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Goten X

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Everything posted by Goten X

  1. You may like it... but right from the beginning at :03, the piano sounded late and out of the key... :/ I have to tell the truth, I'm finding this boring, myself. Nothing in it really sticks out, you know. It's like humming the same tone for 3 minutes. Maybe a slick piano solo could do the trick. Also, the percussion for the track sounds out of place. Maybe try using a techno or dance set (correct me if I'm wrong, but it sounded like a regular kit). Also, in some other spots, the notes were late. I'm not sure if it was done on purpose, or what, but it sounds bad. Keep working with it, spice it up with some ideas of your own. |GX
  2. Just some Mega Man X and Dragon Ball Z sprites (the first thre MMX sprites are linked due to the 4 image per post limit): X http://s14.photobucket.com/albums/a307/SGotenX/Xavatar.gif Zero http://s14.photobucket.com/albums/a307/SGotenX/Zeroavatar.gif Vile http://s14.photobucket.com/albums/a307/SGotenX/Vileavatar.gif Goku Gohan Vegeta Goten |GX LT: The MMX sprites are good to go, but these DBZ ones look grainy/pixelated. They're probably just poor sprites and not your fault, but I can't take 'em regardless. There might be some better stuff out there though.
  3. Heh, I guess Monobrow hit it directly. Yeah, I think this could stand up against the judges if it was a bit cleaner, but when you compared the production to 1970s artists (especially the ones you used), I got your drift. This is pretty awesome, I have to admit. The fiddle solo was awesome, too. :> |GX
  4. Well done. I have to say, out of all of them, my favorite is "We Are the Bonne Brothers"! Very nice stuff, Dash. Don't really know what to say besides that. |GX
  5. Don't know why... but I really like this mix. It just makes me feel so ... airy? I dunno, it's pretty cool. I just feel like floating after listening to it... Great Job DA and EF, this song is awesome. |GX
  6. Yeah, man. XD That's definitely OverLooked Remix material. It's pretty short, though. Are there going to be attemts to make it longer? |GX
  7. ..... ..... ..... That, my friends, is what we in the business like to call an "arrangement". Good day. |GX
  8. Really, now? Thanks a whole lot, guys. Sorry for replying so late, I kind of forgot I had the topic here in the first place. Again, thanks. This'll really help with my current remixes. |GX
  9. *Cough* You just wait for my L2 Mother Zone remix. OK, I have to say right off the bat: The guitar sample killed the song for me. Decent arrangement, I'll say, yeah. It was pretty cool. Only wish a more realistic or better sounding guitar could have been used. |GX
  10. Lol. A refrain is the part that repeats in a song after a verse. Usually in a song with lyrics it holds the name of the song, and the easiest part to remember. And you say the sound changed when you exported? What bitrate did you export it in (IE 128, 192, etc), and did you change any of the settings on the export screen? |GX
  11. A truly amazing remix. I enjoyed this chain of songs a lot, and how they meshed together really worked... Not much to say, really. Oh, I would like to note that on my first listen through I missed the boss theme, but that could be due to me not hearing MM3's boss theme in a while. |GX
  12. Right off the bat, when the melody comes in, the overall sound becomes muddy. I'm not TOO familiar with the source piece, but from what I remember there's isn't alot of differences going on, or alot going on period. I like the approach you have, though. Actually, the more I listen to it, the more I like it. Especially the refrain. It just feels a bit muddy. Any way you could clean it up? I know I'd enjoy it a bit more if it was cleaner. Nice job, though. |GX
  13. Ah yes, the joys of being financially challenged. :\ There's alot you can get with little to even NO money. You've just got to search around. I see what you're going for, and the idea is awesome. I just wish the song wasn't so MIDIish. This is pretty solid. I'm still listening to the whole thing, and I haven't been disappointed yet. Great job, and maybe when you have the money, or the right stuff, you can come back to this and use more real sounding sounds. |GX
  14. Eh, is it me, or does the melody come in a bit early on the measure it starts? Doesn't seem... even to me. But to echo what has already been said, sampling of this level is a unspoken nono. The problem with that is, the smaples are actually giving you alot of your sound for this song, and taking them away would hurt the mix, but there's always a way to include more and better sounds for this mix. Keep at it, I'm sure you can improve this with time. |GX
  15. Here's the deal. I had a great idea pop into my head. I would really like to try and submit it here, but I know my current mic will hold me back when it comes to sounds quality for my saxophone. I was wondering if anyone has any (possibly cheap) suggestions for a saxophone microphone? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time. BTW, I play an alto sax. Just a simple LaMont, nothing special. I'm saving up to get better reeds/mouth pieces/etc., too. |GX
  16. I feel kind of bad I can't contrivute to this.... I really hope this takes off, it'll probably be an amazing feeling to see your music come alive like this. Well, good luck with everything. |GX
  17. As mentioned earlier, the timing of the piano is off, and the percussion needs work. You should really have a sense of what you want to do when you start the song, it helps. Is it me, or did the bass speed up near the end while everything else stayed the same? |GX
  18. No, I don't like it. Dude, if I have to hear cowabunga so much in a song again... And the arrangement is very flat. Some of the instruments are even NES like. It just feels very sparce and annoying, especially with the voices. |GX
  19. The is the best Mega Man X remix on this site. Hands down. Excellent work on the guitar. The synths fit great, giving the song more of a Maverick Hunter X feel. Nothing more to say except the song is awesome, and thanks. |GX
  20. Yeah, really. o_o Was kind of suprised when you said you were using Reason. Lol. |GX
  21. Amazing. Just utterly amazing. THIS is what I want to get my mixes and even original works to sound like. Great work. I know you've heard this before, but my only complaint is that I would love for it to be longer. Other than that, great job, I'm in love with it. |GX
  22. I like the idea you have with this. With some fixes here and there, it'll be even more great! Right off the bat, it feels very mechanical, and that feeling is mostly coming from the drums. Speaking of, do you have any more real sounding drum samples or perhaps a drumkit soundfont? It seems flat, to me. Other than that, it sounds a bit empty. Maybe some samples/SFs that fill in more. It's really got a nice feel to it, I'd like to see this when you finish it. Good luck, and I hope you fun with it! |GX
  23. The file link does not work. A shame, too, because I wanted to hear it. X2's music is my favorite of the X series. |GX
  24. Nice. Very. It sounds just as you said: an orchesta. Glad to see someone is taking a liking to MM3's music (MM2 isn't the only Mega Man game with good music). I have one big problem with this "remix". It feels more like a orchestra arrangement than a remix, because you haven't really added any new content to the song, you just orchesta-fied it. I guess this second part you talked about might change that, but with what you gave us now it just feels like an arrangement. That doesn't take away from the fact that it sounds awesome, though. |GX
  25. OK. I'm not going to sit here and go threw saying "I loved when the (blank) came in at (blank)", because there is NO need for it for this song. Hands down, one of the most kick ass mixes here. That is all. |GX
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