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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. I imagine that that will be the very first thing that they do if they manage to get it hacked
  2. I can feel that argument for the Go since most people wouldn't bother to have a hacked 1000 series lying around for ripping games but I don't think that that's a good argument for not having the features on the Vita, since the only way you could have a pre-existing library for it is if you brought one from an alternate dimension (limited backwards compatibility nonwithstanding)
  3. a lot of classes get some degree of cooldown bonuses afaik I mean I play Vanguard and I can charge all day long, practically
  4. ME3 combat extends what was in ME2 if you had an engineer and knew how to work it, you should be just fine keeping him there they just add more perks to what each class had
  5. got my physical copy today I had completely forgotten about it coming so it was a nice surprise
  6. somebody has to make the first midi they don't just make themselves (I'm pretty sure)
  7. I know veeeeeery little about flstudio (on account of being lazy as hell), but if you get a mp3 or wav or something of the song, you could throw that in the audio clips, click on the name of the thing to bring up the channel settings, and under the Time Stretching field, change Resample to Auto (to keep the pitch from shifting) and crank the MUL dial to 200% or 300% it'll play the clip at half or third speed if you do that, making it considerably easier to pick out notes; additionally, you could stick the pattern that you're building next to the clip to check against it note for note
  8. Revy is still one of my favorite female protagonists, even years after I've watched/read it
  9. oh yeah, I quit the game recently because of that
  10. Mine is still Unlimited SaGa I had bought it shortly after finishing half of the characters in SaGa Frontier, so I was expecting a rousing good time. the reels oh god the reels
  11. yeah that's generally what a free beta weekend is
  12. I did a double take at that one
  13. I've always had a problem with this one strip: the right door is very clearly the correct choice if you spare even two seconds to think about it.
  14. I dunno, when I watched Madoka, I felt like, no matter how bad it got, there was still some shred of hope for the heroines.
  15. nice quote insertion there but yeah, the other versions are high up on my list too
  16. this is probably going to be my headcanon
  17. okay, maybe they're not so bad I'd still rather play as this guy though:
  18. my brother has a pretty boss reharmonization he doodles around with sometimes, but I've got no recording equipment and, quite frankly, our piano is kind of terrible
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