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Level 99

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Everything posted by Level 99

  1. Well, Brushfire, I'm actually staying with OA and his family so I have no room plans besides that, and I'm not gonna ask him to strain his hospitality. Hope you understand, my friend! If you figure out how to get your own room, of course, I'll see you there, but no way am I gonna turn down free shelter after how much I spent on the plane flight I'm sure we can figure out something if you're die-hard on going, we can talk on Skype soon about it. As for why I'm going to one in Minnesota: 1) Not as many people as the bigger cons, but still a great crowd and actual room to move. It looks to be pretty badass and maybe it'll actually be the turning point in getting me into anime. 2) I'm going because a good chunk of NiGHTS fans who've been supporting and contributing to a part of the NiGHTS: Lucid Dreaming project will be there, so I'm going to go hang out with them a bit. 3) Spreading the OCR love where it may not be fully represented. 4) Going to hang with OA, BardicKnowledge, and anyone else who decides to show up from around here. 5) Ogle the sexy cosplayers. 6) I've never been to Minnesota, so why not? 7) Get away from Baltimore.
  2. You sir...have my respect.

  3. I was thinking of a near-three-hour-long mp3 containing five seconds of music from every single one of the OCReMixes, but that sounds like a terrible, terrible idea.
  4. Liontamer: "Say, pretzel, what do you wanna do tonight?!" DJP: "The same thing we do every night, Larry. Try to take over the internets!" They're totally Pinky and the Brain. Well, I like the idea of a listening party, but I mean, are we going to listen to EVERY SINGLE REMIX OCR has come out with? If so, said listening party is going to last for a very...very long time. OCAD will probably do a special broadcast or something, that I can make sure of on our part, but I think an OCR-wide celebration is indeed in order. Let's start brainstorming, folks: * A full listening party is out due to too many songs. Maybe a selection or the first 20-50 songs depending on endurance? * Some live remixing competition, a-la One-Hour Compo to commemorate OCR's birthday? * Get drunk?
  5. Eat 27 cupcakes. Happy basuday, slut-tastic!
  6. New episode is now uploaded: Episode 4 - Invalid Disk- Abortion, Re-tile, PHAIL. Get it here! Episode 4 Proper link on the OCAD episodes page and updated OP whenever Escariot and Brushfire see this, hehehe.
  7. Apparently, KyleJCrb got confused as to which podcast he actually is involved in and ended up being part of OCAD Episode 4 - "Invalid Disk: Abortion, Re-tile, PHAIL". This latest episode will be up whenever I damn well feel like it, but mostly as soon as I can catch my breath cause I was laughing way too hard the whole time. In other news, Deven's working the website diligently, and just showed me the monstrosity that's supposed to be our logo. I honestly fell out of my chair seeing it: Someone needs to make banners with whomever their favorite OCAD host is. SHOW YOUR PRIDE!
  8. just64helpin flatters me too much, but then again, I did thank him in my thanksgiving OH-Crap-song. PR's getting stuff underway, until people heavily object, this musical group is called "The OverClocked Plaid Muffins" since cyril gave his +1 to the name idea. I can't wait to see what kind of crazy video might be youtubed to this song once it's done...OH GOD THE MENTAL IMAGES ARE HORRIBLE.
  9. I'm sure Brushfire is almost done with the shownotes as well. We can't have four episodes out without having the shownotes done for Episode freaking 1!!! Also, the guest list is now half-finalized. bLiNd and Jade have been confirmed as upcoming guest hosts for an OCAD episode.
  10. Oh man, I must get this tonight. MUST GET.
  11. Noah fixed the link, now we're good to go. Get it from your usual source on the OP or a few posts back. We need to have a meeting soon to discuss some things, including million-dollar offers for sleeping with hosts.
  12. Oh awesome, now I'm gonna call you in the middle of the night and sign you up for every telemarketer I come across.
  13. Updated the original post with the tentative roster and assorted info, thanks for all the info people. Swann, just you on trumpet please. As much as I'd love a full grand big band section, this mix would do better with having a max of two of the same instrument. Also will reduce the amount of people who will have to get their parts in, but as long as you're down, you're in. DeathBySpoon, just get me what you feel grooves right and we'll talk from there. Cyril got me rough vocals which I will be checking later tonight and, should they suffice, will be sent to PR to assist in the brass writing. For brass people, don't hesitate to contact me about recording questions. If your mic isn't working as well as you'd hoped, hopefully a workaround and fix can be done. and for names, how about "The OverClocked Plaid Muffins"?
  14. Alright, a bit of an update because I noticed one very important thing about Win 7 64-bit, Sonar 8 64-bit, and the Lexicon Lambda... I must've forgotten to switch my drivers from MME over to ASIO when I first got it all up and running. However, there are no detected audio interfaces when I switch to ASIO in Sonar. I'm not sure if this is an issue with Sonar, ASIO in-general on Win7 64-bit, or just the drivers I have installed with the Lambda AND my Creative X-Fi, but even ASIO4ALL is causing issues. More research needs to be done, and the Lambda drivers do not say they support Win7 yet, let alone 64-bit (they did, however, install just fine and the device does work in MME mode) but that no drivers are working in ASIO at all is disconcerting. Anyone have any idea about ASIO and Win7 64-bit?
  15. Oh I'm sure, but I had a rough drive to work this morning and whatever methods of getting out that pent-up frustration I need to take full advantage of, hence the post. And based on all that evidence I would put my pride on the line that this is totally fake, but I guess my point would be it doesn't surprise me that things very similar to this have and do exist.
  16. D: Okay, unless it's the very active kind of worshiping, I don't even think those extremely religious would call worship "exhilarating". In fact, I'm sure quite a few would call that an INSULT to prayer. This isn't Wild n' Crazy Kids, folks. Yeesh, and honestly, what kind of "Holy Mysteries" can be unlocked, I wonder? Probably nothing that couldn't be found in the bible, through your local religious authoritarian, or on the internet. Of course, that's me pretending that this stuff could exist, which I can believe full well it could. I don't even care if this is a fake or not, this is the wrong way to approach or abuse religious observance, and even worse on how to cash in on it unless it is 100% non-profit. Don't get me wrong, I think people should be religious in any way they choose as long as it isn't a detriment to others, but this just seems wrong on so many levels it borders on the offensive. Those Wii-controllers they're offering are quite hilarious though. Also, a wild THOUGHT appears: Nintento Wii (comes with 1 nunchuck and controller): $199.99 Additional Wii-motes for a family of 4: 3 x $39.99 4 Wii Fit boards: 4 x $89.99 Probable price of actual game: $39.99 (based on average) Total = $719.91 pre-tax This is assuming that the CROSS and KNEELER controllers are just doctored-up Nintendo products or friggin "skins" for ones you already own. Out of all that, only about $40 is going towards a company that is probably banking money on this. Rational? not really. Would people do it? Yes, there are plenty of people who would spend that much. Also, can someone please photoshop that one screencap of Mary and Paul ringing the bells? You know what I'm talking about. Edit: Look at the second screencap on that website. You have TWO models: white bland male and white bland female. No age variance, no presence of melanin in anyone, just....ARGH!
  17. Yeah, I guess if I knew how to code in php and had full access to his website, we'd be set. I shall make a list of the things we do need though: * A website * An RSS Feed * Wave o' Babies * 40 virgins each * Getting setup on iTunes * A License to Kill * A logo I just woke up by the way.
  18. The blessing of Dj Mokram is enough mystical power to fuel a thousand suns, so it's more-than-enough to make me happy about approval on a mix idea, haha! Umm, I'll have to think about it. I'd say no harm in possibly sending me some bass stuff you groove out to the song, I'll let you know how well it fits if you want. I do like the adequate bass in there at the moment, but if you're feeling advantageous, go for it and send it to me. I'm planning on updating the OP to show the roster as it stands, and will add DeathBySpoon if his bass ends up making it in there. I sent Cyril a PM today, will let you know what he says about having the vox ready. PrototypeRaptor, do you have any idea how long it would take you to write the parts for everyone? If not, no worries, I just want to get a rough idea if possible. Since there are so many people now involved doing parts large and small, I think it's best to work under a group-name. There are many reasons for this: should we choose to work together again in the future we already know what title to work under, it keeps the tags on OCR cleaner, and we get to sound like a real band ZOMG:tomatoface: please suggest some names, as the ones I'm coming up with are pretty crap: Big Pink Suits Meta Knight-Life Tomato-Eatin' Kirbies Dedede Manifesto Almost all obvious rip-offs of other ska bands already, my mind is a blank today.
  19. Quiet, you, and get back to your cage/podcast editing room! And since I'm in a "having the last word" mood today, I'll close by saying I do endorse his claim that someone should pick up an After Burner mix or two. They could easily be done in rock or dance fashion, and there's quite a bit of room for original writing in some of them. So please...won't someone think of the KyleJCrb's?
  20. Shame you can't update it any more, but I honestly think this is sub-worthy man. Sucks about your protools though, here's to hoping you can fix that up.
  21. A man of ninety-nine levels can not say no to this, considering Brushfire would probably punt me at the non-denominational holiday meal if I skimped out. I haven't done secret santa since I was at GameStop, and if it weren't for that, I'd never have read The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Sign me up, I'll PM info in a bit.
  22. After all the issues I had trying to get this thing to work (and it ended up being a compound issue of Windows 7 64-bit, AVG, AND Steam, I must say I was very impressed with the final. It's hard to describe every difference but, for the most-part, everything is improved and built-upon. The difficulty feels a LOT harder on-average though, and as Brush pointed out, those panic events and Special Infected rushes come a bit too often. On normal difficulty, there were some moments where we'd killed two Special infected and a Horde just to have another three Special infected come around followed by another Horde. It's still do-able, but it seems like they're assuming much more previous-play of the game. Also, voice chat is a near-necessity now, as frantic typing has never worked and sticking together and working as a group is the least-likely approach to failure. Maybe I was just pissed off with all my getting-the-game-to-work issues, but regardless, still very fun.
  23. We record when we can record, we edit when I can edit, and we'll try to push things out on a regular basis. We're not gonna fall flat-on-our-face while I still have breath in my lungs and have the ability/opportunity to do this podcast. It may not be as consistent as we originally intended, but it's still gonna happen. Plans to record weekly are still in place, and we're trying to figure out the best way to have guests on without the conversation becoming too crowded (conversations over Skype can become quite chaotic). So, for now, special interviews will probably be done in a separate call outside of the normal hosting until a better method can be devised. Currently getting the interview with Avaris, and organizing the guest lists. It's a lot more than I though it would be, yeesh! But this next episode is coming...and unfortunately I think we may have to give up some of the censor beeping action for sake of editing time. Long story short: we're working on it. Edit: The episode is now uploaded, Noah will post a link whenever he gets around to it.
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