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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. If you guys pull this off, you'll be my heroes. Godspeed.
  2. LT actually already has updated torrents ready to go that fixes most of this (afaik) also unified tags and stuff
  3. I want that dynamic shadows mod where get edit: got
  4. Links dude, where are the links?
  5. Hang on dude, you're making so many assumptions and running with them, it's hard to catch up. The exact pronunciation of レヴィ is Re-Vui. Now I haven't seen any of Fairy Tale, but in most cases, Japanese will use Bi (ビ) to approximate a Vi sound because Vui (ヴィ) produces a very distinct dipthong, such as in DVD (ヂヴィヂ). I have the feeling you just used the katakana keyboard and typed in Re Vi and wanted to check that you were aware that the ヴ is really a U with a dakuten and not a true Vi sound.
  6. My post immediately succeeded one talking about Black Lagoon. lern 2 context plz Revy is short for Rebecca, and she ain't no fairy.
  7. What the heck do you guys use for playing music as alarms anyway I can't stand leaving computers on overnight just for that purpose, so I was curious if you guys used something else
  8. there are worse things it could be cloning
  9. I can only hope that they don't ban people for breaking the game like Bioware and SWTOR
  10. man, I need to get that perfect touch perk
  11. Wait wait wait, it's seriously a game? I really thought it was just a fancy SSBB mod.
  12. oh right, Argonians can breath underwater as well (second paragraph)
  13. you just hate fun then you have a waterbreathing enchantment on something you son of a silly person I have drowned in several missions where I didn't see the exit in a flooding room
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