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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. according to the imgur gallery comments, it's from the new Fright Night I've not seen it so I cannot attest to the veracity of that claim
  2. been bugging them forever official response:
  3. https://unofficialskyrimpatch.16bugs.com/projects/7078
  4. I'm sure you're aware that your server tag looks like this
  5. idk I've only ever had one person ever comment on my classic version hoodie I like the OU design
  6. I don't have anything to add either, I'm afraid, but I will be watching out for when you finish
  7. kinda wished they were grouped into three big torrents for the different levels but oh well :\
  8. no but seriously, I relooped the Lava world music so I can listen to it all day
  9. there is it's called 480p, 720p, and 1080p I'm ripping someone else's post, but Nintendo went with 480p max resolution for the Wii not only because it was cheaper, but also because it was more reliable in 2006.
  10. I absolutely freaking love virt's game music and didn't realize that Wayforward has done two more DSiWare games until this; so I'll be buying those shortly as well.
  11. nope, not missing one thing (see above post)
  12. I guess the undertones are pretty serious, but you can't tell me that that the presentation is as well. And besides, not every one wants fluffy stuff all the time.
  13. oh, one other fantastic thing that's airing this season is Mawaru Penguindrum also Fate/Zero if you're into the FSN universe yeah it's been pretty great so far
  14. don't be such a fuddy duddy thing looks gorgeous emulated
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