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Everything posted by halc

  1. happy slightly late birthday. ;D
  2. love the arrangement. overall production felt a little overcooked; the guitars were extra crunchy, but the vocal and bells were a little buried. gotta agree about the rhythm timing; the first half wasn't bad, but a few sections later on (2:40 being the capper) were really off-beat and awkward to listen too. cool stuff, but it needs a few tweaks to make the frontpage. please continue subbing. I hope to hear this mix again sometime. NO(resub)
  3. yeah, no additional crits here, this is just plain old fun stuff. nothing mindblowing, but plenty solid overall. keep up these collabs, you two; they've yielded some interesting results. YES
  4. seemed a little heavy on the low end, causing a lot of the higher brass and string melodies to sound buried. I didn't think the arrangement was repetitive (I actually thought you got pretty decent mileage out of such a limiting source), but the climax seemed to happen pretty early on, and the second half just kinda lost steam imo. if the production and EQ were a little cleaner, I'd be more comfortable with this. NO(resub)
  5. not much to add; gotta agree that the panned bass is awkward, but otherwise I thought panning and stereo separation was pretty tastefully applied. however the eq could be tweaked to add more mids, and the drums seemed a little grating in the highs at times. really digging the synth sequencing, and overall arrangement though. another pass at the production could put this over the bar for me. NO(resub)
  6. I used fl studio with parallels on a regular old macbook for quite a while, and it did just fine, but as my project files became bigger and more complex, it couldn't quite keep up. you'd probably be fine with an imac though. bootcamp is great and all but I couldn't be bothered to reboot everytime I need to change OS's, or just to make music.
  7. interesting take here. the soundscape is really washed out, but it works. I really liked the gritty drums that entered later. the transitions weren't great though, and I agree the guitar was buried, and could have been brought out and eq'd brighter. the arrangement is pretty conservative, although it spreads its wings a bit more near the end. I might be okay with it if the production and transitions were polished up a little more, but there's definitely room for interpretation. there is some distortion in the right channel at 1:16 too, sounds like a rendering glitch though, not sure. a little more work could put this on the frontpage, but still I enjoyed it quite a bit as is. I hope to hear it again sometime. NO(resub)
  8. as usual, a brilliant arrangement and performance. I thought the transitions in and out of wind scene, very subtle. I'm not much of a solo piano buff, but your arrangements are consistently some of the most accessible and nostalgic that I've heard. nice work. YES
  9. I agree with the others. put a little more work into those articulations and velocities. this is a neat arrangement, and the samples themeselves are fine, it just needs to blend and flow more naturally. the sound effects seemed very random. I won't hold them against you, but they're too loud. caught me off guard, there. NO(resub)
  10. I think the arrangement ideas and expansion on the sources is great, there's a lot to like here, and I thought the progression through movements was a neat concept, and you executed it pretty well. the samples are definitely holding this back though. a lot of them just sounded thin and (aside from Act 2 and 3, which I though were much more cohesive) mechanically sequenced. I know it's electronica, but when pretty much all the elements, aside from the beat, are 'real' instruments, the rigid articulations and velocities really bring it down. I think this is a unique, ambitious mix you have here, and I think you can get away with the samples you are using, but they definitely need to be tweaked to sound more natural. keep at it. I hope to hear this one again sometime. NO(resub)
  11. the writing was pretty straight-forward, but the arrangement overall was fine, well adapted to the style with some cool harmonic additions. nice guitar performances as well. I'd say it's a bit too long, or at least feels that way because the energy level and instrumentation doesn't really change much throughout the track. the sources were well integrated though, and the transitions were pretty solid. I agree that the production (as the others mentioned, the rhythms and drums in particular) needs some work. it's on the right track, though. NO(resub)
  12. ya'll better keep your eyes peeled, TGH is one of the most versatile, poke-music obsessed up-and-comers around. excellent work, bro.
  13. i don't know who i am anymore

  14. plz teech me how 2 mix. i herd u make good songs.

  15. I thought the track was beautiful, but definitely repetitive, which is compounded a little by it's length imo. the whole thing was feeling pretty auto-pilot by the end, but I do really like the arrangement ideas. condensing it a bit or adding more variation in the rhythms would get my vote. NO(resub)
  16. agreed on the lack of dynamic contrast, but it's pretty. I like it. YES
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