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Everything posted by Malaki-LEGEND.sys

  1. So I gave online gaming a shot earlier with Halo 3 again after getting my gold back. ...No lag. YAY!! Once I play some more Tales of Vesperia and Ninja Gaiden 2, I'm up for some Soul Calibur IV or DOA4 or even some Beautiful Katamari.
  2. Ok then I guess I'll be picking it up over the course of next week along with the rest of my haul.
  3. Ooh. Me want. Anyway. Silent Hill Homecomings. Any impressions?
  4. Hey, you asked for a song that made me feel powerful, not for one that got my adrenaline pumpin'.
  5. Here's to hoping that the game is made of total win. IGA needs to really go back and look at his past 3D iterations and see what worked, what didn't, and try to go from there. Using Alucard is a good first step, but then what? I know I've been hoping for this game since I saw what Lament of Innocence could have been, but I'm worried it'll just be another "let's go through the same room thousands of times and then backtrack through them all over again!" kind of thing.
  6. Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto No.2 in C Minor Op.18
  7. This is made of win. Dammit if they were to release this on iTunes or something I'd be all over it
  8. And so season 2 of the best Gundam series ever is begun. YAY!
  9. I love you all. But like Atmuh, I have a confession to make: I haven't been able to get myself to finish Lost Odyssey. It's just too "vanilla" I guess of an RPG. I mean I like it, but with other stuff on the horizon, it just doesn't seem that appealing.
  10. 7.50 an hour, but I only get 15 hours a week.
  11. Fortunately I don't have to pay for my lively hood.. Not yet anyway. The money I make is chump change.
  12. Mephisto wins.
  13. In short, we're bitching about what Nintendo did as opposed to what they COULD have done. On a side note: This generation of gaming shall forever be remembered as the generation of SKU revisions.
  14. I do have a job, I just get paid monthly since I work on campus. Being that I work on campus, you can guess the shit money/hours I get. I can't complain though. I get almost 10 an hour doing next to no work. I've tried applying at other places around here, but they won't take me for reasons unknown. Asi es la vida... Anyway, Re: CoM is U.S. bound this December I believe.
  15. Well fuck. As if I didn't have enough holes being burned into my wallet via my gaming, I now just remembered that Re:Chain of Memories is PS2-bound this holiday season. Christmas present much like GH: World Tour it seems.
  16. As I am a poor college student, I am poor and am thus forced to make a choice. Therefore, impressions are required on the following games: Tales of Vesperia Infinite Undiscovery Star Wars: TFU Devil May Cry 4 Too Human Silent Hill Homecomings(already talked about I know, but anything else would be welcome) I know I'm grabbing Fallout 3 later this month, but I could afford one more, or I could grab a 4k point card and grab Mega Man 9, Bionic Commando Rearmed, Duke Nukem 3D, Braid, or Castle Crashers. Go.
  17. Yes well the only reason I noticed in KH was because I had the original, lost in in a move(or sold it), then bought it as a GH game kthxbye. ...
  18. A few guys mentioned Xenogears earlier and I totally forgot about "June Mermaid" from the Creid album.
  19. I wasn't a huge fan of Simple and Clean. I preferred the original song Hikari which was in the Japanese version. No, it has nothing to do with nerdom as much as it has to do with the fact that they changed the chorus around in the English version and unfortunately I find it grating. I didn't have this problem with Sanctuary, although I still prefer Passion. Anyway, agreed on the level design of both games actually. To be honest, I don't think KH2 really added that much in terms of... Well anything really. The combat system was relatively unchanged save for the context-sensitive Triangle button presses and a few more tweaks here and there. Levels were the same kind of drab that lacked interaction just like the first, etc. But you know what? Screw that shit. I still love the music, the atmosphere, and the silly Disney/Square-Enix crossover plot that took me back to when I was a kid who loved Disney. KH2 took a cool plot, tied up some loose ends here and there, added more character depth, and opened up a whole can of worms of stuff to be covered in future games. It was great. Fun bit of dumb trivia: Anyone notice that the Square logo was changed for the Greatest Hits re-release of KH1? In the original, it was Squaresoft, while in the GH it was Square-Enix. /nerd
  20. Chopin's Etude in E Major Op. 10 No. 3
  21. So Code Geass is over... Anyone know when Gundam 00 starts up again?
  22. Bumpity bump. So I finally have a TV! Huzzah! It's just a temporary loaner 'til I get my next paycheck and grab my 32' HD set, but it'll make do for now. One annoying thing about it(and many other tube TVs) is that the image on the screen is a little off center which while not killing the experience, is definitely annoying. It would be nice if they added a feature in the next XBL update that would allow you to calibrate it. Aber es ist mir egal, weil werde ich bald mein neues Fernseher kaufen! Anyway, on with the post. The Xbox Live Arcade has gotten some serious love while I was away with Duke Nukem 3D, Braid, Mega Man 9, and Castle Crashers, and I'm loving every minute of 'em. Also, once I get my new Gold live card, I'll totally be up for some SCIV if y'all are still playing. Add Malakhim.
  23. But is also really IS that awesome. And I'm stuck playing the demo which only has Concrete Man's stage. Can't even fight him. God I have to buy some MS points.
  24. I think we need more posts proving how warped Kojima has been lately.
  25. It's funny how you should post this after I start playing Braid...
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