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Level 99

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Everything posted by Level 99

  1. YOU! Where's that render you promised from the other day? I will render YOU in contempt of awesome, soon.

  2. Being completely honest, this is an unbelievably rude statement to Brushfire. Prioritizing your own wants over someone who was nice enough to LEND you money means a) he should probably never lend you money again and that you really don't appreciate him sticking his neck out for you.
  3. Honestly, it depends on the mood, and how far abstracted you want to get from the source tune. You pointed out the two most recent acoustic renditions of Mega Man 2 songs, which demonstrates the abstracted. It's always good to hear a fresh, unique perspective on the same source. There's also stuff like Vampire Spanker for Castlevania, and untold other amounts of tunes that wouldn't have thought to have been acoustic. Then you have tunes like Quickening and Theme of Love for Guitar Duet, which seem to embody the spirit of the source in a similar "sound vehicle", if you will. Of course, on the other hand, you have Sixto's ridiculous Mega Man 2 track that recently came out, showing a modernizing of the spirit of the original in electric form. And, so that the contrast isn't left out on this side, you pointed out Dolphin Ride. Lunatic Moon from VotL is another great choice of electric based on softer source. Bottom line: it's ALL good.
  4. I wouldn't say it could be out any day now. Even after all the project songs, art, and website stuff is done, there is still considerable time needed for backend administrative stuff. That being said, this is definitely close to being wrapped, even if it may not be upon imminent release. But it's not my project, so what do I know? Well, I do know that I gave my final wav to brad two days ago, THAT'S what I know.
  5. Jade asked me and abg to assistant direct the project some time ago. I would assume that, if she's not available, you can defer to either abg or myself for some WIP reviewing. No project decisions will be made on her behalf, but at the very least we can do what we were asked to do, which was basically follow her direction as well as give WIP feedback. If you're trying to get feedback on your WIP, seeing as Jade isn't reachable right now, send abg or myself a PM. I have not heard from Jade in a little while myself, but I wouldn't worry about it. I'm sure she'll show up in the thread sooner or later. We do have a little while before the next deadline anyway.
  6. http://lemonsinseries.com/ocrab/?p=92 Big huge post contaning Episode 35 AND the latest fanfic reading, which is VIDEO!
  7. NEW! Fanfic Reading - Choco-Love. Go check it out, folks: http://lemonsinseries.com/ocrab/?p=84 Blame DragonAvenger for us reading this.
  8. Unless I got married and had kids I didn't know about, I'm going to have to say you're pretty wrong here. I was 11 when Duke3d came out but I was still playing it! Even those of us who were too young then usually had older siblings or relatives and knew WHO Duke was. I'm still very very excited for this (I still have my original Duke3d disc), and even those people who did get married and have kids will be able to instill a new generation with the badassness that is Mr. Nukem. SHAKE IT, BABY!
  9. You can't unsee him! LOOK AT THE HORROR! Fixed. OCAD is getting classy and organized? Duke Nukem Forever is coming out? Gacky image has been shown?! Yeah, it's probably the end-times now, ain't it?
  10. Fixed Fixed Gonna finish episode 35 AND a fanfic reading tomorrow if I can help it.
  11. Happy birthday, you salty dog.

  12. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! Oh man, I think this might be one of those rare occasions where I can be celebratory by smoking a cigar!
  13. Spring, 2010. Oh, wait a minute... Edit: It went Missing, No (Resub)
  14. Is that the pokemon-anime rainbowtastic embodiment of Japanese-star Gackt? Cause that's really what it reminds me of.
  15. Alright, now put on your party hat. Now turn around. Shake it a little bit. ...alright, we're good.
  16. OLD THREAD IS CLOSED! New thread here: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=31028
  17. OCAD IS BACK! Original post being edited to announce this crap. We return to regular broadcasting starting at 8PM on Sunday, January 19th, 2014. We're going to be livestreaming via Youtube and will be doing regular OCAD shows every other Sunday. We're doing the OCADemy awards tomorrow night and are sorting everything out as it comes along. Come along and check it out...again!
  18. It's called a pinch harmonic. I'm unaware of any VSTs that do that, but I'd look into Shreddage
  19. There's quite a few people that I'm aware of that live along a line that flows south from DC and across the belly of our country, though I'm not sure how many of them will check this post in time. I'd offer you shelter in MD but if you're going to DC already, that's a step backwards. Definitely check on IRC as well, as some of them rarely check the forums.
  20. Holy. Fucking. Shit. This popped up on my playlist on shuffle. I had to repeat it at least four or five times to make sure what I was hearing was real. It was. Mind you, I liked Bayou Billy's music when I first listened to it, but sweet crap I didn't realize anyone had made an arrangement this unbelievably awesome. It comes in almost unassumingly but then BAM! Brass right in your face, with a whole slew of sounds that blend together perfectly. The Latin flavors, the slick guitar, the funky bass, the ridiculous hand percussion and...oh man, this is so good. Nature of the beast is that I didn't know about it sooner because it was from Bayou Billy, a game which unfortunately I don't seek out arrangements for very often. Glad it eventually made it's way down my waxy earways because this song can be inspiration to anyone to make a mix. I would encourage you, whether you're familiar with the source or not, to LISTEN TO THIS MASTERPIECE. 99.999% guaranteed to bring a smile to your face. (Incidentally, I'd love to know what kind of brass you used: whether it was live or sampled, and if sampled, what samples)
  21. Dj Mokram got me a WIP a bit ago, and it's very...ethnic. That's a no-go on a hip-hop remix this time around. I still definitely encourage you to find a producer and do the track otherwise, of course! This site needs more hip-hop. And with that, we're back to having all tracks except for one in at least WIP form. Almost lost a second track this week but, thankfully, they decided to continue on their wonderful arrangement. If anyone has any doubts about their ability to do their track at this point, please let me know ASAP.
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