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Everything posted by Sixto

  1. There's nothing wrong with EZDrummer. I can understand why Snapple doesn't like it, but it's still a very good sample library. Badly pre-processed? Hardly. I do agree that Addictive Drums is also a good choice, though, most people can always tell when someone's used AD, which may or may not be a bad thing. Bottom line is if you want great sounding drums without the hassle of processing or extensive mixing, go for EZDrummer. If you want a bigger array of sounds and more control over them, forget Addictive Drums and get Superior 2. I placed my order on Wednesday and can't wait for them to get here.
  2. Pulling my tracks. Will be posting them on VGMix shortly.
  3. That synth solo really threw me off. Rhythm guitar tones sound a little thin. Other than that, I likes alot.
  4. If I can find some time to, sure. Work's crazy right now, though.
  5. The big deal is that if there's no big deal in extending the deadline a little bit, then it won't be a big deal to extended it again. Then again. Then a few more times. But like I said, I'm just a remixer.
  6. I kind of mostly agree. Buuuut I'm just a remixer.
  7. Yeah, look into single coils. You already have 2 humbuckers and coil-tapped buckers don't sound as sweet as a true single coil.
  8. Different guitars for different sounds! What kind of music will you be playing? Any idea on the tone you'd want?
  9. No thanks! Well....maybe some day.
  10. Make sure everything is loud. Then make sure to make the whole thing loud. In detail, when mixing, the first thing I like to do is cut. CUTCUTCUT everywhere you can! Everything but the bass and kick drum gets a hipass filter. Cut the mids on filler/background sounds like rhythm guitars and synths and even most of the drum pieces (acoustic kit, that is). Also, If I plan for a certain song to be pretty loud I make sure to mix it loud. If you try to just make a relatively quite mix louder at the mastering stage, you're not gonna be happy with the results. Also, I HAVE NO MASTEING STAAAGE LAWL. I just do everything I need to in the main mixing stage. Happy mixing!
  11. Happy birthday! Celebrate with some poutine!
  12. Happy birthday. Have a blast, just don't do anything you're gonna regret...unless you're gonna drink enough to forget it ever happened.
  13. I will do Decisive in TWO DAYS LAWL!!!111
  14. Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... Sup?
  15. Les Pauls come with tremolos now?
  16. Where did you hear this? I don't remember asking him to collab on anything.
  17. A remix of Bloody Tears I had started quite a while back (by accident, no less). The Accursed Seal Missing all lead guitars still. Might do them tomorrow.
  18. Burn, Baby, Burn! Source is Super Hang-On, track 01-Outride a crisis. Something I started working on earlier today. I need to make some adjustment to some of the drum velocities and ambience, and I'm getting rid of those sticks at the intro. After that I just need to track the guitar solos and I think maybe I'm done. Edit: Guitar solos in. Ready to go!
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