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Level 99

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Everything posted by Level 99

  1. Okay, so there were a few people who needed extensions on their WIPs, which is just fine. I planned these dates conservatively knowing some of this would come up, as it's inevitable. If you know you're usually an hour late for a party, you set your alarm an extra hour early to compensate! All in all, we're completely on-track if not better at the moment. The material thus-far has been more substantial than I anticipated and far more varied. There's one finished track and quite a few others that are getting quite close. As more songs wrap up, the inclusion of more alternate and bonus versions of songs will be considered. Furthermore, if a good chunk of songs wrap considerably early, the songs from Christmas NiGHTS might be opened for people to grab, but that will only be after WIP2's due date probably if at all. The core of the project needs to be close enough to completion before those additional materials will be brought into the question. The more people get finals in early, the more likely this will happen. The artwork is already started, and the website will start as soon as certain requirements are known. DiGi Valentine and TRiPPY have been brought in as Associate Producers on the album as they're helping coordinate quite a few things. So we're well on the way here. Thanks to everyone for their continued support! On to the next WIP deadline, these next few months are going to fly by!
  2. .....not even going to address it anymore, not worth the time. Anyways, so the first deadline came and went. How'd we do? Great! Nearly everybody got theirs in on-time/early, or was granted an extension due to their personal situations. What we've gotten so far has blown my expectations out of the water, pretty much. Great job, guys. I have to gather everything together and then will make a post about where things are going from here.
  3. Alright look: you've said stuff like this quite enough. I don't care who you are or how fast you can get it done, but those kind of timelines don't work for everyone. And for some people it does, in fact, take months, and for this project I've designed it especially out of respect for the musicians who have their hands in multiple things and still try to live daily lives with jobs, a social life, and other commitments. I appreciate you doing a song for the project, and am glad you got the wav in after it was done so that there is no chance of your project file getting corrupted and the master being lost, but please make no more comments like this. It's actually a little offensive and starting to get on my nerves. Sorry if this is snapping, but you've said this too many times for it to be funny anymore.
  4. *DING DING DING* Today's the day, folks. WIP1's deadline. I've already talked to a few people about extensions on theirs, but if you haven't sent one in yet or talked about an extension, expect a deadly-poisonous PM-monster from Bahamut after today, giving you the friendly-ol' nudge and asking "so....you come here ofte- I mean, how's the WIP coming?" And to all of you that got me WIPs or informed me you might need a little extra time: a big THANK YOU!
  5. Already bought XILS 3LE this morning, been waiting since I caught wind of the next no-brainer deal last week. I will say that getting their updates lately has been pretty nice cause of the nice arrangements they work out to get cool stuff this cheap. After my satisfaction with the Ultra Analog, I couldn't pass another up. Will post my reactions once I install it.
  6. I approve of this, I'll try to get some reviews in cause them badges is cool. Shaun says *ASSPATS*
  7. *grabs his guitar* I'll throw down.
  8. OA never ceases to impress me. Keep it up, big guy, this is going on my "playlist". I think your mixes occupy a good 2% of the total songs on there. Great work, as usual.
  9. I don't think there are any besides our internal forums, which is access-only for the mixers and staff. There's a small thread going on over at the NiGHTSintodreams.com forums, but that's mostly just so I can keep the fans over there up-to-date on project stuff. They've been pretty critical in getting this thing moving. Don't worry, I'll get you an update soon enough, once the deadline passes.
  10. I don't care if they're utter crap, I got five free things from Cakewalk.com for being a registered Sonar customer, plus they have a discount on the Rapture upgrade so it's only $49.99. Monday looks to bring some awesome deals from audioMIDI.com as well. Gonna check out guitar center at some point to see what they still have available. I feel like a consumer whore!
  11. Don't fight: it's equally BOTH of your faults.
  12. I greatly enjoy the fact that I am the author of five of the six wall posts here.

  13. Just had a hearty listen to this, finally. Oh man, all these great songs, and there's definitely some great representation from multiple genres. That first song...that secret is just itching me to no end, I wanna know who did it!? I really can't pick out which I liked the most, but I definitely approve of all the guitar representation as well. Flippin' awesome preview track. Looks like I gotta step my game up a notch *cracks knuckles* Ladies and Gentlemen: Let's rock.
  14. But I want it NOOOOOOOOOWWWW! *whine whine whine* GIMMIE! Oh...wait...I forgot I'm on this. Disregard!
  15. I'm gonna go by JMR's example as well: T-Shirts: Adult Medium for a tight fit t-shirt, Adult Large for comfy or dressy shirts. I already have an OCR shirt, but clever nerd t-shirts would be fine. Music: I pretty much have all I could want in terms of music, but if it comes down to it, I am missing one album that I'd love to get my hands on: Skoidats - The Times. Discs by Power Glove, Metroid Metal, etc. are also cool since I really don't own many of those. Games: Don't have enough time to play what I already got, lol. TV/Movies: I'm a horror fanatic, and do own a PS3 so blu-ray is all good. I'm a huge fan of foreign horror and zombie movies. Other info: Any present would be enough as I'm pretty content with things at the moment. My biggest wants would be additional stuff for music-making and guitar accessories. You can never have too many sets of spare strings: I use DR Red Devil Lite (09 gauge) for my electrics, and D'Addario EXP26 Custom Lite (11 gauge) for my acoustics. I'm also in the market for 2 new boom mic stands, just something functional for recordings, nothing too fancy. I use Cakewalk Sonar 8.5 with Addictive Drums and Ultra Analog, with a Pod XT for all guitar sounds, so any cool VST plugins/virtual instruments/samplers for making rock or electronic music/remixes would be cool as well. This is just me throwing stuff out there in terms of things I'm looking for, since I can't think of anything I'd really REALLY want. Fun times.
  16. Rozo nailed it on the nose. Sometimes project directors take it for granted that remixers will post only internal WIPs, so I probably should have been more vocal in my requesting of not publicly posting WIPs. There has been and probably will be some strategic preview tracks consisting of some of the project material that I'll take care of arranging and posting about, but not enough to give away a whole song or anything that's being kept secret for the project. No worries, just a small misunderstanding that I'm glad I caught early on, heh.
  17. Hey, DeathBySpoon...you know that Kirby song? Yeah, that's Addictive Drums at work. Take that as a good, not-finally-mastered demo of it. I've had it almost a year and it is well worth the money. Not only does it sound fantastic, but the learning curve isn't too bad, it's easy to cut right to jamming, the mixing is great, the bundled kit presets are quite varied, and the included midi beats and fills are ridiculously convincing. I've used it on every mix where I've done drums for the most-part since I bought it.
  18. Congrats, you two! I really really wish I could come, but I can't. A bit short notice for me to take time off and get my ass out there. Drink a bit for me, though!
  19. Heh well at least you know the NiGHTS-love is more-than-shared, even if I did beat you to it. The first WIP deadline is coming up, and some mixes may be dropped as that passes (though I really hope not). You may yet still get a chance to get in on this, and just because a project is going for NiGHTS shouldn't deter you from coming up with your own mix for it in the mean-time. Thanks for the support regardless!
  20. Wait a little bit on it, PR said he might be extending some sections and I wanna talk with him about it tomorrow then. I'd rather not have you have to record twice. So sit tight for a little while, buddy.
  21. The only reason I requested a WAV is cause you said the song was done, though, which is what I was commenting on.
  22. The Metal pack was absolutely worth the money, the FX pack...not so much. The amount of additional amp models from the metal pack is great, and I've found user-created content that contains metal shop amp and cab models to really use those new inclusions to the fullest. I got them both when there was a combination sale, but anyways, it also depends on what you're planning on doing guitar-wise. Hope that helps!

  23. D: I also echo the "Why did no one tell me of this?!" feeling... This is an awesome game, I still have my original discs for first encounter, second encounter, and 2. Why this didn't catch on more with LAN gaming, I have no idea, but the games kick ass. Does this count as qualifying for a slot on "Old Skool Saturdays"?
  24. One week left for your first WIPs, folks. Oinkness got a final WAV in for his song, so his is the first to be finished. I never thought someone would have a final track before the first WIP date, but hey, why fight it? Thanks for his participation! Once his school year wraps up, Prophet of Mephisto will be taking a more active roll as a co-assistant director. Happy to know your semester of teaching hasn't killed your motivation, man. Keep up the good work, folks.
  25. Oh man oh man oh man it's so close! Brushfire, you're going to have so many people over your house, I'll show up and it'll look like a LAN-morgue in the morning. Bodies everywhere, having to tip-toe between the carnage of computer machines, unconscious bodies, and doritos bags...sounds like a great way to kick off MAGFest. Looks like my entire hotel room will be attending the New Years Party, unless I've been misinformed. Also, I had initially stated that I was hoping to get a carpool going from around Baltimore. Things have changed a little bit since then, but I wanted to know who around Baltimore (besides Vimk, who I'm 99% sure I'm giving a ride to) was still looking for a ride. Even if I'm not able to help (since I have to pick OA up from and return him to the airport), it'll be good to know if alternate plans can be made. For my room peoples: Audio Fidelity, did you figure out how long you were gonna stay after MAG at my place? Also, if you are, can you give AeroZ the lift from MAG back to my house? Brushfire, are you giving AeroZ the ride from your place to MAG for the New Years party? Also, since I'm picking AeroZ up from the airport, how do you wanna handle the hand-off on the 21st: just meet up, have dinner, and I'll leave him in your hands after that? MAGFest needs to be a month long. srsly.
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