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Everything posted by Cerrax

  1. Are you serious? That sucks. I also tried scrubbing in Final Cut Express. Apparently it is only in the Pro version of that as well *sigh* Apple is so wierd about some things. I guess ProTools Free will be my friend for now. Thanks for the help.
  2. For Unsung Plumber: Anubis Jehuty I had to remove their wings because they were just cluttering the image. With such obscure-shaped bodies, it was difficult to tell what the hell they were with all the background clutter. LT: Kinda hard to even tell what they are just by looking at them. Shaky on taking 'em. Mind linking to some source images?
  3. So I'm trying to use Logic as a sponge to clean out my bathroom and I realized, I can't it to scrub off any of the dirt very well...... Ok seriously, I feel like a total noob, but how do I scrub in Logic? I read the help guide and...well...it wasn't very helpful. I don't want to cue the playhead, I want to actually use it to scrub back and forth. Everytime I try to scrub the way the guide says, it just cues it to the spot i'm scrubbing and then continues to play.
  4. oh...um... :/.... nevermind. I need to learn how to read sorry
  5. The Sonic Electric Drums interest me. I already have Sample Tank 2 but I have been needing some nice drums.
  6. I have to disagree. I felt that the throw ability in ZOE2 was gimmicky and not really a step up. Obvious boosts in graphics and sound aside, the core gameplay was pretty much the same. The addition of the sub weapons actually doing something was nice, but it still was just a hack-and-slash mech game. You can beat the whole game with Square and R2. Plus the multiplayer actually felt slower than ZOE1. I much prefer ZOE over ZOE2.
  7. SoulCalibur III really hooked me unlike any of the previous "Soul_" games. Lots of new content (gameplay and characters/items) and extremely high-quality work on all artistic fronts. Even though I miss alot of things from Morrowind that Oblivion lacks, they're minute and every important aspect of the Elder Scrolls series has been greatly improved by Oblivion. I know Final Fantasy games don't count, but I really think FFX really nailed turn-based battles so well that Ihave yet to see a system so easy and so engaging. As far as pure shit games that slightly lifted out of the toilet, for what its worth Path of Neo fixed a lot of the crap that made Enter The Matrix so horribly utterly unplayable. It still sucks major donkey dingle though. I think its a no-brainer that Vampire Hunter D:Bloodlust pwns its predecessor in every way.
  8. FruityLoops and Reason have their own places for discussion. Why is there not a Mac thread? The reason I ask this is that a lot of people ask Apple specific questions that usually can't be answered by a majority of people here. Since all Apple products are fairly alike (hell Logic and GB use a lot of the same instruments and effects!) shouldn't there be an Apple thread to discuss these things? I know I'd love to be abl;e to share and learn about Logic, but without a specific place to talk about it, I'm afraid some topics could be deleted, for not really having any real direct relevance to remixing (such as asking about certain presets for Logic's synths or something). Maybe I'm just jealous and want a forum for Logic/Apple stuff, but it seems Mac people have to look a lot harder to find help in the remixing forums. If there was a forum specifically for Apple questions, it might make athat search easier.
  9. I think we are all forgetting one key thing. People require a certain graphical beauty to emerge from a game to be interested in it. I'm not talking about gamers here, just regular people. In my video classes, they teah us that the more realistic and flowing the scene, the more drawn into the experience the user will be. Amateur videos on youtube do not capture this as well as a major motion picture because of stupid things like color correction, camera placement, editing techniques, and such. A high budget film does it's best to immerse the audience in the world created by the film. Video games appeal to the masses because people can see and hear what's going on, and then they realize that they are not just watching it, they are part of it! Non-gamers will look at the NES metroid and say "What the hell is that little orange and red blob shooting those pellets?" Non-gamers look at Metroid Prime and say "Did you see that purple dragon? Shoot him!" Its not just gamers anymore, the general public is involved now, and they are expecting the games that we as gamers claim as "epic and exciting" to actually be that way. There's nothing epic about a little peach and green blob whacking another red blob with a brown stick. What is that same scene now? Its a dashing young knight clad in green tunic heroically battling a menacing sorceror/beast. To us, both are just Link and Ganon fighting.
  10. Dan Aykroyd actually wrote a third Ghostbusters movie subtitled "Hellbent" but Bill Murray said he didn't want to do Ghostbusters anymore, so they scrapped it. The new Ectomobile disappoints. I miss the big red fins and the weird siren.
  11. Work Alarm- Legend of Zelda theme from Smashing Live! Pizza Alarm- Random Encounters of the Mystic Kind by Cerrax General Alarm- Chrome by VNV Nation Text Message- Stardance by Cerrax General Call- The Tankmen Are Coming! by Cerrax Unknown or Private Call- Cassandra (Razed In Black remix) by The Cruxshadows Voicemail- Forest Base from UN Squadron Other Ringtones- Citadel (Iris remix) by The Cruxshadows First Race song from Top Gear Pledge from Chaos Legion Zero's theme from Mega Man X3 Duel of the Fates from Star Wars Episode I Clouds from UN Squadron Corneria theme from Starfox Victory Fanfare from Final Fantasy VI N.E.S. by YTcracker
  12. I believe its something that iTunes 7 does, but I can't say that for certain. All I know is none of these deletion problems occured until iTunes 7 was released.
  13. iTunes 7 does that. It has happened to my sister and my friend. Its a copyright protection thing. Since an iPod can only be synced to 1 computer at a a time, if you plug it into another computer, it erases all the files on it so that you can't copy files from one computer to another. I guess they figure if you've got the music on your computer, then you won't mind it all getting blown off your iPod. Yeah, Apple's getting a little paranoid with their software.
  14. As far as I know, the only way to do that is to make a playlist with only that song it it, then turn the repeat option off. iPod automatically calls up the next song as soon as a song ends. But if it reaches the end of a playlist and the repeat is off, it just stops.
  15. You'kll probably find that I love Logic to the point of fanboyism, but it really is an amazing piece of software. As others have said, it is considered the industry leader interms of an all-in-one music program. Patrick also pretty much hit the nail on the head with some of the ups and downs of Logic. The built-in synths are great. I find myself making entire songs with just the ES 1 (Emagic Synthesizer 1, which is just a basic analog synth). Here's my rundown of it: PROS 100% Compatible with GarageBand Excellent audio processing power (I only have 512 MB of RAM and I rarely have a problem) ReWire capability EXSP 24 Sample Player (with literally hundreds of samples and presets) Compatability with AudioUnits, VSTi, EXS, SoundFonts, DLS and more On-the-fly tempo, time signature, and key signature editing Score Mode allows you to transpose, view and print sheet music for any instrument Tool memory remembers what velocity, length, and interval the last note you touched was for easy editing CONS Overwhelming interface can confuse newcomers Drum kits are not the best (workable, but not terribly useful) MIDI can be frustrating Hyper Edit is not as easy as it sounds As you can see there are lots of pros and few cons. I really enjoy it. After a year or so with GarageBand, Logic is a breath of fresh air, and a mighty fine program.
  16. Get Logic. GarageBand is so limiting it makes me sick. Haven't tried the remix tools yet (I assume you are speaking of the remix tools jam pack). It does look interesting, but if GB's included drum kits are any indication of how the remix tools are, I wouldn't expect much. I have the symphonic jam pack and it is not terribly impressive. Free stuff and cheap (like $15) AUs do more than Apple's overly simplified GB jam packs. Honestly, Logic Express is loaded with great stuff and tons of samples that GB doesn't have. For the cost of a few of those expansion packs, you can get a massive upgrade in power, control, and flexibility. And Logic is completely backwards compatible with GB.
  17. Awesome video. Really gets the point across about how sound quality suffers from pushing the loudness too much.
  18. I wonder how many people here have actually seen a game in HD. My roomate has an HDTV and I have to say, Gears of War and Ninja Gaiden look mighty impressive on an HDTV. Take Ninja Gaiden for example. On a normal TV, it looks like any other XBox game. Its kind of fuzzy around the edges, and the camera is pulled far enough back that you can't really tell if Ryu's legs are fully modeled or just triangular prisms. Now take it to an HDTV and you can see a massive improvement in the graphics. Not only is the image sharp and vivid, but many details that are not obvious on a normal TV become quite apparent. Ryu's whole outline is quite visible, and its is amazing how good it looks on XBox. The only downside is, no real detailed texuring, making it look kind of like the original Toy Story. Then Gears of War. On a regular TV, it looks pretty damn good. Same problem though, its fuzzy, and sort of bland (and if your TV is even slightly dark Gears of War is very difficult to play). Plus, some text and icons (which are extremely important since they are the action indicators for your character) are difficult to make out at times. On an HDTV, the picture lunges to life. Sharp, distinct, vivid. The whole thing just pops off the screen. And text and icons become very visible. On a absolutely necessary basis, no HD support is not. But as far as graphical impression, its a must. PS-Super Smash Brothers Melee looks like shit on an HDTV. Pixelated, blurry (and even worse with the deflicker on).
  19. Updated! http://www.cerrax.com/Welcome%20To%20The%20Legend%20v2.mp3 Just did some EQing to get a better sound out of it and added some choir in the last phrase for more emphasis. Please give me comments on this! No comments makes me think its good and then all the remixers laugh at me
  20. Part 1: 4:31-5:33 is EarthBound inside one of the theatres (Chaos Theater I believe?) 6:15-7:00 is EarthBound yet again inside Fire Spring (or some other dungeon) Part 2: 3:01-4:22 is The Lion King at the Continue/Game Over screen 4:23-5:52 is Moonlight Sonata from Earthworm Jim 5:13-5:21 is the beginning to any Mario Kart race. that's what I can spot that hasn't been mentioned already.
  21. Oh. I thought all versions of Logic had Guitar Amp Pro. Oh well. It still works pretty darn good for me. I think the incredible ease of use of Logic has allowed me to get way better sound from the Guiatr Amp than GB would ever let me have. Meh. I'll check out that mda thing, but for now, this is working fine. Againa thanks everybody for your help!
  22. This why Logic is my favorite sequencer. Logic's built-in ES 1 synth perfectly emulates all NSF sounds. Throw in a bit crusher for the PCM wave and you have a great NES sound emulation without the ridiculous layout of a tracker.
  23. I would guess its some kind of processed hat. I've done a few songs with processed hi hats that have acheived a sound much like the one you are talking about. Bass drum and toms provide the booming accents while a simple 16 beat hi hat vigorously keeps the pace up.
  24. it is pretty good, but it's PC-only so Cerrax can't use it. but there's already amp emulation and effects in Logic anyway. Yep. That's pretty much what I did.
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