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Everything posted by Robotaki

  1. I've always been impressed with the quality of some of the work that comes out of Reason software. Has no VST support ever popped as a huge setback for this? I'm just wondering, because I'm interested =P
  2. omg, Okami would be so much fun to remix. I need some good japanese percs goddammmit =P agreed with seph tough, it's still pretty young as a game as of right now so it'll get more attention with time. (or right now if you feel like it XD)
  3. Hey guys, just wondering is this game to obscure in order to follow the site's guidelines to original material? I searched VGMusic and they have a midi of this level on their site. Thanks!
  4. lawl, sweeeeet.
  5. hey neat =) I gotta try that sometime.
  6. I could see this coming out during the winter (November), just sorta fits that mood If the rest of the album goes along this sorta atmosphere, then damn, I'd dig. really sweet shit! you really pushed Recycle! to it's limits with your insane beat slicing.
  7. totally could go as a SoE remix of that Great Pyramid theme. killin stuff so far
  8. We'll be waiting in the WIP forums =P
  9. whoa nelly. but what you've done so far'll stay though right? no more revisions needed? sorry to hear that though =/ I'm sure everyone appreciates your contributions and stuff =)
  10. blah, maybe when I'm older one day...and when I live in the US...I'd go one day =P
  11. OH SHIT! I didn't know ur a torontonian, pretty sickass. the piece is awesome (from what I can hear putting all the bits together in my head) the main isntrument holding the melody sounds really neat. is it an EP with some minor tweaks? sorta has that vibe to it. get a resub right away, I'd like to see this on the front.
  12. Ah, really good points to consider avaris. That minute-long section did run on quite a bit, and to be honest all I was doing was adding a new instrument layer one by one each pattern. In terms of the marcato strings, I believe they were made less apparent BECAUSE I layered instruments so slowly. A quicker introduction and maybe a slight increase in velocity may fix the problem. I have a sense that the feeling of loss of structure is a result of this section being too long-winded. I'll be sure to get to the point when I revise it. Do you have any suggestions on how to move the 3:51 area straight to 4:51? Would a sort of bridge be necessary or just a direct transition? (since 3:34 - 3:50 might already take care of it) Thanks!
  13. lol, I'm slapping myself in the face for deleting the first version that came out too. =/
  14. Just wondering, would a live instrument be necessary in this? I haven't really worked much with live recordings and stuff so I'm kinda blah on it. Thanks for the comments so far!
  15. I think the link's inactive. dang man. I wanna listen! =P
  16. Neat! I'm hearing some influences from Hybrid, specially the drum programming. Lots of stuff going on here. Keep in touch with OC will ya? =)
  17. hmm, I might try to do a completely new mix of Harvest November...I don't think the one I have right now sounds too great IMHO, lol. the sound quality's really low. w/e got plenty of time right? ^-^ see what happens. good luck everyone, and have a good summer!
  18. Ah, polyphony takes crazy amounts of EQing, haha. But w/e, take the time to learn it, because it is essential, and things'll sound a lot cleaner. Really energetic arrangement. It's got a lot of forward momentum, but you don't hesitate to have sections where it slows down to give the listener some breathing time. And, haha, HARPSICHORD. Hell yah! Keep working on this man =D
  19. Yay, you're back on the WIP forums man! Cool atmospheric arrangement, and strikingly characteristic of the rest of the music in the OST. One thing that popped out to me in a good way, the 3:44 chord you used is awesome to me. I'd really love to hear some live instruments in this though. Particularly a live flute, since that is a major instrument in this piece. ^-^ Sweet stuff man!
  20. Alrighty guys, exams just ended today so SUMMMERR!!! I got home to work on it right away and got a good few hours on it, but I'm still correcting reverb. I just wanted to put some new ideas into it though. A few balancing issues were fixed up. Yep, I'll continue to update this, but pour your mind out while that's going on and you'll shape the way this thing works out. Thanks! Here's the link that's in the first post: Seiken Densetsu 3 - Decision Bell ReMix
  21. Crap! Just remembered what this remix reminded me of!! That Dark Cloud II introduction movie theme that starts when you start the game up. It's got the same feel in my opinion. Awesome percussion. =) Digging it.
  22. *listens to the crickets*
  23. I like what I hear in terms of suspense at the beginning. It does drag slightly long, at least to me, in the later parts of the first minute. Right when the 1:34 section came in, that's when I got really into what was there. That hardcore beat only lasted fro a tiny bit though T.T The "missing" thing some people are talking about I think may have to do with the need of consistency of badass, hardcore drums. They seem to be introduced only, but never play a dominant place in the piece. However, that being said, what you've made here is amazing in complexity, especially in terms of stereo separation. Great stuff guys =)
  24. SOme of the synths remind me of crystal method, so in other words, goddamn, this fckin rocks! Really really clean sounding. =)
  25. Hey Leah! Really cool stuff here, and I think one of the major accomplishments was the effectiveness of the panning. You got something pretty cool going on with the drum programming also. Which mellow bass did you use? I've been looking all over for that sort of non-chalant sample around, but I can't seem to make it for some reason =/ The only thing I might be able to add is if there was a little more dynamic contrast and tension building in this piece. I'm really glad I got to hear your work Leah! It gives me a lot to learn from ^.^ Keep in touch!
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