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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Some nice samples to this, but it is sounding very mechanical in the sequencing. everything is too spot-on for timing, and the velocities of each note are so similar, it sounds like a robot string section. Having varied but intelligent humanization is crucial with orchestral pieces, and is definitely something that would improve your game. You've got the samples, now focus on getting the most out of them! Also, matching the correct attacks to the phrases is important too. Hitting up the WIP forums can get some more detailed advice on this. Some of the string attacks you use are a bit on the slow side. Besides a new backing part, the arrangement is very vanilla, with the same structure as the original, as well as the same melody. The arrangement at this point really needs to be brought out further. Adding additional counterpoint, and expanded structure, or some new melodic passages is more of the type of stuff we are looking for. I hope you take the time to visit our WIP threads and see what people can suggest to you. no
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vrbbgw9Kgag%22 Is a great video someone made for this track. Na na na na na na na na This is a pretty good mix.
  3. Really excellent new-age work here, I can totally see why this is one of DJP's favorite mixes, and why a mix from a game that's this obscure has received so many positive comments. Very accomplished stuff. I'm a huge fan.
  4. Short and sweet, with some cool adjustments to a classic theme. It doesn't really go outside of the box, but does a very respectable job of coloring in the lines. The ending was weak, but the rest was very enjoyable.
  5. I'm actually surprised to find that I really love this one. It might have a lot to do with a very strong familiarity with the original, and this enhances it significantly. I'm not sure i'd be as smitten if I hadn't played through the game 20+ times though.
  6. I'm not adverse to Aversa! Though i'm not super pleased with the lead sound, the rest of the mix more than makes up for it, with a fun and jammin take on a pretty classic theme. Interesting to hear this in comparison to the recently posted halc take on the source. I think this is one of the cases of the source being so good, no one really wants to mess with it.
  7. When I heard about people getting motion sick from FPS games, I never could comprehend it until I tried to play Descent. Damn, that game really messes with your equilibrium. I don't remember any of the original music, but I can definitely get behind a mix like this, where it sounds both dramatic and sophisticated, and the beat and backing paints a pretty contemplative background. I love the lead, and sense of expression DJRedlight has with it. This is a great mix, definitely check it out.
  8. A really creative take on the source, I've DDRed to this track a ton, but never would have imagined it like this. Nice production, and MC Mouse the Mighty is excellent. Great diction and flow, and the original stuff he did at the end was incredible. Interesting take on EQing the track to sound like the OST stuff, this'd sound perfect on the actual machine. Excellent work.
  9. Some super awesome effects and rhythms added to a great source makes me pretty happy- The one thing that doesn't stand up to the awesomeness of the rest of the track is the ending, which sortof sputters out when it should finish strong. Otherwise solid and interesting- a great collab.
  10. Great work, this is excellent stuff! One of the best tracks form SoS.
  11. I hope you have a great day... It should be... yeah...
  12. Some nice guitar chops here, and some good expansion and ornamentation of the source, though overall It's a conservative mix. There is definitely more room to be expansive, besides the huge solo at the end. Production wise, the drum are being pushed too hard. I mean, I push my drums too hard, but this is a little much. The opening clean guitar sounds way too dry, and it remains so until rest of the track comes in. Once the lead comes in, there is a good sense of space, but there's really no heft to the bass and rhythm guitar, so the track feels a little gutted. There were some performance timing issues as well in some spots, but if the production had been tighter, it would have been more overlookable. I think the main theing that needs to be done is to tighten up the backing track. The lead was generally fine, but the rest needs improvement. Expanding on the arrangement as well would be a step in the right direction, though some judges might consider it strong and unique enough as is, since it incorporated multiple themes pretty seamlessly. no, resubmit
  13. The arrangement was very close to the original, but the tempo was a lot different, and a lot of the changes were a bit wonky. I didn't feel that it ever settled into a groove, and the percussion seemed spastic throughout. Having a kick of some sort would help to anchor the track, and a more steady beat would help it feel grounded. Production is where this really needs some work, as a lot of the parts weren't really gelling, and there was a lot of frequency toe-stepping. It was mitigated slightly by the hard panning, but there was still a lot of over compression on the whole track, and there was a ton of mud. Some of the sounds chosen were cool, but there's a lot of work to be done to get them to sound like they belong together. Hopefully you can take some of these tips and use them to further your work. no
  14. ReMixer name: Dr Sammy D Real name: Samuel Armstrong Userid: 5660 Submission Information- The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Shadow Temple - It's probably been 6 years since I tried submitting here a while ago. I figured I'd give it another crack, what with me hanging out on the forums so often. I wanted to make a song out of what was really not a song. There were melodies in the soundtrack to this level, but none of it seemed really arranged into a song. So I took some of the motifs in it along with the closest sounds I could find to the original, and tried to make something that could tell a bit more of a story. I imagine this as a walk through a foggy grave yard, or perhaps a tomb, and I wanted to convey a sense of harmless danger, where the forces around you want to come after you, but it's not possible. At the end as you're leaving the area, they start futility screaming after you. That and I believe everybody's first remix should be a Zelda song.
  15. Remixer name: m00kz Your real name: blank Your email addres: Garrett.Roberts@gmail.com Your website: blank Your userid (number, not name) on our forums, found by viewing your forum profile: 30708 source:
  16. Diggi Dis Game: Golden Axe II Stage 1 Theme Console: Sega Genesis Title: Battle Axe Wielding Dwarf source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZ3mN5yhWCU
  17. not to the level it needs to be, but maybe we can throw some tips his way- there's some interpretation Your ReMixer name: "Dust In The Cartridge" Your real name: "Derk Schermacher" Your website: www.myspace.com/dustinthecartridge Your userid (number, not name) on our forums, found by viewing your forum profile: 30689 Name of game(s) arranged: Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest Name of individual song(s) arranged: This Place Is Haunted (original name: Forest Interlude by David Wise) Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc.My inspiration behind this song is the game itself. The song itself can't really be called a genre I guess, it's a weird combination of all kind of sounds. I hope you enjoy the ReMix. Keep checking out my MySpace for new ReMixes. source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0Mp8uMammw
  18. OA, Audio Fidelity, and Abadoss are donning our robes and pirate hats.
  19. OMG someone please splice them hard panned left and right- i'd do it, but i'm at work.
  20. Pretty nice brass- not every attack is solid, but the fact that overall it's sounding pretty natural is a great skill limitus. Well done. Arrangement is way hot, with a lot of great ideas thrown in, and a solid mixing job as well. This is some fantastic work, definitely a keeper.
  21. Great theme choice here, I love the source. Backing was a bit static, but was well filled out and had a nice balance. Flute sounded pretty good, and the big bass drum was classy. Bassoon was waay mechanical though, and was a bit buried. The arrangement started to drag slightly, but finished well with the chimes. Overall take a listen to what DS and Professor Tamer have to say. The arrangement is the strong point for sure, but it loses some steam as it goes on. I would work in a more exciting climax, and that aspect is solid. With the issues to arrangement and production combined, this is really close, but just barely misses the cut. Please rework this, it's almost there. no
  22. I'll SHOW YOU MY MOVES! I think Abadoss should be also involved with the arrangement since he is literally(?) peeing himself with Guybrush excitement. 3 v 1? When it's DiggiDis, that seems about fair.
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