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Level 99

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Everything posted by Level 99

  1. Anyone who remembers the VGMix 2.0 days may recall I made an acousto-electric version of Dire Dire Docks in 4/4 called Just Keep Swimming. Listening to it now, it's not horrendous but it feel like I can improve so much upon what I did before. I'll probably be working with WillRock to get some other synthy-stuff in here. [removed due to upcoming usage]
  2. I have one in the works for Home theme already for the Unsung Heroes project. But yeah, Legacy of the Wizard has such an awesome soundtrack.
  3. Oh, well, we all know THAT one is real. But this year you have to fight OA for it pretty badly. I hear he's beef'd up.
  4. It's a satire show, David. Our awards mean nothing because they're not meant to be taken seriously.
  5. Damnit, dude. I have to call you tonight now. Springing this WIP date a month before it's due. AND AFTER I BOUGHT YOU PIZZA!
  6. Can you play swing-style piano, sir? Something like...The Boogie Bumper?

  7. Inverview with Brad "prophetik" Burr here, curtesy of OCAD: http://lemonsinseries.com/ocrab/?p=24
  8. 1) For youtube, having the ratings available is better to keep because it helps promote OCR on their system. I know that lots of youtubers hesitate watching videos of less than X stars so, even though most if not all OCR videos all have five, disabling them would revert to all zeros and could lead to less viewership. 2) Despite representing the site's mission as best as possible, people will always have opinions on mixes, which is why people are allowed and encouraged to leave feedback on them whenever possible. When a judge is doing judge duties, then yes, they should have the mission first and foremost in their minds. The forums system here also deliberately states that "best of" threads aren't allowed for all of mentioned reasons. However, if it's a personal blog, even OCR-hosted, since it is still far enough "personalized" I think that it would be fine to list the mixes one likes a lot. On the same token they should be free to list the ones they don't like, because it's not part of the forums and 100% that person's domain. I'm sure once the blogs come up there will be rules, and I may or may not be wrong about my assumption, but I don't think the blogs will be subject to censorship of personal preference. You would, prophetikmephistoman.
  9. They're paying you, aren't they? That's how you can afford those three Ferrari's I saw you cavorting to town in! I KNEW it! What's the main difference between Goozex and Gamefly?
  10. Episode 32 - Caveload of Ditto (And a Cow just Flew By) Have fun!
  11. I'm surprised it took this long to make a joke like this about my facial hair. Kudos to you for taking the step nobody else would. On a side-note, please to give pictures of the facial hair thing in college. Please? Once the Otakon schedule is announced, then things will REALLY be under way!
  12. Mazel Tov, you're doomed! (Naw, but really, conglaturations on dis wundarful occashun)
  13. Episode 31 - Nerdy Show is Haunting your Butt It's long. It's funny. It's....about Nerdapalooza. It's also haunting your butt. ENJOY!
  14. Iz okay, my friend. This is actually what I like to hear if people have issues with stuff. Always room for improvement and this gives me a good idea of what I should look to do should I attempt to do this style again. It was pretty ambitious of me to incorporate all those differing layers together because each one had something to "say" in the mix, so I'm not surprised that some people feel that it's a bit muddy in areas. I'll do my best to improve for the next one, as always. Lots of people made the same muddy production comment. And for everyone who's left comments thus far, thank you. It's always appreciated. Stevo Level-up GET! 1173 EXP remain to less muddy production!
  15. I'm actually going to start using that frigging Title field throughout the thread so that people can find when we ACTUALLY POST RELEVANT MATERIAL. Oh, and some updates: 1) I'll be getting back on recreating all the old shownotes as soon as my brain allows it. They'll be posted on the new OCAD site at http://lemonsinseries.com/ocrab/ 2) Unfortunately, there's another thing blocking that, on top of any other site-relevant updates I could possible do: it appears that the webhost has blocked my IP from accessing the site from home. So I can't make news posts (or log in to wordpress at all), nor can I upload files to our server. Hopefully there is a way around this, but I'll need Deven or David to talk to the host and get my address unblocked. 3) Pending that, Episode 31 - Nerdy Show is Haunting your Butt, is edited and done. Deven has a copy that he will hopefully upload to the server today and then David can make a post about it and update all the usual places. It's a long one: over 3 hours long this time. I guess we're making up for our lack of consistent updates these days with more material whenever we do update. 4) We're going to be getting to editing both the Anime Detour 2010 and SGC 2010 footage soon. Hope everyone's enjoying the MAGFest one in the mean-time. 5) We'll have the panel time for both the OCR and OCAD panels at Otakon shortly. Currently scheming about what we will be doing at OCAD.
  16. Shameless plugs are awesome. Also don't forget Luiza
  17. Get back to work, tight-pants brit. Also, on relevant topic, Hylian: you know where to reach me if you need dem acoustic geetarz again.
  18. <3 you 10chars Edit: also, I DO do stuff other than rock and metal-ish, it's just always guitars. Silly Cyril.
  19. I think it's implicit in the idea of a deadline in this situation that one is no longer allowed to make changes after final submission for the deadline. I also don't see anywhere that it does say he was allowed to, and considering that no one knew it was going to be this long between deadline and actual submission, I still believe it skews the results. From what you said as well, it seems that Zircon is still not close to submitting a track for this. I'm sure he's going to make a killer track eventually, as he usually does. It still doesn't seem fair to WillRock to me, even if people have subbed revisions before rounds closed previously. If it were a week, maybe I'd feel differently, but a month and then some? My position still stands: it's not fair to the either entrant,and it's especially not fair to WillRock to keep him waiting without implicit permission for revision and polishing. I hope I'm making it obvious that I'm not playing any favorites here, since I really enjoy stuff from both of these musicians. I just know that I'd definitely be more than anxious and probably annoyed a little if I were in WillRock's position.
  20. Point taken, but in that case wouldn't it also be courteous to give an extension also to WillRock for revision of his mix? Give him the same extra allotted time to get his mix even better? I guess no one can turn back time to give him more time to work on it though, so maybe even bonus points. Yes, I know it is all in good fun but if you're REALLY wanting to see a true showdown, then the circumstances should really be as equal as possible for both parties. Just my two cents, since I know how passionate both of the finalists are with their music, I'd like to see the playing field as even as possible.
  21. Hate to say it but I have to disagree with that. What's the point of having deadlines, even for revenge rounds, if they're not met? I know Zirky's got very important stuff to do, but in that case, wouldn't a graceful bow-out due to time constraints be more appropriate? I mean no offense to him, but waiting this long doesn't seem quite fair.
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