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Everything posted by Malaki-LEGEND.sys

  1. There's plenty of room for a decent sequel. There's ALWAYS plenty of room for a decent sequel/prequel. Although I guess we could argue that they already did that with the whole FFVII series. Yeah, I just went there.
  2. I think it's time for a sequel to Final Fantasy VI now. Yeah, I went there.
  3. Because Japanese teens like their characters emo, remember? Otherwise, Lighting(heroine from FFXIII) wouldn't have been modeled to be a female Cloud.
  4. I dunno, I'd probably pay 5 bucks each for the 3 Gameboy Zelda games since I only got a chance to own Link's Awakening(still my fav next to Majora's Mask). I know this is probably false, but I don't think Nintendo really needs to bring out a new handheld to the market just yet. The DS has passed the 25 million mark already with no signs of stopping any time soon. Even more amazing is that games on the DS like The New Super Mario Bros. and Mario Kart DS are still selling new copies like hotcakes. I think the DS could last a few more years personally. What I'd really like to see are more mature games, and by mature I don't mean something like Call of Duty or Gears of War or whatever. I mean games that deal with mature subject matter. Adult games like Heavy Rain, Indigo Prophecy. More games with darker stuff. Point and click adventure games akin to the Lucasarts stuff of old would be great.
  5. Hey I liked Squall, I just liked Laguna that much more.
  6. I think we can all agree at this point that Cloud is a bitch. Zack was the real hero out of the whole FFVII cast. Incidentally, he was also the most normal out of the entire bunch. He was in short, a real man and a very likable protagonist. None of this "boo hoo! I have to find sephiroth! OH NOES I'm not who I thought I was am I a failure!?" crap. He was so badass that it took a goddamned battalion to take him down, and even then they still got lucky. Cheers to one of the better characters created in the Final Fantasy series. I felt terrible when I hit the ending. Also, Genesis isn't gone just yet. I also agree that the Final Fantasy series post FFVI have had a penchant for creating side characters infinitely more interesting than the main protagonists, and I really wished Laguna and Jecht had much more emphasis in both FFVIII and FFX respectively. Maybe it's just Laguna's upbeat personality or his penchant for getting caught in dumb adventures, or the fact that he has more character depth than Squall that he would make for much more of an endearing main protagonist. I apologize for that agonizing display of FF fanboyism. Returning to your regular programming now.
  7. I don't even think I'm doing Blanka's ultra right. I can do the move no problem but either the move is just lame, or I'm hitting the guy too early or something.
  8. I'd get it just for the bigger screen, which is notably bigger than the DS Lite. The SD mem card slot is also appealing because we'll see some DS ware and maybe virtual console stuff, and that'd be sweet. Of course from what I'm hearing, Wii points and DS points aren't going to cross over, I.E you can't use Wii points to buy DS Ware and vice versa. Bitch move, Nintendo.
  9. I don't even think I'm anywhere near competitive as everyone else on this thread. I don't even know what half the terms you guys are talking about mean. I love fighters, but I feel so dumb about all this stuff. For me it's always been like "See that guy? See his life bar? You want to take that all the way to zero by beating the crap out of him." Funny thing though. My playing Street Fighter IV got me back into playing Soul Calibur IV online, and now I'm loving the hell out of that game again.
  10. The demo is not representative of the full game. At all. Resident Evil 5 is so Resident Evil it hurts(albeit in a good way). Great narrative and pacing, fun gameplay, tons of unlockables(frickin' camera FILTERS). I won't say the game was scary, since it's not, but it CAN be tense. More importantly however is that this game is hella fun.
  11. If you don't suck at the game, these things don't matter.
  12. I'd like any of the games you all mentioned, since I never got a chance to play most of 'em save the Mega Man Legends games. I agree with Injin though about having enough fighters out. I'm a huge fighting fan, but we already have a lineup of 'em coming out this year. KoFXII, Tekken 6, BlazBlue, SFIV, and SSF2THDR.
  13. As far as I know, as long as you're not making money off it, you're fine.
  14. It's fine to say you thought it was better, but to say it kicked its ass...? Also yes on Mega Man Legends 3.
  15. This is false on so many levels. At any rate, I'd be happy with Capcom VS SNK 2 since I never got a chance to play either Darkstalkers or Marvel Vs Capcom 2
  16. When it all comes down to it, the best arguments I can use for my downloading(which is usually out of print stuff or international music) is due to lack of local availability, and also the fact that I don't like to buy crap, and I especially don't like being told I should spend money on crap. A friend of mine bought the bluray for some movie, I go to his house and watch it, I think it's crap and never watch it again. I didn't pay anything, and I can assure you that I'd be pissed if I DID pay something. Now, sure, he paid for the movie, but I didn't and still saw it. As far as I know, going to a friends house and watching a movie is perfectly fine and legal, and yet nobody got a cent from my watching it. This occurs every damned day.
  17. Oh my god did we have some seriously epic battles in Halo Wars earlier today. EPIC. I love this game so much.
  18. Did you try a quick match or a custom search? I've been noticing that in general, custom searches take a bit longer, but I usually get to see the other person's connection. Anything 3 bars or better is good enough. Although yeah, I'd imagine you'd have better pings with others in your area(or at least continent).
  19. Yes well I own Halo Wars now, and damn do I love it to death.
  20. ...I still don't even know what people mean by frames in fighters.
  21. I use Sakura almost exclusively on my ranked matches. I keep running into Akumas and Kens like crazy though.
  22. I agree with your points, and I think that if you're a big RTS fan, then Halo Wars just won't do it for you. It really does have a "my first RTS" feel to it, but that withstanding I still can't wait to pick up my copy tomorrow. I've played Starcraft and loved it(although admittedly I never became a pro at it), but outside of Blizzard stuff I don't have much RTS cred. I actually like the fact that basebuilding isn't so crazy and they put the focus on combat rather than resource management, although that's a drawback for some people. Your enjoyment of the game will come from what you expect from it. If you're an RTS fan expecting a deep RTS game, then steer clear from this one. Also, there are some commands that don't appear in the tutorial, such as holding left trigger to scroll faster, and using the right trigger to scroll through different unit types.
  23. That WoW analogy doesn't work at all. Why? Because of level caps. Once you hit lvl.80, you're capped and can't go any higher. Anything else you achieve is due to pure skill, and let me tell you that in this regard, there are people in PvP in Guild Wars and WoW that WILL ream you. You can't expect everyone to be casual and crappy-go-lucky on an online game. You want casual? You're gonna have to play amongst your casual gamer friends. I'll keep saying it, and keep in mind that I'm not even using other games in the genre as a reference, and it really WOULD be nice if people would objectively look at games for what THEY are as opposed to what they are COMPARED to other games. He wasn't badmouthing SFIV, but he still used Guilty Gear as a reference, which implies that he thought it did things better. It didn't do anything better. It did things differently. If you have ANY game experience, ANY at all, and you're interested in a fighter, SFIV is STILL a great way to get into it. We're gonna have to get the ESRB to start rating games based on the "casualness"(yes I made up a word) so that people will know what they're getting into. And on another note, Capcom would like to say that they're sorry that your braindead mother who hasn't played a game seriously in 10 years sucks at Street Fighter IV.
  24. So I love Star Ocean 3. I think that from what I've listened to thus far, it's one of Motoi Sakuraba's best sound works, and the game itself is just great in terms of presentation and such. I think I can see why people were so up in arms with IU after playing a little of this.
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