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Everything posted by Sixto

  1. Happy birthday to the New Mexican!
  2. Mmmm. Tasty track, top-notch production. Excellent job, Jordan.
  3. I think you can use the EZPlayer to load Superior 2 or any of the other Superior/EZDrummer libraries, then you can start clicking in your drum parts in its editor. I've never used EZPlayer, though. I always use FL as my piano roll.
  4. Toss up between Punch-Out on the NES and Street Fighter II on the SNES. I remember once in grade school I got sick at school and my father had to pick me up. Some kind of stomach virus or something, I can't remember. My father stopped at a pharmacy for some medicine which happened to be right next to this video rental place. He goes into the pharmacy, comes out, then goes into the video place. Comes back with some medicine, and Punch-Out for NES. I remember as soon as I got home, I played that game the entire day until bed time. And even though the next day I was feeling much better, my father made me stay home from school in case I got sick again. So I played it all day that day as well. It was the first time I ever felt the desire to play a video game that much. The first time I ever enjoyed a video game that much. And Street Fighter II, well...I guess it was just a monster arcade game that I, along with most of my friends, fell in love with. So when it came out on the SNES it was like a dream come true. We were always trying to coordinate sleepovers on weekends so we could have SFII tournaments and such, each person sticking to one character. Mine was always Ken. Playing SFII was also the first time I really started paying attention to the music in games.
  5. Mmmm, very nice. I remember hearing this waaay back when you first started it. It's come a long way since then.
  6. Pulling my tracks. You can download them here.
  7. Just finished Vesperiaaaaaaaa. Some nice music in there I kinda want to remix now.
  8. Got The Last Remnant and Rise of the Argonauts for XBOX360, Secret Agent Clank for PSP A bunch of XBOX Microsoft point cards Gamestop gift card for $100 Guitar Center gift card for $200 Custom leather guitar strap with my initials Batman Begins, Dark Knight, Transformers, and Iron Man on Blu-Ray Some weird/cool dragon candle holder A fucking awesome new Kirby vacuum cleaner A horrible migraine headache Gave 3 iPhones, 1 iPod Touch 2 XBOX360 Pros Lots of gift cards (mostly Gamestop and Best Buy) New fishing gear for my dad Bath beads and junk from Bath and Bodyworks Edible Arrangements fruit bouquets
  9. Felicitaciónes! Que su matrimonio sea lleno de felicidad y gratos momentos!
  10. Wow, this game sounds better than I thought it would. Maybe I should have picked this up instead of Destroy all Humans: Path of the Furon.
  11. I haven't had much trouble with the combat. The button pressing is like in God of War and The Force Unleashed, where you have to press a certain button fast enough to counter an attack or to save yourself. It's all of the combos that I love. So fun to pull off. Also, I think you can turn off all the hints so the "Press Block" message doesn't come up.
  12. Picked this up today. So far, I'm liking it. Never played any of the Prince of Persia games prior to this so I can't compare. The running around and the acrobatics remind me of Assassin's Creed and Mirror's Edge, just not as much skill is involved. Not much skill is needed at all, actually. All of the fights are pretty easy. I can take out a baddie in one extended combo that's 11 button presses long. The game is so much fun to look at, though. It's getting kind of repetitive now, but it's not too bad. Probably a renter for most of you guys.
  13. Aw shucks. Playing through it again with lots more power to begin with is kinda fun. Still, time to move on. Started up on Assassin's Creed today. So much fun. It kind of gets repetitive, but getting new attacks/weapons after each mission makes the fights more fun. All the running and jumping kind of reminds me of Mirror's Edge, just not as smooth.
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