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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. After it's pointed out as such, I hear it, but damn, I didn't hear it at all prior. I am pretty familiar with the source too, which makes it weird. It does bring the track closer to the bar, but I do think that it still falls a bit short. I think mixing in some additional embellishment on the sources as well as improving the overall production (maybe some hifi pads to help even out the sound- halc and aeroz do well using a mostly lofi pallate with some hifi stuff mixed in, for example) would get this to where it needs to be. Sorry, but i'm staying no
  2. a pretty good mix, with some nice synths and piano work- the sounds are a bit generic, but they work well to tell the story of the rise and fall of DJ Robotnic. Nice panning on the bloopy synths, and though the track suffers a bit from the cut-and-paste work on the sections, and the overly fast ending, it's still a pretty fun track.
  3. Interesting start in the intro- I wasn't sure where the track would go. My guess was that it'd either it'd pick up hard, or keep the midtempo feel, and it didn't really do either, and opted for something in between. Interesting that it did so, because I think it would have been more effective choosing a side, rather than trying to join them together as such. It seems like the old school judges were similarly torn on the weak arrangement VS nice samples, so maybe it's this mix's destiny to forever divide people. It's competently done, but not super creative.
  4. woah, awesome, it's Goat's debut mix! Back when I first joined the site, he was the Go(at)-to guy for rocking Castlevania metalz outside of the official arrange albums. This track has solid riffs, some great solos, and the only thing i'd prefer is for the lead and harmony guitars to be a little louder in the mix. Totally good stuff. \m/
  5. well, Beatdrop lives up to his name by emphasizing the beats here over everything else. The A theme motif played throughout the B section is distractingly off-color though. The breakdown works, and the song is well produced, but I think that the mixing of beats is overpowering, and there are some tonal issues that are a bit dissonant. Not my favorite, but I can appreciate the skill going into making it.
  6. Crazy sounds on this one. I think a lot of the experimentation on this worked out, but having 1 or 2 dry elements would have been nice to ground it. It's a sortof weird sonic stew, but there's some nutrition to be had here.
  7. loving those beats right out of the gate, there's great sound to them. Just when things seemed to be stuck in a groove, the whole track drops out and some trumpet comes in. Way creative and cool, I really like it. THe backing track builds a little bit at the end, which is nice, but I think an additional B section or something would have been good to keep the track even fresher, or a varied drumbeat. Pretty good overall though.
  8. kickin it old school, this is a fun sned up of the themes in a basic live setting. No frills, just fun.
  9. OMFG I love Siamey's trance work, but he has got to do more stuff like this. This is mad funky, the lead synths are great, and and the overall vibe is super excellent. I'm not sure where Larry is coming from with the :43-1:10 not being the same key. It checks out to me. I do wish the track was longer, but I won't dismiss this slice of pwnage for being too short. Great rhythmic melodic changeups make it way grooving. Check this one out for sure.
  10. Totally gnarly straight-ahead synth rock featuring 2 of my favorite mixers? RADICAL! Excellent synths, guitars, pace, and even though the arrangement is pretty similar to the original, the source is tubular as well. An awesome, awesome track.
  11. Nice textures and great icy production via the synths. I dug the little solos and embellishment throughout, and the beats were pretty rockin as well. Jimmy is one of the artists on the site I can really relate to melodically in just about every track, and this one is no exception. Good stuff.
  12. zomg this track is looouuudddd. The beats are pretty basic, and the synths match, but there's a certain thrill from hearing this normally serious set of themes rendered so cheesily. The production is way mid-heavy, which might be why it's so crazy loud. Fun stuff, but it could use a little refinement production-wise.
  13. Distinctly moody, and taking it's own time, this mix carefully explores rather than aggressively attacks. It's pretty heavy on the chords, but it gives a distinct feeling of emotional weight to the mix. Combined with the large dynamic spectrum, this ends up being pretty good, despite the lack of musical acrobatics or even much subdivision. Total rainy day music, or writing your tortured poetry or something. ._\\\
  14. that totally rocks, dude, and you have been pwning those reviews, but it has to be in December for the badges.
  15. But wait! ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED! 3 new levels of review POWER!!! i might get a straight up review image, but for now, let's focus on reviewin' tracks!
  16. It is December, and you know what that means! It is Review Month, the month that we encourage everyone to give something back to the mixers who have filled up the site with their delicious remixes by telling them what we think of all their hard work! Last year was pretty pwnsome, and the intrepid listeners of OCR saved DJSeal from a brutal clubbing by reviewing over 900(0!!!) tracks and getting him to turn Super Sealyin. This year will be even better, because we have BADGES!! That's right, just by reviewing tracks, you will be able to earn badges to place in your signature. Since we trust all of you implicitly, it's going by the honor system, but it's a good way to let people know that you are supporting the site via reviews, and also, if someone manages to reach the lofty goal of 200 (well written) reviews, not only do they get the big platinum trophy of epic honor, but they also can request a single song that i'll remix for them to the best of my ability. Also, something new this year is our mini-podcast! Once a Week, DragonAvenger and I take you through a few random tracks, and also a "hidden gem" that we specifically picked out that needs a bit of review lovin'. Podcast Episode 1 To add to the excitement of our super podcast, we'll play a drinking game (alcohol if you are over 21, or delicious and wholesome milk if you are under). Every time either of us say the word "definitely", take a drink! SO FUN! Also, we need a good podcast name, so hit us up with suggestions! To help you get starting on your remix reviewing adventures, here are a few helpful links to get you started: The least-reviewed ReMixes The ReMixes who have not been reviewed in a long time The Reviewer HALL OF HONOR DragonAvenger - 100 reviews 42 - 100 reviews The Otaku - 25 reviews Liz - 50 reviews HitoriJaNai - 5 reviews OA - 100 reviews Avaris - 10 reviews Emunator - 200 reviews Sir_Downunder - 100 reviews Nutritious - 25 reviews Bahamut - 10 reviews K.B. - 10 reviews Jack Polo - 10 reviews Rozovian - 25 reviews
  17. CRAZY OLD FALLTHROUGH- I guess they assumed it was a DP which is why they are bringing it up 2 years later as a fallthrough. - OA Original Decision: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=11678 Hey dude here is the original submission email. FYI when i moved to Ireland in the fall of 2008 my computer blew up. So the project files for this song don't exist anymore. New link for the song: Thanks, ~Shaun ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Shaun Wallace <avaris.studios@gmail.com> Date: Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 8:53 PM Subject: Xenogears - Defective RESUB To: submissions@ocremix.org name: Damon Campbell / Shaun Wallace email: avaris.studios@gmail.com remixer name: Blue Magic / Avaris 88369 game: Xenogears source: The One Who is Torn Apart Remix: Defective (old link removed) (The mix is part of the Xenogears: Humans and Gears Proj. The mix should not be released until the project is.) After tweaking this to death for months here it is. THANK YOU soooo much to the countless number of people who listened to the various revisions and tweaks of this song. Blue and I tweaked the sound on the lead synth at :51 to oblivion; if there are any issues with it please let me know and I'll fix it in a jiff. Thanks! ~Shaun
  18. This track is just fun to listen to. I love interwoven lines, and Sam's stuff is always packed with them. Structurally, the sections don't always tie strongly to each other, but there is always so much going on, you can just jam. Excellent stuff.
  19. Really interesting progression of the source, and a lot of great details that made it fun and eventful throughout. Cool beats and great supporting parts round out this shelltacular mix. Be sure to pay close attention to the bass, as it rocks out some pretty gnarly solos.
  20. Pretty nice synth pop, Good soundscape and instruments chosen. I especially liked the synth arpeggios combined with the piano, and really the only sample I wasn't super fond of was the bass, which sortof seemed a little on the generic side. Good progression of the theme, and excellent textures make this one a pretty sweet mix- check it out.
  21. Pretty exciting marcato string writing throughout, and the choir, while obviously synthetic, is pretty effective as well. Samples are actually holding up pretty well; this sounds like a nicely produced PS2 title. Arrangement is cool, and the modulation was placed just perfectly; the track needed something to keep things exciting, and it got it. Pretty epic stuff, I dig it.
  22. really nice stuff, I especially enjoy all of the pitch bends in the synths, that's a great controlled sound, but it gives things a bit more spontaneity. Sounds chosen overall I thought were very good and well suited, and DragonAvenger is wrongwrongwrong about the piano and strings at the beginning. Nice work, mate, really nice stuff.
  23. I agree with Vinnie, pretty cool stuff, nice vocals, but too coverish for OCR. His production crits are pretty solid as well, but i'll add that the fake guitar sample wasn't doing much for me, and since it had some parts where it was super exposed, it hurt things a bit. Otherwise, things were clean and balanced, it generally worked. If it was a bit more arranged I could see myself yessing this, but as-is, i gotta give it the no.
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