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Everything posted by JadeAuto

  1. I don't know why this game hasn't had a thread discussing game play for the recently released PC-Steam port of La-Mulana. Rectify! So I bought it, and have been enjoying the devilish difficulty... sometimes, we just need a game that goes "screw you, learn to play like you did when you were a kid... only harder". I love this game. Highly recommended.
  2. Very appreciative of the Project update today; just to clarify if people didn't get it already - if you have an address change, PM OCRemix via kickstarter and they'll sort it out. I'm one of the ones who clamored for an address change (Funny moving halfway across country and getting married will do for you). Cheers again to Zircon, DJP & the crew for keeping things smooth. Just like a nice, aged shot of Oban scotch.
  3. Married for 18 days; Not only found an amazing woman but also two lovely children in the mix! JadeAuto's family
  4. Wow. Good work! This makes me want to slug through EoB again. Or wait until the Grimrock mod for EoB comes out. Well done, sir. Very good sound to it.
  5. Man... it kicks some serious tushie! Insta-uploaded to my phone to listen to everywhere (including the plane the next few months)
  6. Probably
  7. Could I get my future brother-in-law whitelisted please? His username is: Gladdius Thanks!
  8. I'm suprised nobody has posted the obligatory "I think this sucks" video: All kidding aside, I was skeptical at first, and still am somewhat, simply because of the EU. I remember the good old days when they first started out, with Thrawn, Callista... yeah.
  9. Kickstarter FAQ says OCR will send out a quiz when they're ready to ship asking for details. It's not going to go off of your amazon address or anything. So when the time comes, we'll be asked where we want our goodies shipped to.
  10. I had a similar issue lately. My computer would blue screen randomly, usually anytime I did anything graphics intensive. Had to replace the mobo, memory, and hard drive before I fixed it.
  11. Though I've played and beaten SO:2. Great game, figured I'd give this a listen. Nicely done mix of Rena's theme. Adds some drama and some bombast to the theme, and delicate bits around it. For a mix from '03, tis not bad at all. Still holds up well to the test of time.
  12. So I've been enjoying this game more than anything else on the market. I love the snarkiness of it. I love the little quirks. I love the challenge. IMO best game of 2012, hands down. And probably the last game I'll be getting for awhile, seeing as I'm getting married in March.
  13. Put in my pledge. Always have liked your remixes, figured what the hell.
  14. Let's see how quick that flex goal can be met - before day two is over?
  15. you beat the game at 37? Cripe. I'm 40 in act 3 and I get oneshot in vetran too much... trying to find a slightly better playstyle
  16. In like Flynn with a $50 grin. (Again) Glad this was able to go through again. See what patience gets you?
  17. Count me in, as soon as I can get my runic account password reset (I can't remember it lol)
  18. Yes, that. I'll be playin.
  19. I would be up for it. Hell, I still listen to eps. 1-8 when I work out, it's just a darn good mix. Teal auto says, moar tekno... *laughing* Yeah, I got you to say that stupid crap
  20. Put my backing into this... also, the FF7 teaser image makes me incredibly hopeful This is going to be eeeexxxxcelent!
  21. That'll show me to read the first four or five posts in a thread, then reply without seeing how long ago they were.
  22. are you kidding me? ... ... ... guess that's one show I won't watch.
  23. QFT. I'm in the same boat... someday.
  24. I read this thread and was like, what? Then I was like, okay, that makes sense. And now I'm all ...
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