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Everything posted by Jaswald

  1. I have 3.40 oe-a... Is there any advantage to older versions of things? Like I know a few people have told me the second to last version of snes9x is faster, but I don't know...
  2. Shouldn't the community finish the projects it already has going. There are a few projects that are actually in the projects forum and a large handfull of developing projects.
  3. Drack is lying to you. He's an expert on everything.
  4. FFIV DS? Didn't they just make a gba port? o well I'll buy it anyways.
  5. I saw it at 8. It was a good movie. Did anyone wait to see after the credits?
  6. Cult Classic Month! It'dd also be a good way to spread the word about good cult classic games. Also, I need a new sig as the snow is not here anymore.
  7. I don't think talking to other people does anything.
  8. Yeah... It will pretty much stay useless, save for unlocing a few sidequests. Converse with NPCs more than humans.
  9. heh, it's funny because I already know what he has in mind. I do. I might enter some art this month actualy. I'm still trying to convince my girlfriend to do some too.
  10. If you've posted in here and havn't visited te irc chatroom, you are a sinner. The only way to be absolved is to visit the chatroom #clanocr on EntertheGame Besides, it's way faster to set up wifi stuff there than it is here.
  11. whereto then? etg? and also, where are all the current remod/.org chats? rizon?
  12. What says the elitists of the clan that we reinstate a #clanocr in advance of pokemon coming out. We could use extra time to work out technicalities. Edit: I need a new siggy
  13. Holy shit... this thread is evil. Anyhow, 2249m and I don't really even get how it works yet
  14. I had those ideas in mind.
  15. 3 then. This is the first thread I've actively watched for a looong time.
  16. Well then, we at least have 2 songs on the Movements list.
  17. Honestly, when I first saw the thread topic, that's what I expected too.
  18. I'd sing. I think it would be interesting if done well enough.
  19. I've had people recognize my OCR shirt, but they all worked at gamestop, ebgames, etc. It's kind of to be expected for peopel to recognize it there. Unfortunately, no one that has recognized it was active anymore. If anything, they were around in the golden days.
  20. Consequences may not always be a bad thing. I had an Improv show tonight and I worked in alot of memes and they actually got good laughs... And they were about the only things that got laughs...
  21. Sweet, thanks. I've got another idea for a sig i would like, but i'll use this one 'till winter's end. EDIT: Actually, the quote got dropped, but meh. And the exra D was unnecesary, but meh. Don't worry about it.
  22. Bummerdude, I never got a chance to check the old unmod thread after I asked for the unchristmasfied sig. Did you ever make one?
  23. It looks like FAH will work on my mom's windows. Tht good cuz she works on the computer during the day, and I'm on it all night so I'll be folding almosst constantly.
  24. I finished a 20000 unit WU a while back, and now it's working on another one. Would I be able to go into my mom's windows account and set up FAH to work for us on her account?
  25. That is definately an interesting change... sort of like a migration... you might say...
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