] Ok so upon watching this video for more than the 5 seconds I had before work reveals that yes, Ganondorf is less clone-y than before. Unfortunately whoever played him sucked the big one, so we can only see a few moves. His down smash and (I think) his strong down are still the same as Falcon's, but his up special is different. Right after one of the pirate ships' bombs explodes on him he appears to do (but not complete) his dair, which is the same as before. Right afterwards I think he does a fair, which is also the same as before. What I really want to see are his special moves. He's still a slow and heavy character, which is really lame because we've now seen, in both WW and TP, that he's an agile fighter. Right now he appears to be, more or less, still a clone of the Captain, which I think there's no excuse for (unlike, say, Wolf or Falco), since we've seen his fighting style in other games already, and this isn't it. So I guess WW Ganondorf is a boss for WW Link? EDIT: Oh and Dragon Roost Isle theme for the fucking WIN. [/character/stage spoilers]
  23. [character spoilers] Why is Ganondorf still a clone. WHY [/character spoilers]
  24. Hoax. Hooooaaaax. First one is real.
  25. Fucking. AWESOME. I hope he's not just a Young Link-ey clone. That bow suggests he might be. Then again I suppose any Link is incomplete without a bow. That definitely looks like it could be the final roster. 34 characters...they took out all the right ones in my opinion. ...Actually I did kind of like Mewtwo. But other than that I'm happy. EDIT: Referring to Murmeli's post
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