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Everything posted by halc

  1. pretty conservative with the melodies, but there is a lot of variation from section to section that keeps it pretty fresh. good builds. the production isn't bad, and there really isn't anything overtly wrong with the arrangement at all, but all the instruments (synth are percussion) are generic and boring, to put it bluntly. the varied and high-energy arrangement actually makes up for it quite a bit, though- the song overall is highly listenable imo. anyway, i'm obviously on the fence about as to whether this is OCR quality. i don't have too much advice to give other than to try out some different synths/samples and coming up with more unique sounds. honestly, i'd give this one a shot with the judges as-is; even if it doesn't pass the panel, they'll be able to provide you with more valuable feedback to help improve your sound. nice work, and best of luck with the mix!
  2. I'm kinda lost on all the chord and key changes during the kokiri forest and saria's song sections. it just doesn't really work for me.. the melodies seem unnatural and the transitions a bit disjointed. sorry, not sure how else to put that :/ the forest temple sections were cool. production overall was pretty solid as well. i think the bass could have been a little louder, it gets buried at times. the sitar sample works and is mixed fairly well, but it starts to wear on you after a while. try changing up the lead instrument during some of those sections in the middle. flute, string, ocarina.. just some ideas the arrangement is pretty conservative save for the fact that the keys have been altered. not sure how this would fly if it were all in it's native key (might be a little too conservative), but the genre adaptation is intriguing and seems to fit the sources pretty well. anyway, it's tough, but i wouldn't be able to comfortably pass this if i were a judge. once the kokiri forest theme kicks in it just loses me. again, sorry to be so vague about that, but i'm not so sure how to put it. hope to have been a help, and best of luck with the remix!
  3. thanks, djp! you won't be disappointed!
  4. are we still waiting for .wav's? seems pretty safe at this point to assume you're not going to get them. :/
  5. it's July 1st- 20 more days until the deadline! let's get those wav's in!
  6. Emu's pretty much nailed it. it sounds muffled, a little loud in the low end and weak in the high. it's well arranged and humanized but the sample and processing need a bit of work in order to stand against the panel. good luck!
  7. very awesome concept here! you've adapted and personalized the source really well. the guitar and percussion are mixed pretty well for the most part but that string sample strikes me as unrealistic. i also felt like that section with the string countermelody (let's see.. 1:08-3:07) went on a bit too long- it was the only part of the song that started to lose me. the changeup at 1:55 was good but then it's more of the same until 3:07. i think this whole section could have built up a little faster. the long cello notes in the next section sound nice. as far as the rest of the track goes, i think it's all pretty great. i'm on the fence about this one because the arrangement is brilliant but it just feels kind of.. sparse. i can't quite put my finger on it, tbh, but it's a lurking suspicion. anyway, i personally enjoyed this quite a bit. take these crits as you will, and best of luck when you decide to submit!
  8. oh man that synth is so good this is awesome. rocking arrangement, very clean production, great stereo width, and (as always) a fantastic guitar performance. if i'm gonna be picky I'd say the ending was a bit abrupt but that's a very minor personal complaint and i'm not really encouraging you to change it since it was obviously your intention. continue being awesome.
  9. happy birthday! :)

  10. loved it! incredible vocal performance (as expected, of course). i just wish I could play so many cool instruments
  11. new version fixes the volume issues. still powerfully loud, but not overbearing. good fix. sounds pretty solid man. best of luck!
  12. highly enjoyable! probably not a good one to play in the car though... those sirens had me pulling off my headphones jokes aside, this is an awesome remix. not so familiar with the source here, but I can tell you did it justice
  13. seems a bit overmixed to me- a little harsh in the mid/high, i think you could drop the master volume just slightly and it would be a lot easier on the ears. rhythm guitar seems to dominate a bit around :50, sounds like it's cutting some of the frequencies around it. the guitar at 2:30 is kinda dry, could use some more reverb or stereo width to thicken it up. i'm with emu on that synth at 1:30- definitely a highlight of the track. i don't think you used it enough though anyway, pretty solid work overall. really driving and personalized arrangement, just needs a little production polish. you've got a lot of great feedback in this thread, so keep to it!
  14. congrats on the release! this is a pretty neat concept, with some interesting and unexpected arrangements. musically it was a bit of a mixed bag for me, to be honest, but i particularly enjoyed 'Someplace Green' and 'Finality'. nice work!
  15. at last, lemon is a posted remixer! congrats on the album release and mix postage. you deserve it!
  16. whoa. that was awesome. i think the hand percussion could use a bit of that reverb, they're a little dry compared to the rest of the ensemble. very compelling intro though, and brilliant treatment of the source. looking forward to seeing where you go with this!
  17. have recieved two more finished tracks, courtesy of The OverClocked Plaid Muffins and Brandon Strader!
  18. halc

    glad you liked the song! :D

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