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Everything posted by Cerrax

  1. Hurrah! Teh Profit of Mefistoes has returned! Ok, so....my viridian forest mix will be my only contribution to the project. Unless I have some miracle that allows me to mix another song, since my other two mixes have both hit stale points. I should have a final master done soon.
  2. Well the game already has different jump animations for the first and second jump so that is the indicator for when you've used the second jump. Most of the characters have a single jump and then the second jump is some kind of flip or something.
  3. I was being sarcastic. I usually stay away from Anime conventions because I don't watch anime, so I don't really understand half the stuff at cons. I've tried, but aside from a handful of anime, I don't really like it that much. Anyway, if there's going to be some OCR poeple there, I'll probably show up on Saturday.
  4. Hey I've been wanting a Pittsburgh meet-up for a while! I'm totally in, tho I try to avoid anime conventions. I stick to gaming. Anime is for nerds
  5. I believe that they said Uematsu is only responsible for the main theme. Other composer(s) will be handling the rest of the music.
  6. I'm very excited to see how the music will turn out in Brawl. With a full orchestra and opera choir, its going to be very epic. I too hope that more than just main themes are given as music. I mean you can only do Zelda's theme so many ways. Give it a rest and do something like the Dark World, or forfeit Brinstar from Medtroid for Super Metroid's Norfair theme. I think Melee was already moving in this direction with multiple songs for each level and some levels featuring more than just the game's main theme.
  7. I believe Nintendo has already said there won't be an option to match up players by skill level. Something about too much developement time has been wasted already or something.
  8. Yet you want all the characters to be balanced. If Mario's cape could do damage, then it would just be another simple attack and would lessen his variety. The cape as is, allows Mario to approach projectiles from a more agressive standpoint. He can also use the cape to turn an opponent around, opening up an opportunity for a back attack. Then the spin attack. If it was more true to the game, then it would act like the spin attack in SSB. Problem is, the spin attack in SSB sucked. Very slow, and only did one hit. The new SSBM spin attack can deal multiple hits and has a powerful last hit that gives the same knockback as the original spin attack from SSB. Without it, Link would just be a slow semi-powerful character, and would be even lower in the teirs than he already is. Samus's charge shot looks almost exactly like it does in metroid, so I don't know what your problem is with that one.
  9. Anyone who knows me knows that I am Mac fanboy #1, but... Pwnd dude. Just....pwnd On the flip side, Audio Overload can do all of that, but its a separate application and you can't tunr off looping, so you have to always switch manually to the next song .
  10. Why so there is. http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=2210239078&topic=1411&start=0 Yay for reading the whole damn page. Okay nevermind. Thnx.
  11. Okay so I joined the OCR group on Facebook, but I don't know anybody by their real names. This should probably go in off-topic huh?
  12. I have an iMac G5. The microphone it is is an extremely small membrane and it captures so much noise from the computer fan, its not even worth it. Never, EVER use the built-in microphone for recording music.
  13. Macintosh computers do not have Mic-level input. If you are plugging it into the line-in input of your Mac-mini, the signal will be too weak for the computer to hear. You need to get a pre-amp. Not sure what you know about microphones and guitars, but they do not output sound at the same level as say, a CD player. They have a much weaker signal (about one hundreth the strength of a line-in device like a CD player). Since Macs do not have a Mic-level input, they cannot hear a signal as weak as that. Hence the need for a pre-amplifier.
  14. I just got the game and since I work today *grumble grumble* I'm definitely going to see it tomorrow.I've been waiting a year for this fucking movie!
  15. Am I to assume that I have found said song? I just looked at MTVU's video list. Since it uses some stupid Windows Media Manager or something that my computer doesn't have, I just looked at the screenshot for Early Mornin' Troy and noticed it was kinda cartoony. So then I googled that specifc video and found it on their myspace page.
  16. Is it "Early Mornin' Troy" by Felt? http://www.myspace.com/mursandslug (scroll down to see the music video) If so, then weak google-fu indeed zircon. Got this as first result after a quick overlook of MTVU's video listing.
  17. Injin mentioned Ninja Gaiden 2. Am I the only one who is disappointed in the graphics? They look just like the first one. I mean maybe the environments are bigger or something, but for being a sequel to one of the shiniest games ever, it seems kinda lacking in that department. EDIT--Never mind. NG Sigma is just a remake of XBox NG. Sorry.
  18. Fixed. They have a lot of work to do to get me back into DMC. Long live DMC1!!!
  19. Just bought a pair of Sennheiser HD 280Pro headphones (they are being mailed as we speak). From what I've read they're quite nice and they looklike they have a decent frequency curve. Any have any experience with these cans (good or bad)?
  20. The only reason that I like ZOE: FoM is it's a weak Front Mission rip-off with gorgeous anime fight scenes. The story is boring, the relevance to the main ZOE timeline is loose at best, the music is sub-par, and the graphics other than the fight scenes (which are sweet but insanely short) are crappy. Still a worthy game for GBA despite all those short-comings. (I guess I really expected more from a ZOE game, but I don't think Kojima worked on this ZOE)
  21. First of all, major props for Chaos Legion. Second, excellent mix of "Way To Nowhere" and "Feel No Fear"! I don't think its has quite the same feel as the soundtrack, but then it wouldn't be a remix would it? Great job!
  22. Darkesword: Defender of truth, justice, and the English language. BTW, Link Gundam for the win. Just awesome.
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