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Everything posted by Malaki-LEGEND.sys

  1. Good thing I've been watching every other sport then. I haven't noticed this bias, although it wouldn't surprise me that it exists.
  2. How do you "learn to listen" to certain music anyway? It's always seemed to me that if it sounds good, then I'll listen to it. I didn't have to go through some arduous process of "learning" how to listen to classical, VG, or any other type of stuff. Is this a recognized idea?
  3. Well when people haven't played a game system since the NES and someone mentions VG music, they're probably wondering why you like 8-bit chiptune-ish music. The sad fact is that many people aren't aware of the countless arrangements, rearrangements, rock overs, and orchestrations of game music that has already progressed leaps and bounds in the past decade or so, let alone the game industry itself. For many folks, it all just means Nintendo or Atari. Of course then we have those like my older brother who makes humorous comments such as "Guitar Hero is a game kinda like that DDR thing, but with real music." It goes both ways. There are people who are genuinely ignorant of the medium's progress, and then there are dumb assholes. However I have had favorable responses to my music of choice. While the Aria di Mezzo Caratere was playing on my speakers, both my mother and sister(who is an opera soprano) instantly fell in love with it. My mother and a few other girls I know like Ayumi Hamasaki after listening to "Depend on You" from back when I bought Thousand Arms, and my aunt loved "Opening" for Xenosaga Ep.II as well as the entire soundtrack for Ep.I. My sister kept on singing the melody to "Umi no Kiseki" from Record of Lodoss War a long while back as well.
  4. So you know another game Rare made? Battletoads Where the fuck is my next-gen BT game?
  5. Now if he had won 8 medals across 8 different sports, THEN it'd be frickin' unbelievable. He's a great swimmer who happened to be good enough to win 8 golds at the Olympics. I know however that had he not been a USA swimmer, then we probably wouldn't see that much of him at all other than "grrr! this guy over here keeps winning against our team and has 8 medals now!" We're just gushing over the fact that he's one of ours. We don't care about the sport or records unless we're winning it. Does he deserve media coverage? Yeah. Does he deserve ALL the media coverage? No. I'm not wailing on Phelps here. I'm wailing on the fact that I have to go through other means to see everything else because it's all Phelps all the time.
  6. If this thread is any indication, I'm willing to say it already has.
  7. ...I... Don't know how to respond to this post...
  8. The same could be said of almost every online experience.
  9. What pisses me off besides the fact that NBC refuses to actually show much of anything other than all Phelps all the time on TV is that the Olympic committee is rumored to be thinking of removing Taekwondo as an event because "it isn't popular enough". Well I'm fucking sorry that Phelps isn't competing in that event, but has anyone seen at least highlight matches from 4 years ago? Yeah, that was some badass shit to watch.
  10. So far that's where I've been watching all things worth watching to me as I'm not a big fan of gymnastics or swimming or any other flowery sports. The fencing, judo, archery, equestrian, boxing, sailing and such are all great.
  11. So he was endorsing Obama, but people had a cow? Or was it the other way around?
  12. Wow... Fencing is interesting thus far. Hannah Thompson just got brutally owned by Germany's girl Carolin with 5-13. She was coming back towards the end, but in the end she was outplayed. That German girl can scream loud as hell though... Fun times. Go Germany!
  13. Ditto here, but I won't even have a TV when I move into my new apartment for another week, and by then I'm afraid I'll miss the whole SCIV buzz...
  14. Truth. At any rate, I'm seeing this as a good chance to read and learn about sports that I wasn't really familiar with, as well as expand my knowledge on certain others. Like water polo. I think water polo is actually a very cool sport now, and I'm reading up on all the soccer and boxing as well. Is it strange that now I wanna pick up Fight Night, FIFA '09 and others now? On another note, I can't find a reliable schedule for anything now save the main page, and if I go by those times, then I don't get to see boxing or judo 'til around 3 AM, which is bullocks. I can't find any live streams or downloadable shows either.
  15. I agree that this is an opening ceremony that can't be easily beaten, but if anything, this was a "Hello world!" on the part of China. With that in mind, time to watch more. Also lol fat people.
  16. Not to open up fresh wounds, but what did Bernie say about Obama that riled up so many people to the point of fake death reports? At any rate, I didn't follow Bernie Mac as a devoted fan, same as George Carlin or Richard Pryor, but I had seen a lot of his comedy and movies. To me, just knowing that there WAS a Bernie Mac along with other comedians like him made me feel like things were still being done right for the art, and Bernie was definitely one of those that had a large(har har) presence when he was doing his thing. When I read about this last night, I was in some serious disbelief. 50-years-old? That's way too young for a guy like him. I know I'll miss him I'll be hitting up youtube to watch some of his stuff later today.
  17. I'm still in awe over the fact that our team wailed on the Dream Team 4 years ago. Achievement unlocked: Dream Crusher Defeated the Dream Team - 100g From what I saw on the net, the lighting of the torch was pretty awesome.
  18. Well I didn't see a thread up for it, so I decided to take the initiative. So who's excited? Which team(s) are you rooting for? What about events? Go ahead and post stats, team favorites, schedules, whatever. Personally I'm excited to see the soccer(go Italy/Germany), Taekwon Do, and Fencing matches. Post away, gentlemen.
  19. Character creation is one of my favorite things. Thus far I've created a Xena/Jeanne d'Arc Cassandra, a pirate and kitty Amy, and a buccaneer Hilde. As far as my own stuff, I made Aya Brea and some ninja pirates. Next on the list Is Locke, Sabin, Celes, and Terra. It's very intuitive and fun. I've spent hours on it already.
  20. Crap double-post
  21. That sounds good, but how's the download speed for Live Content? I'm thinking of grabbing one of these eventually and I just want to know if I'll suffer too much from it.
  22. I think Tira is creepy as all hell, but creepy in a "wow that's kinda cool yet totally disturbing" kinda way. You mean right when it starts flashing or during? Because I've been hitting ABKG like crazy while it's flashing, but I didn't think there was any real timing to it.
  23. Nope, it ain't. I don't see that as a big drawback and I consider myself a big FFIV fan., although a lot of people did find that grating.
  24. So how does the online play work for the 360? I haven't tried it yet since I don't have a net connection available to mine for another week or two. Edit: Oh and please tell me why my critical finishes aren't working kthx.
  25. Haste Rydia(in fact, haste everyone) and spam Leviathan, have Kain spam jump, make sure you bought a shitload of shurikens and spam 'em, have Cecil and Rosa attack and heal when needed.
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