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Everything posted by Bummer

  1. Quoted for emphasis. I'm not that big of a Sonic fan, but this makes me satisfied that I have a DS in my possession. I'll look forward to this, and the official art. for this.
  2. It has enhanced my interest for music. Looking 3 years back, I wasn't that enthustiastic about it all, but when my siblings showed me OCR, the idea to remix videogame music sounded really cool to me. And down that road it went, and I have shown much more appreciation to the audible world ever since. It's a shame I don't listen to remixes as much as I used to, but those gems I have and love is always good for a nostalgic OCR moment. What else do I have? Oh yeah, my english has improved to a surprisingly decent level during my forum activity. It's far from flawless, but it'll do. I've also honed my sig skills and increased my Internet knowledge here thanks to the jolly bunch of videogame lovers on this site, which I also appreciate.
  4. Småland, Sweden.
  5. According to a worst anime ever topic at a forum I frequented, Boo-boo-boo-something-something came very high atop that list. I haven't watched, nor haven't I read the manga either (cept for a page here and there), so I cannot say I have a solid opinion of it nor do I know what's it all about. But if a crowd of teenagers who watch Naruto and likes it, and thinks that Boo-Boo is terrible, then my logic tells me that Boo-Boo is in fact terrible beyond limits. True, it might be that its humor was too farfetched for them, being as random and wacky as you say it is, but it still gives me a creepy eerie feeling. Millions of Naruto fans cannot be wrong. I really must get myself to start watching this show seriously after I'm done with some unfinished series, I watched two eps while back home and I enjoyed what I saw, and yet it would become much better as the story progresses. According to my siblings at least, and so far I haven't found a reason to not trust their tips. Except for my younger brother though, there is no way I'm gonna start watching Prince of Tennis. Well tough luck, cause that's exactly what you came out as. I've watched Kanon and Clannad, and making their physique more "mesmerising" would only make it cross into the dark realm of hentai.
  6. I didn't start it, I just played along. I think it can possibly maybe perhaps have been Amaterasu who started it, but I definitly cannot say for sure, especially since the old boss storage on photobucket is gone. Maybe I'll try searching for it. Edit: Bingo.
  7. I haven't noticed this sticky until now, but is it still a demand for seeders?
  8. Seriously though, I watch plenty of series. I can usually only stand smaller series with about 24 eps, but if it has a solid story then following something with a total of 60 episodes and beyond won't be too hard. I see it only as entertainment though. It's a good source for me to get a laugh, decrease my brain functions for half an hour or to just kill some time, but I haven't driven it to the point that I've gotten obsessed with the japanese culture and taken the first steps on the dark path of weeaboo faggots. I can't recall a moment where anime drastically changed my opinion of a certain subject, but it has surely boogled my mind several times and taken my own sense of fantasy to new levels. I mainly stick with the humoristic series, even though I can enjoy some of a much more serious nature. Concerning how anime has become "better drawn" over time, I'd say that it's an improvement. The Laws of Anime still own an accurate description of most of them today, but the fact that they've started to avoid large sweatdrops, curly blue lines along the forehead, and moments before mentioned when More work put into facial expressions and body movements is always a positive development, but that only goes for the general concept of anime. Cowboy Bebop is one of the earlier creations and it uses none of the "features" associated with anime". I second the recommendations of Denno Coil and The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. Good man. Mushishi has a great soundtrack, and one new case with every episode with some hints here and there concerning Ginko's background made it a very interesting watch. I've watched Hikaru no Go as well, but it feels like I can't really recommend it. For being an anime about a game which has the equivalent entertaining value as chess, it's surprisingly good, but I couldn't really stand how slow everything went during some points and how everything went towards being gay at the end. Add the fact that most characters didn't know how to hold a decent dialogue, and it became something that got some points, but wasn't overall that great. And if you liked H&C, then I recommend Nodame Cantabile. Classy, funny, serious, enjoyable.
  9. Is there a torrent of this?
  10. Also, here's some more sigs for the shoppe. Been kind of in a slump lately. Ho ho ho.
  11. Darkesword is the best sword.
  12. I laughed so hard when I saw his username. So hard. That is all.
  13. Was the "remix" an exact duplicate of Darke's, or will I have to cut some bitches in order for one of you to host it again so that I can listen to it? Also vote Oddllama, the american way!
  14. Mazedude <3
  15. Well, to be fair, there already was a castle standing there from the beginning. Even though I lack a degree regarding the transforming properties of the power of the Triforce, giving the whole town and itsroyal building an appropriate "facelift" wouldn't be too hard to pull off considering that Ganondorf already had mofo magick skills before. And then we also have the 7 years he had in order to pull off this project, and if you apply that time interval in videogame units, we're pretty much looking at an eternal time span here measured with our own units. And Link was in a celestial coma. Simple as that. I don't recall you being so reckless with spelling and sentence structure. Have you been drinking?
  16. This movie doesn't tempt me too much, they've tried too hard making it look badass. also ZOMG BATTLE POLAR BEARS
  17. This is pretty grand. My hat's off to you.
  18. ... Not creepy. Not creepy at all.
  19. The front page touched me. Edit: In a good place.
  20. Felt bored tonight, so I decided to sig three images I've saved in my image folder for just this purpose. Nothing fancy, just resizing and some filtering. Here are the original pics: http://i15.tinypic.com/72znedx.jpg http://i10.tinypic.com/726i0cg.jpg http://i9.tinypic.com/8fwh20o.jpg oh maaaaaaaan
  21. I've been too inactive for TOO LONG. I believe you should notice a certain theme among them. oh I sure did. Nice work.
  22. eeeehhhh fan games doesn't roll of my tongue that well, but trying out some of them wouldn't harm I guess. Truth. Being one who never got a chance to own the older consoles, I would've never played Sonic if not this game had been made.
  23. Seeing Reuben Kee and the word "dies" in the same sentence made my morning mood plummet to a new level. Here's hoping that his family will get all the emotional comfort they need, and with that, I'll add my condolences as well. I'm currently holding a Reuben Marathon. I feel sad that I only knew of his tracks from FF7 and Chrono Trigger, but that I had missed the rest of his official remixes. Listening to them now, he truly was a passionate musician.
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