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Level 99

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Everything posted by Level 99

  1. Love the intro with the filter-fade, and this is just too happy and chippy to not love. Gives that perfect feeling of running through a field with other anthropomorphic friends doing god-knows-what. Can't say I'm a fan of the severe right-panned lead, but I'll deal with it because everything else balances it out. The drum break could have been a little more varied in my opinion, but with the style you did it in, it works just fine. Production is good, everything sounds nice. Not a fan of the ending though, you played the filter-fade already. Should have just been a "breaking-down synth machine" feel, like the game was just kind of slowly dying, but again, that's my opinion.
  2. There's something about the mixing here that doesn't sit right with me. I honestly don't know what it is, but if feels more empty than it should, even considering the instruments and style used. Besides that, I have no qualms here. Not my favorite style but I found this, on-the-whole, to be enjoyable if not just a tad lengthy for some reason, even if it's a short song. Maybe that's because it moves so slowly.
  3. Very, very rocking mix. I have yet to flesh out the entire Lost Odyssey soundtrack in-full but it's mixes like this that make me need to find the time to listen to all of the sources. I really enjoy the tone you used, as it delivers the guitar-wankery straight through being powerful and crisp.
  4. This thing ended up sounding intense to me. You really took the source kinda all-over-the-place, but it still works. Not my favorite mix of yours but it showcases your talent with writing appropriately.
  5. I really enjoyed this, though my heart pines for more of the stereotypical corny flat-out dixieland style. Heard this while doing the last episode of OCAD (anyone want a remix of something just using soundbytes of Jade saying "dicks" and bLiNd saying "balls"?), and it really caught me off-guard. You really do love infusing all of your songs with a light-hearted and fun-feeling atmosphere. It's a wonderful counterpoint to other serious mixes, though serious is good I think we just have an abundance of it. Now sub Turtle Wank, already! THAT song is still stuck in ze head after listening to it on NGI. Though I'm not sure if it's considered too cover-ish to be an OCR song, it's definitely worthy in my perspective to be placed right next to Bros with Dix. Hmm..."Bros with Dix" and "Turtle Wank"....I SEE VAT YOU DEED THER!
  6. Simply stunning. I heard this back before it was posted and was blown away then, and am blown away now. There's a lot of subtleties going on here that really add up to a sound-picture that's soothing and inventive. I still think you need to build a Theremin and I'll buy it off of you, but listening to this makes me think you'd be a lot more effective in using it. String work is superb, and I can't wait to hear how you tackle your next song.
  7. *Straps on his 100% latex ReMix-reviewing gloves* Now bend over, ReMixes. This will all be over before you know it.
  8. Well, obviously, they'd all do their own dance, and if they don't have one yet, they'll have to invent one. The OA would consist of air-guitaring/saxophone-ing. (see? I don't HAVE to make a shiny-head reference) The Another Soundscape would be beard-stroking. The DarkeSword would consist of pantomiming permabans. The zircon would consist of mouse-clicking (for making beetz and plaing HoN). The Palpable would be some kind of...something. You see where I'm going with this.
  9. I like the "Name that OC ReMix" idea. Also, the judges need to have a dance-off.
  10. Dude, we haven't even distributed the sheet music for the brass people to PLAY yet, let alone have stuff for YOUR RHODE ISLAND ASS! Glad to hear you're getting all nice and cozy in your new digs though, bro. And thanks again for offering to "piece this one together", as you put it. Now go make me a milkshake. Vanilla, no ice cream lumps, please. Frappe'-speed in the blender. And for goodness sake, put some pants on, Shaun! Again, thanks to the brass section, DBS, and cyril for being patient.
  11. Haha thanks Yggdrasilly, but right now our roster is pretty full. Maybe next time around or if someone drops out, ya? Anyways, I got more info from PR the other day. I'm still digesting it all and trying to restructure the song accordingly. Basically, he wants it longer. I definitely agree it's just a bit difficult extending it beyond the original writing because I don't want it to feel like it's overstaying it's welcome. The instruments do need more of a chance to shine, though, I'll give it that. Keep you all posted and sorry for the delay.
  12. Got the WIP, listening to it more over the next week, will have some other stuff soon hopefully. Glad we're getting around to it. Now, on to MAGFest...
  13. Wouldn't it be a trip if all the discs and mp3's were blank upon release? Nah, that'd be way too mean. I am looking forward to hearing the final product, gentlemen. What I have heard from it is absolutely well-rounded and impressive. You've got all the bells and whistles (both literally and metaphorically).
  14. Got it, Prophet. Will put it in the next version, once I get around to it. This is one happy project director right now.
  15. Here's two temp links until Escariot updates the main OCAD links page: Episode 6 - LOLARMs and He-She's This was a GREAT episode, but one of the longest besides the first. 128 megs roughly, enjoy some awesome exclusive stuff too.
  16. Little bit of a change of plans, folks. Episode 5, which consisted of no less than 5-6 different talk tracks, is taking a LOT longer to edit than originally planned. On top of that, a few delays (or daleks) have caused me to get started on it later than anticipated. Episode 6, which was recorded yesterday, has half the tracks and requires less editing. So (and hopefully this doesn't happen again in the future) you'll be getting Episode 6 before Episode 5. Sorry about the confusion, but trust me, Episode 6 is not only nice and long to tide you over, but has to be one of the most fun guest hostings we will ever do. bLiNd and Jade were hilarious and gave us some cool stuff to play, including bLiNd's first remix he EVER DID. We also ended up playing Jade's WA preview track, and bLiNd's remix of Gradius 3 called "Space Ace" (which is my favorite remix he has ever done). Enjoy that, which should be out relatively shortly, while the other podcast gets edited in the coming week.
  17. Sorry about the delay in posting a new episode, everyone/anyone/J64H. I've been busy prepping and releasing that EP I was working on, but now that that's out, I have more time to do the editing. I can't tell you when to expect the next one out, and it most definitely won't be until sometime next week. We're still on this, just getting a little overwhelmed over the winter season.
  18. I'll list these in just a random order: 1) Revive my solo musical project using the new knowledge I've acquired since I last worked on it to start fresh and hopefully finish with a product I'm happy with. The hardest thing to achieve will be vocal quality, since I'm not yet ready to give up myself singing on the songs but don't think I'm able just yet to get my voice to sound listenable enough. 2) Become a posted OCR ReMixer. Well, this is technically still pending though I have a mix subbed from March that is to-be-posted, so informally I have already achieved this. 3) To finish all of my project tracks that have WIP dates in the coming year. 4) To learn the banjo, re-learn the violin and flute, and get a nylon acoustic guitar. 5) Fix up some of my older guitars for proper use and make a mix using my first guitar ever that sounds listenable. That last one will be a MAJOR challenge. 6) Make at least one chiptunes-style song. Trying to get a little more outside my musical comfort zone.
  19. Just because I myself make music doesn't nullify me from making a request. That's like asking a chef to not dine out because he can cook a meal himself! It's also opening up other people to new ideas of music to remix. And we all know that over-saturation of a game, song, soundtrack, or particular remixer is always going to end up being a negative. Serious Friday is serious. Not really, though. Why post here, Kyle? I thought you had your own forums to post in. And projects to run. AND GET ME A GLASS OF LEMONADE!
  20. I'm still checking up on the actual song title, but honestly anything from the discombobulated series of microgames would be nice, fresh material. I specifically say WarioWare - Touched because of the one song after you complete a given section of games where the characters are all at the concert hall. That song just gets stuck in my head in a goofy kind of way. Yo.
  21. That was a wonderful read, actually. And, while I agree with The Vagrance on the end result being an expression of the artist's intention, the problem is that many people getting into music these days, due to the increasing ability to DIY with tools reminiscent of the same that are used for semi-pro production, is that people will begin to equate this wall-of-sound as being the ultimately desired effect regardless of whether or not it sounds good. People usually try to model their sounds after someone else, and many beginners love to try to sound like their favorite band. If someone like GarretGraves didn't agree that Death Magnetic was WAY overcompressed and tried their hand at making music that sounded similar, it just increases the problem. In some cases, yes, overcompressing things will sound alright if the source material merits it, but I mean....I looked at the brick that was the waveform on the album version of "My Apocalypse" and....WOW. That's not just a brick, that looks like a fifty-pound brick with some small chips away here and there. You listen to that loud enough, and it's gonna break your headphones AND your ears. But what I do know, I barely know what I'm talking about
  22. Well, I have been talking about this a lot, but for those that don't know, I did a small EP with DiGi Valentine from the NiD boards. It contains an intro track, my two remixes of Christmas NiGHTS song "Winter Sleep", and an original of DiGi's. You can grab the whole album here: http://tinyurl.com/dreamerep1 Happy holidays!
  23. I believe guitar center has Addictive for $200, and it's honestly well worth the investment, at least for me it has been. With samples, especially drums, you usually get what you pay for: if you skimp on it and get a cheap set, it'll probably sound cheap and require a lot of tweaking and post work to get it to sound relatively convincing or of good quality. Superior and Addictive are the two best for what you're looking for, and their prices aren't terrible for what you're getting. I know Toontrack also makes those EZ Drummer kits which I believe are a bit cheaper, but again, you're getting what you pay for. As for getting MIDI if one doesn't have a drum pad, there's a number of ways. Many people just do the click method, some use an alternative MIDI input like a keyboard (Harmony is a master of the keydrums, actually), some programs come with MIDI loops that make it easy to get a rough sound you want and then tweak it by mouse (like Addictive drums), and some places like Groove Monkey sell MIDI beats that work in a number of different drum programs. You're going to end up using the mouse at some point no matter what you do if you want to have any kind of customization or correction on what you're doing, but you'll probably get used to it pretty quickly. I'm fairly certain anything compatible with VST will work in your Sonar 5, but do a little research first just to double-check.
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