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Level 99

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Everything posted by Level 99

  1. That's just an awesome idea, I'm stoked to see what's getting put up and how it represents each year. Should be quite nostalgic for those who've been around since the dawn of the site, and quite insightful for those who have not. I raise my glass and tip my hat to you today, Mr. Lloyd, and all who have made this possible. Cheers
  2. So Avaris can't make it this year, unfortunately. I'm still attending, so is Brushfire (since he's friggin' hosting), and AeroZ (since he's stuck with us crazies in this country round that time ). Any other updates on the attendees list? I'll be making some good foodage probably!
  3. Happy Birthday, OCReMix! May the next ten years be even better, with more forums, more judges, more staff, more projects, more mixers, more fans, more conventions, more craziness, and more awesome. Also, more nice work.
  4. I forgot best R&B breakout artist, but I guess that category can wait until next year. And apparently, OA is ahead of the pack by a furlong!
  5. Here are the official semi-official temporary list of possible categories (no, really, this is the final list): The Forum Award of Eloquence Most excessive use of double-posting most underappreciated remix Best Mix of 2009 Best Use of Chiptunes Best in Breed The Larry Liontamer Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence Best Newcomer Mix OCR's Sweetheart Award The Clash At Demonhead Award for Most Sought After, Though Nonexsistant Remix. most obscure game remixed most surprising genre (for the source) most gratuitous midi rip least appropriate remix name most convincing fake instrument least convincing fake instrument best nutritious mix Comment of the year Game most loved by OCR peeps (our "game of the year") Best Spambot of Excellence from the French Credit Union Award for most closed threads Best new sexual position worst podcast Make your choices now! this is total free-for-all so just pick stuff from over the last year to fill in for these categories. Then, if you won...or lost...or just voted, feel free to take this OCADemy super hyper mega official trophy home with you: You see, this is why I do radio and remixing, and why you all should keep me away from MS Paint-style programs at all costs.
  6. I think you have a serious Kirby obsession. you need support groups. Badass dude. Kirby needs more loving since Milky Way Wishes is NEVER COMING OUT* *probably.
  7. Ladies and Gentlemen of OCR, Good evening. I would like to formally announce the First Annual Broadcast of the OCADemy Awards. It will be tomorrow night, 9 PM EST, at Radio: thasauce Live's ustream. Be there.
  8. Go drink more, drunkie. I've always wondered what happened with all the footage from last year...and the year before...and the year before...and there was audio recordings from Mag4 that I was promised and never received! So many broken promises...

    I am typing this because it otherwise ruins my caps-emphasis. Word.

  10. Bit of a different format for the OCADies than initially planned: We'll be announcing the categories in-full listing today, but there won't be "nominees". Instead, each host will pick their choice for that category. If people are so inclined, they're more than welcome to come up with their own picks after the show and post them in the OCAD thread. It'd be cool to see if people pick the same ones we do as well as what alternatives pop up. This is all in good fun, though. I would like to stress that the OCADies are completely biased and not meant to be taken seriously, just like most of the podcast, the hosts, the guests, life, the universe, and everything. Consider the OCADies kinda like the Razzies: we're making fun of everything because everything has something to be mocked about it. And it looks like we may need to schedule OCAD into seasons, since I'd in no way expected this kind of demand for return guests! Speaking very honestly, I'm happy that people are enjoying listening to the show, and that people are enjoying being on it. Edit: Also, just talked to the MAGFest folks and we're good to go for an OCAD MAGfestacular recording. We won't know the time we'll be doing it until we get there and check in with the co-ords, but it will probably be...after dark...one of the nights.
  11. I'd no Mr. Uematsu himself, or Mr. Wise, or Mr. Kondo, if he subbed Bad Tuna. No excuses, and no override. Sorry to hear about the delay, folks. How is the fund for physical printing coming along? 'Tis the season, after all, so maybe this December the fund will be taken care of?
  12. I understand what you're coming from, and I'm happy to hear that the option has been discussed. Just as a small counter-point to the subject of a submitter not checking back: besides taking other possible situations into account (such as loss of internet, firewall-blocking like some universities do [i believe LuketheXJesse's school blocks the site], or any other reason why a person may not have the ability to check the site), considering the generally longer period of time it takes to go from sub to passing to posting, it may be that some individuals don't frequent the site to check up that often. There are some mixers who do not frequent the forums enough to keep checking the site and frontpage, and if someone is not that involved in the site besides submitting, I can't see how someone would feel the urge to check for their own posting more than once a month if the variable time can be anywhere from a couple months to a year or more, not counting project mixes subbed to the regular judge's panel. If someone's deeply involved in the community, they can check the frontpage more often. But, again, I see it more as a courtesy than as compensating for other situations, though bringing those few into account may add more substance to the desire to implement the process. I think Palpable summed it up nicely, too. In my opinion and in my experience, more communication is never a bad thing unless you're overwhelming people with info. Alright, great to know.
  13. You're a jerk, but honestly I would have said the same thing if I saw it first. He's got a BIG heart, but I bet his hugs aren't any less epic. He kinda is starting to look a little like Yahtzee now that he's lost all that weight. GO JAKE GO, be the svelte, young king of town, my friend. It's hard to imagine all the gems (and all the utter crap) that is going to be in that VGMix torrent...
  14. Yeah, great job with picking up the pace in the past short period of time, and though I know the queue usually ebbs and flows like the tides and y'all kinda work in bursts, I hope you can keep it up. 1) I agree about the notification of direct post, but is there a similar process if the mix is just accepted by the judge's panel? I know a mix isn't "official" until it's actually posted, and you all seem to keep the Judging Queue thread semi-regularly updated, but what if a mixer doesn't come around that often? I feel that it would be nice to send them an email, just as one would get an email after OCR receives their submission. Not all the mixers that submit may have the luxury of constantly checking the site, and hopefully it's not too much extra effort just to send out a lil' email. 2) I can't remember if it's been specifically mentioned or if I've already asked, but is there a formula or rule to determine how many, if any, songs from a project can be picked for a mix-flood? It seems to be around 1/6-1/7 of a total project's tracks if it's medium sized (going by a Xenogears average of two discs), but in the case of JM's Castlevania album, there were three song, which constitutes almost half the album. I'm not being nitpicky, but it's just nice to know what to expect from all the upcoming projects in terms of mix-flood, and if there's any way someone can shed a little light on it, I'd appreciate it. If the answer is "however many I feel like", I'll even accept that. 3) Is there a limit to how many times a song can be resubbed? 4) When I submit a song, I feel like I have a tendency to overwrite the submission email. If y'all haven't gotten to it, be forewarned that my sub from the end of September probably counts as a small college-level essay. Is there a preferred length that you'd want to call a maximum for submission descriptions, and is there anything in-particular that YOU like to see in the description (such as a source breakdown for reference, what parts are original, etc.)?
  15. Well, if there's a whole panel just on projects, then forget I said anything! That sounds pretty cool, can't wait to see what other sites/projects get presented.
  16. Happy birthday to someone who's able to roll with the kind of insults that OCAD can dish out. Hope it's a great year for you.
  17. David: We're pretty much on for the OCADies, we have two days to get ready. If you can today, talk to Dyne about doing something in collaboration with him for Friday. We should also be on IRC that evening while conducting the show. Let's get into MS Paint and start making some awards images for the glorious winners of the OCADies. Also, we'll need some kind of categories, we can't just give out awards for *insert category here*. Hmm... * Worst Forum Troll * Most excessive use of double-posting * suckiest posted remix * most underappreciated remix * worst podcast...? Guys, I think we should award the last one to ourselves.
  18. Brushfire, Epicenter, and myself will probably be doing something called "The OCADies": OverClocked After Dark awards in honor of this momentous occasion. We'll need some clever suggestions for award categories as well, and may figure out of to do some sort-of live show in collaboration with Radio:thasauce.
  19. I can only vaguely form words because I'm extremely jealous of your guitar supply. The first guitar I ever wanted was a Jackson, but it was too expensive for me. I've never got around to owning one... Good show, sir! Very awesome stuff there!
  20. Yeah, well, you heard the "edited" version. To be honest, I'd consider this an abridged podcast. We started the call at 8 AM EST and didn't wrap up until 5....AM EST....three days later. Man, that bLiNd sure can talk, even during bathroom breaks!
  21. Oh, sorry! *AHEM!* Lol but really, I only referenced that because Andrew and Wes are running and/or have run so many projects, plus they represent other facets of the site. I guess in the interest of amount of seats on the panel, you could use them to represent that section, but I'd like to hear from people like Taucer who aren't judges and admins ontop of people project directors. But that's just me, I love a large variety of things.
  22. OH GOD! You're going to release all my old remixes back into the wild from when I was still an UBERn00b! Actually I think this is amazing that I'll be able to get all the songs I felt at home around when I first got started. Thanks so much for the response, virt. Great to hear about your weight loss (you beat me by five pounds lost, now I'm burning to catch up to you!), and that you're getting settled with all your new life-stuff. Definitely looking forward to whatever you're going to bring out, bro, and I'm looking forward to sharing a beer with you in just a few weeks.
  23. Heh thanks dude, yeah DiGi told me about the blog-post. Thanks for the bump, regardless though. I know this EP won't be everyone's cup-of-tea, and there's probably a few aspects that will only make sense if you're deep into both game-lore and fan-lore, but no worries. It's just more music for people who want it... There's already been talks of what to possibly include in a similar EP for next year's holiday season.
  24. I'm still for the dancing. In all seriousness, though, I think the panel needs to cater a little to each crowd with the limited time available. Even though I'm sure the majority of people going have at least some knowledge of what OCR is and what's involved, it's always nice to have a refresher, especially if people attending are dragging along friends who aren't that familiar with it. I agree that more time should be spent on things that are of interest to people who are more familiar with the site but not necessarily familiar with all parts of it or the processes involved in those parts, as well as future expansions and improvements. I'm not sure what ideas have already been confirmed, but these are just what I would like to see and hear. I like the "live judging" idea, though it really should be a mock judging of a song that's already been judged. Maybe pick a song from the last year and have three people judge it who weren't involved in the original judging to give it a quickie-job. In addition to that, possibly make that "live judged" song a mix by an mixer or mixers who will be present so they can give an overview of how they arrange the music, as well as their process of recording, mixing, all that jazz. That person would, of course, have to be comfortable with that new criticism and be prepared for it. If anyone is present who is frequently reviewing on the WIP boards, they should have a chance to give some spotlight to the useful resources available there and also do a "version comparison" for a single song that has gone through multiple revisions on the WIP boards and was eventually accepted as an OCReMix. Make a quick audiofile consisting of an identifiable portion of the song and show, version after version, how it has changed and progressed to the final product. Give one of the forum admins a couple seconds to talk about what they do, how often they do it, and other junk like that. That also would be a good time for DJP to announce any upcoming site/forum improvements that are planned. That HUGE list of current and upcoming OCR projects. I'd enjoy hearing a few project directors give their experiences running current or completed projects (shouldn't just be Wes or Andrew ). Other community events or activities that are associated with or include a presence of OCR, like meetups, the "This month is [blank] month" initiatives, and so on. That's about all I can think of for suggestions from what I'd like to have happen, but yeah, a lot of time should definitely be for Q&A. Can't wait till New Years.
  25. Chilling intro, pretty cool percussion too. Couldn't help but singing the "Juese Belmont" lyrics during the main section though. Great selection of instruments and it's very lively in feel. That wah'd instrument just reminds me of cats singing the chorus, though, I dunno why. I like all the synth stuff you used but the string sample you used doesn't feel right to me. All else is pretty good, though. This is the perfect BPM and style to have a line dance designed to it, though. Someone should get on that. Everyone, do the "Vampire Snapper!"
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