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Everything posted by JadeAuto

  1. Quoting Dark Helmet: WHEN WILL THEN BE NOW? SOON.
  2. This song has been kicking my butt all over the place all day.
  3. posting just to use the pretzel .... thats not wrong, is it?
  4. Demo was nice. Still wishing for a good story, you know? FF6 had a good one - the characters were simple, yet things MEANT something, you know? Kefka was an evil psychopath who actually succeeded in destroying the world. Terra had an identity crisis that kicked Cloud's ass (much as I love FF7). Edgar/Sabin were great... etc, etc, /end fanboyisim But if they could provide a good story with an engine like this, I would be interested.
  5. This is looking to be entertaining. Looking forward to it.
  6. Voted. Didn't give any 1's, but I felt from a production standpoint that there were a few 2's for mixing and balancing. A few 4's, and I think 1 or 2 5's. Good efforts by all, I look forward to hearing the winners.
  7. I just bought bastion too... ahh well, still worth it to support the other games. And I've heard a TON about Psychonauts... so I'll give it all a whirl.
  8. JadeAuto#1159 >.>
  9. I got to play a bit of the beta this weekend. I must say, T2 is going to be pretty enjoyable. It's not near as dark as that other hack and slash game and I like having single player and mods.
  10. FF7 one is seriously amazing.
  11. as long as it's on a weekend I'm still game. Work can bite my shiny metal ass.
  12. I find I like Silencer (no suprise, I liked him in HoN too), Mirana, and Clinkz. I have failed so much with Razor it's not funny.
  13. This. And I don't even notice them on repeated playthroughs. Time to rock the headphones and listen very closely. This song is all sorts of ownage. More PoD please!
  14. I see the letter 'g' in high frequency in that screenshot. I am excited to see how much chaos occurred. Also, I'm waiting on the phoebus image pack. I'm too adjusted to it to switch away to ascii again.
  15. biggest change IMHO. much easier to create symmetrical, nice looking fortresses instead of painstakingly matching each floor...
  16. I think we can all learn one thing from Xerol: images when not rushed, do so much better. P.S.: I had too many ambushes to really think of fixing anything... other than the front door. And... yeah, I didn't know of dwarf therapist until after my year was done. *mutters like a rage filled dwarf* believe me, it makes a world of difference. Night and Day. Also, the sound and 3d engines someone coded add that much more to it. Lazy noob pack for life.
  17. what's your steam name? love to play dota2 with ya sometime

  18. I think your dwarf is still alive, unlike mine...
  19. I got impatient and rushed my delivery. But playing sure has me spending hours on DF again. Year 4: PrisonShanks in the year of our lord, JadeAuto
  20. Update from the front lines: My year is done. Working on the writeup. Prisonshanks still stands! Xerol, you'll have a fun time with it. Garian's got the link for the next person, my writeup is ready to post once sensai posts his.
  21. Well, a few pre-write up thoughts for me: 1) two ambushes, 3 snatchers, and 2 (yes, two!) sieges after my year started, I'm probably going to be the end of Prisonshanks. **EDIT** holy crap scratch that, I just did something incredible. Story at 10. 2) layout and design on this one... no offense guys, but holy crap full of holes 3) are we near a goblin fortress, or am I just being subjected to torture?
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