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Everything posted by Bummer

  1. Seems like the sand in his vagina finally got him. :[
  2. Here's hoping your town will get back on its feet, and that you won't be scarred for life by this tragic event. OH BURRRRRRRRN
  3. FF1 on NES or Playstation?
  4. NEW BACKGROUNDSSSSSSSSSSSSS Two older ones I forot to bring here: http://i14.tinypic.com/534u1r5.png http://i15.tinypic.com/62ykcv7.png And some more recent material:
  5. Some sigs of Net Navis from Rockman EXE.
  6. I use Photoshop CS2. Why am I always forgetting to add "June is Boss Month"? Good that you noticed my error. Sounds good to me.
  7. Wha? *checks Google* Oh. You're welcome.
  8. Aaaaand one more for Roderick. kay
  9. .... Who's DFK? Seriously, I can't place that abbreviation anywhere in my memory base.
  10. I sure am can. I gave the whole thing a new whirl of thought again yesterday. My original plan was to go with June is First Boss month, so that it could go along the same theme we had last year but yet have a slight touch of difference. But after browsing the webs after som decent pics, I came to the conclusion that there are extremely few images depicting first bosses to use, mainly because they aren't as important as their harder, more end-ier allies. So, my final decision will be, as most of you already has suggested, that June will simply be Boss Month. The thing I said about too many options? Screw it, burn it, chop it in tiny pieces and then burn it again, cause this way we'll have alot more variation and pretty much everyone will be certain to get their own boss to have in their signature space. Plus that there won't be a ruckus every time we need to decide for a theme again, there will always be new games that appears on the market and with them new bosses to squeeze into sigs. now that's clever. Clever enough to work. wtf we haven't even started with the real theme yet and you're already fad theming wtf man wtf
  11. O rite, I forgot to say that I'm making the thread the 1st day of June, since that would for some reasons be a suiting date to make it. Yes, but I still feel that there should be a different theme for each time.
  12. No Spoilers
  13. That's the problem in a nutshell. End Boss Month: Not enough options since we already did that last year. Just Boss Month: Too many options. Whatever. Only two days left now, but I've already decided what the theme will be, even though some of you can already guess it. I'll make a new thread in Off-Top somewhere around noon (in the east coast of America), so see you there. Someone lock this thing up.
  14. Wait, did I just get unlimited authority to decide the theme of June judging solely by my own reason and opinion and therefore making my will obsolete and unchangeable? Sweet.
  15. Yeah, it was great. Too bad I was your only follower though. That post combined with your username made me laugh.
  16. Heh, at least this thread got some replies. This isn't a forced meme, it's a forced traditon. Maybe, but since so many makes sigs of them anyway then the difference will probably be none. Shoo! Good idea, but it would porbably be for the best if we had a theme where both male, female and non-gender freaks could participate. -No.-No. -Hell no. -Perhaps, but that would make all sigs made from 2d games extremely boring. *slap* I like this idea very much. The only problems would be that they're restricted to RPG's only, plus that two persons can have different opinions on the most useless character from the same game, but other than that this has much potential. Yea I kno. June Is Transport Month? Interesting. -See quote reply #5 and #7. -I don't know, items in general aren't that great sig material. -See above. -Ellaborate please. Oh for heavens sake please don't Sadly, that is true. The main reason June is End Boss Month was that someone took the responsible for deciding the theme from the beginning, and everyone accepted it and jumped onto the bandwagon. When you let the community decide, things would most likely get chaotic, just like now, but the reasons I made this thread was to 1) check if everyone would be up to this and 2) help me decide on a theme because I suck. There are many themes that works, but only on small scales. People made fads partially to make jokes or just to create their own special club. Nonetheless, it was pretty much beaten to death. But now it the months has passed, and I'm up for some good ol' sigmaking frenzy once again. I just had nothing to go on. Not an all too shabby idea. We had some discussion last time if there would be possible to make a First Boss Month or Hidden Boss month, since we already had drained most of the End Boss storage. But if we could pull off a new boss theme, the yeah, I'd be in. That's the spirit sonny boy! We could always wait for July, so that we'll keep June as End Boss Month and make July the Blablabla month, and next year we'll make August the Yadayada month and so on. Yeah remember that August is Fuzzy Pink Bunny Month? How original. My opinion of your ideas doesn't need to be absolute, just because I made this thread doesn't mean I'm in charge of this whole idea. I just think that not all of them serves as good sig material or has enough material to become a whole theme. The ones I've liked so far are the Useless Character Month, Hero Steed / Mount Month, or some sort of a Boss Month, that would be cool. One idea I had was June is Tranformation Month, making sigs out of several powers, items or abilities that could transform a character into something else, such as Tanooki Mario, Goron/Zora/Deku Link, Trance Kuja and so on. Keep posting though, June is still a couple of days away. We can figure something out.
  17. ......crap I can't be angry at you now.
  18. And with it, a reminder of a joyful month where a large part of the OCR community became united as one, with a common interest, a month where we expressed our thanks towards the enemies in the world of gaming, who met us at the end of our journey to put us to the final test, which we hopefully succeded, but also left a solid memory in our heart and mind. For those of you who weren't here last year, June was the month when our signatures shared a same theme. Last year, it was June is End Boss Month, and either you could make the signature by yourself or ask one of the OCR sigmakers to make one for you. Since it was such a fun time for most of us who participated last time, it would be such a shame if we couldn't carry on the torch again this year and repeat the event once more. I just wanted to make sure if everyone is up for it, we pretty much got tired of the whole idea when some people came up with new themes right after June, beating the idea to death, but since there has passed quite some time now, then it might be time to give it another whirl. If everyone is willing to do it, then all we need to do is to come up with a new theme for this year. Preferrably, it should be something that's asscoiated with video games, being a VG community as we are, but also have enough variety so that we can have as different signatures as possible. Let me hear if you're interested, and leave some suggestion to a theme we could use while you're on it.
  19. haha oh wow Seriously man, great job. You definitly deserves it.
  20. Can't help you there big fella, finding pictures for others has never been a speciality of mine. I don't know who you are, but you sure do nice work.
  21. What happened to that mana smurf? He used to be all over the place.
  22. I love these, mostly because they actually makes sense. Naww that was just a normal post in the and it made me smile thread. I didn't want to make a thread about it since this is old news, although still entertaining.
  23. I am Ark, and so I shall stay.
  24. Thick borders are thick.
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